Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Keetela. Floor.

"Tarra," Heaven muttered as she followed her best friend from the bus and toward their small van, "I never wanna out drink you again."

"Poor Heaven," Tarra said back just as quietly, "I can't believe you actually drank more than me. What happened to self-control?"

"Stupid fuckin' Beckett happened," Heaven said peevishly, staring at the new kid's ass as he walked a little ahead of them.

Tarra nudged her friend playfully, looking at his bum as well. Then she let out a giggle that sent both of them clutching at their heads. They looked at each other ruefully as the entire party climbed into the van.

Luke ended up driving since he was really the only sober kid there. And he knew where they were going. They were each holding onto a backpack with clean clothes in it and were watching the scenery.

Heaven's scenery was the inhabitants of the van. She was sitting at the door's end of the second row of seats. She was turned sideways so she could see everyone. Behind her Cristi and Pete were holding hands, squished to one side by Patrick, who had seemingly decided to take a nap during their mile and a half drive.

Heaven turned all the way around and eyed Pete meanly. He gulped visibly and his hand slackened in Cristi's. Then Heaven lunged, making him squeak. She pulled his face to hers and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I still hate you," she teased with a smile.


"I can officially say: SLUT!"

Pete crossed his arms and pouted.

Bert was sitting shotgun pointing at things in the town that crossed his fancy. These things being two bars, a strip club, a Starbucks and a Thrift store. Luke was laughing and telling him that they didn't really have time to stop anywhere.

Next to Heaven she could see Brendon shooting looks from Tarra to the back of Bert's head and then back again. Like he was trying to figure something out. And maybe he was.

The horrible thing about relationships on tour is that hardly anyone actually takes time to make them official, which means all is fair.

This also means that it's easier to be hurt.

Were those tears?

"You know," Heaven whispered in his ear so only he could hear, "If you want her to stop flirting with Bert you should just ask."

"What if she'd rather flirt with Bert?"

"Riley McDonald."


"I once told Tarra that she couldn't talk to Riley cause he was an ass. Like I did with you."


"The point is she chose me over Riley. She ignored me when it came to you. She wouldn't ignore me just to flirt with The Brendon Urie. She cares you loser face."

"Some days I hate you," he whispered back.

"And some days you wanna castrate Bill for me?"

"Oh, is that what the 'Who needs love when you have alcohol' thing was about?"

"Huh?" Heaven says, completely confused. Brendon blinks.

"We're here," Luke announced from the driver seat, "412: all yellow and ugly."

"Is the door unlocked?"

"Yes, my dad should be in there."

"Oh good," Heaven said, "Shotgun bathroom!"

By the time the rest of them had managed to get insided Heaven was standing in the living room in a black bra and some silk boxers.


"First to the left," Luke's father pointed down a hallway, looking at his son questioningly. Luke just shrugged while she disappeared.

"I think she stole those boxers from me," Patrick yawned.

"Wouldn't doubt it, she's a klepto when it comes to boxers," Tarra said laughing.

Fifteen minutes later she emerged in a large cloud of steam, towl over her face. Her eyes were slightly puffy from crying in the shower, but only Tarra could tell. She patted her friend on the shoulder sypathetically as she passed her for the shower.

"So Luke," Heaven said, sitting in the boy's lap, "You were at the show alone?"

"Yep," he said with a half laugh, "My friend's ditched me last minute."

"Really, to do what?"

"There's this skate competition coming up and they wanted to practice..."

"They missed a concert to skate? Come on, they at the park?" Heaven says, like she's going to make them come.

"Should be, where are we going?" she was pulling him out the door, Patrick's hat on her head.

"To the park to show them what they are missing out on," she said with a laugh, grabbing a pair of big sunglasses off the table next to the door, "Come on Pete, Bert."

Patrick pouted at being left out and soon Luke was driving to the park.

"So, the plan is to stay in the van until I tell you you can come out, okay?" Heaven asked all three of them.

"Okay!" They chorused together with grins.

Heaven climbed out of the big white van and skipped through the park until she got to the part set off for the skaters. The first kid she saw was leaning against a tree talking to a few other kids, wearing a The Dominant E shirt. He was changing his wheels and she looked down at him from under Patrick's hat and behind the sunglasses.

"Wow, I didn't think anyone would be here," she said with a giggle, "I thought everyone would be at Warped."

The kid looked up and Heaven nearly gulped. He had the darkest green eyes she'd ever seen hidden under hair that was more blue than it was black and blonde. He was extremely pretty.

He grinned up at her, as if he knew what she was thinking, "We were going to go, but that Jackass wanted to practice for a skating competition."

He pointed to a kid with black hair and huge gages.

"He's your father?"

"Worse, he's the leader of our team. He got us sponsored so we could compete."

"You'll get over missing Warped once we win, Rylan," the kid said with a laugh.

"Oh come on, you can't miss Warped!" Heaven disagreed loudly.

The kid shot her with a glare, "Why aren't you at Warped, then?"

"Cause I came here to talk to you. You're Jack, right?"


Heaven pulled out her phone and said into it, "Yep, I found them."

"Hey, who..." Jack started and Heaven pulled her glasses and Patrick's hat off.

"Holy shit," Rylan said, pointing at her, "You're Heaven..."

He was interrupted as Bert bowled her over.

"Holy shit, that was Bert..."

He was interrupted once again as Pete landed at the top of the pile.

"Holy shit!"

"Pete Wentz!" Jack finished staring at the pile. Luke was walking up to them slowly.

"Luke, dude, did you see who," one of the other kids started as Heaven climbed to her feet.

"What took you so long?" she asked, pulling him in for a kiss. He blushed.

"Younger guys are so much cuter than Beckett," she said with a laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Holy shit," Rylan started again, "Dude you just made out with Heaven from The Dominant E!"

Heaven made a noise in the back of her throat, "That's not making out, this is."

She fell on top of the boy's friend, slid her hand up his leg and kissed him. She ran her tongue over his lips, nibbled at his lips and throat and then laughed when Bert lifted her off.

"Alright now, shameless in Seattle," he laughed.

"You've been watching chick flicks with Keri again haven't you?" Heaven accused, winking at a shocked Rylan, "And we aren't in Seattle, fucktard."

"Holy..."Jack started. Heaven waved her hand dismissively.

"Yeah yeah, we know. Well, time to go."

"Now can we go to Warped Tour?" begged Rylan, "No one is gonna believe that."

They started to leave, leaving Luke to say a quick goodbye to his friends. Rylan shouted after them, asking for autographs and the three stopped and signed his and the other kid's boards. Heaven also signed his shirt and his hand.

"You really gave Ry your number?" Luke asked with a laugh.

Heaven shrugged, "He was cute. I told him to text me."

"He'll hold you to that. That kid is obsessed."

By the time they got back to the venue Brendon had to run to catch his set after Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Bert hurried off to find food with Pete and Patrick. Heaven headed over to hang out at the merch tent. She set Luke up with some merch at half price and the whole band signed the stuff for him. He had a lot of fun wandering around backstage. At one point he was attatched to Frank at the hip, asking about his guitar, the band, how weird it was to be so short for a guy, ect. He stopped after Tarra laughingly yelled, "Man crush" at him.

"That's her new favorite phrase," Heaven reassured him with a pat.

When The Dominant E took stage he stood off to the side. They played their first few songs and then hit their heavier shit.

"This next song is for our new friend Luke," Tarra said with a laugh, "He let us have showers at his house!"

"He gave me chocolate donuts," Heaven interjected.

Cristi killed Heaven and Tarra's fun by threatening to take their mics away, and then she started up the first few chords for Decade in Hell. The two stopped joking around and went back to work.

Heaven, being slightly more energetic than she should be, managed to flail her way right off stage. She landed in the arms of a large security guard who shoved her back onstage like it was her fault. She stuck her tongue out at him for being an ass. Then accidentally hit Cristi with her bass. Cristi glared at her accusingly but Heaven just shrugged and kept playing, sticking to her side of the stage.

After their concert they parted ways and Tarra spent most of her time showing Luke around the venue and taking him backstage to see his favorite bands. She almost had to restrain him from attacking My Chemical Romance on their way to the stage but the guys were good sports about the whole thing. Heaven and Bert had at some point disappeared with a bottle of tequila and a lemon stolen from Jared Leto's fridge.


Heaven and Bert were laughing together sitting on the party bus.

"Fuck you," Bert crowed, "That's your shot."

"Damn it," Heaven muttered, grabbing the shot and slamming it back. She ripped at a slice of lemon with her teeth.

"Ready?" she asked, refilling the glass, "One-two-three...Rock!"

"Fuck!" Bert said, "Scissors."

"Take the shot bitch."

Bert slammed the shot. Deciding to forego the lemon he grinned, "One more."

"Eh, why the hell not," Heaven said, "Tell me when."

"One-two-three," Bert said, "Fuck yeah, Scissor cuts paper. Take the fucking shot!"

Wrinkling her nose she took the shot, sucking on a slice of lemon afterward.

"Again?" Bert asked, pulling his features into a grin.

"This is the last one," Heaven warned, trying to remember how many times she'd lost out of their 10 set game. She was pretty sure it was only four times.

"Okay," Bert nodded and they went again.

One more time turned into another hour of playing. They had moved on from Tequila to Corona. When Heaven finally stumbled off the party bus she was walking slightly tipped to the left.

What she thought was a straight line was actually a zig-zagged cirle that led back to the door of the party bus. She bent over next to one of the tires and threw up. When she was finished she wiped at her mouth and staggered off to find mouth wash; which she located on her own bus.

She had just fallen into her bunk with a content groan when her cell phone went off. She answered it without checking the caller id.




"I--this is Rylan. You met me earlier?"

"Oh...yeah. Hott eyes. Cute ass."

"I--well...yeah, that was me."

Heaven laughed into the phone, "Sorry, I just like to mess with people. I remember you, the boarder."

"Yeah. Well, I came to the show pretty late and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me?"

Heaven opened her mouth to tell him that she wasn't feeling well. And that despite the coherant speaking she was just a little drunk at the moment. So she was surprised when she opened her mouth and told him to meet her at the South East exit.

She stumbled out of her bunk and stood for a moment before she tried to move. She swayed a little and giggled. Her head felt like cotton. Then she set off in nearly a straight line for the gate. Half way there she realized that she was heading North instead of South and had to turn back around.

Laughing at her own stupidity she was further impaired for making good time to Rylan by a few fans who stopped her to talk. By the time she made it to the boy he was standing with his face pointed to the ground.

"Hey," Heaven said, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Hi," he smiled, "I didn't think you were coming."

"I got lost," Heaven admitted, unembarassed as he laughed at her.

"So, what do you want to do?" he asked as she led him off through the venue.

"Whatever you wanna do," she laughed, "I'm travelling with this scene, remember, so I've seen it all."

They decided on stopping to watch Valencia as they took the stage. Heaven leaned on Rylan a little more than propriety would allow for two strangers. Heaven grinned up at him when he looked surprised.

"Its the heat," she told him, "Makes me sleepy."

He just smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, blushing. They sang along to The Space Between together. Heaven pulled him through the crowd, closer to the front.

"Brendan makes me happy in the pants," she yelled into Rylan's ear over the crowd.

He laughed and wrapped her in his arms, "He makes me kinda happy too. Look at how his fingers move."

"I know," Heaven sighed, "sooo pretty."

They watched the rest of the set in silence.

From Valencia they moved on to New Found Glory's set and then stopped for water. Heaven was steady on her feet again, though her head still felt a little fuzzy.

They exited out the gate and walked across the road to an outcropping of trees. It was shaded and cool. Heaven leaned against a tree and smiled.

"C'mere," she whispered, holding a hand out to Rylan.

He took it and let her tug him over to stand in front of her. She kissed him softly, her eyes open, watching him. When his slipped shut she smiled against his lips and closed hers. She let him lead the kiss until it got more heated.

And suddenly her bare back was scraping against tree bark. She could feel dirt sticking to her sweaty back and tried not to cringe. She just pulled him closer and reached for his belt.

Struggling with his zipper she pulled back to see what she was doing.


Heaven's arms immediately crossed over her arms to hide her naked torso, "Shit!"

Tarra is sooo not finding out she thought to herself as a cop pushed her, now clothed, into the back of his car. Next to her in the backseat Rylan looked terrified.


Tarra was sitting at a table in the food tent laughing. She was eating fruit and a veggie burger. Brendon was sitting next to her, along with Luke, Cristi, Gerard and Pete. At the next table over was Beckett, Siska, Travis and Ryan. Tarra's phone began to ring and she looked down at it and frowned, not recognizing the ring. She hit the speaker phone setting.

There was a second of silence and then, "You have a collect call from Heaven."

Tarra hung the phone up. It went quiet and everyone stared at her.

"What? She has a cell phone."

"Maybe it's dead," William pointed out.

"Shut up Beckett."

"Maybe she lost it," Pete said.

"Maybe she got mugged," Luke said.

The maybes were cut off as the phone rang again. Tarra hit speaker phone again.

"You have a collect call from TarraIOnlyGetOneCall!. To accept charges press five now."

"Sounds like she's in jail," Gerard joked, then his face got serious, "Surely not."

"What am I supposed to push again?" Tarra asked, looking at the buttons on the phone.

"Five!" the tent chorused.

The phone connected and Heaven was suddenly there.

"Tarra, come get me!"

"Heaven, I haven't seen you since our set. Where are you?"


"What the hell are you in jail for."

"Bert and tequila and and...fucking public indecency, or exposure, or some shit like that..."

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit."

"Tarra, hurry. There's this woman named Bertha here. She's got a broken broomstick."

When they got to the jail the cop led them back to the cells. Heaven was sitting in one alone, swinging her feet.

"Bertha, huh?" Tarra said with a laugh, "Is it too late? I can come back after you've been molested."

"Fuck you. Why is Gerard here."

"He's paying your bail. Though I still owe him money for poker the other night."

"What, you mean when you were playing at the kitchen table on the bus?" Heaven squinted at her friend.

"Yep, why?"

"You were sitting in front of the mirror. The whole room could see your hand."

"Gerard!" Tarra shouted accusingly.

"Heaven!" Gerard pointed at her

"Guard!" Heaven called.

"Get in the van asshat," Gerard said leading the way out of the station.

"We've been waiting to make the announcement," William said, he and his girlfriend standing in the middle of Fall Out Boy's bus, Siska next to him. Tarra was staring at him intently, something the girlfriend noticed.

"We are...pregnant."

The bus gasped in one of those spoof movie sort of ways. All eyes were going from Heaven to William and back. It looked like they were looking at Tarra who was sitting next to her friend.Tarra jumped to her feet.

"You bastard! After everything!"

And she slapped him hard across the face, leaving a hand smeared across his pale face. The whole bus cringed in sympathy. The girlfriend began to cry.

"I didn't think it would upset her that much!"

"So, how far along are you guys?" Heaven asked, looking at the girl who wasn't showing.

"Four months," she said after she stopped sobbing. William was holding her to his side, looking proud.

Heaven shot a slightly confused, slightly angry look at Adam. She shook her head and stepped off the bus, walking away as fast as she could. It didn't keep Adam from catching up as hot tears began to fall.

"That's the first I heard of how far along she was. I just knew she was."

"He's such an idiot," Heaven exploded, as more tears fell, "He can't even fucking count. Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know. I mean, he should figure it out himself. After he gets over the idea. William wants kids."

Heaven made an impatient noise, "We all want kids, and happiness. But he's just...stupid."

"And he's upsetting you, which you keep doing to him with that Matt kid..."

"Oh fuck him. He doesn't get to be jealous of Matt. That's just how me and Matt are. How we've always been with each other. The sad thing is, Matt and I have a completely platonic relationship, which is more than I can say for him and that...slut."

"Look Heaven, I'm sorry," Adam said, pulling her into a hug, "But you know, the only reason..."

"No, don't Sisky. He should be saying it."

"He's not going to."

"I know."

"You should hear it anyway."

"I know," she sighed, "Tell him I hope he's happy with her bastard child."

"I hope he figures it out soon," Adam said, hugging her again, "This whole thing is unfair to more than one person."

"Thanks Adam." Heaven stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek before walking off.

Heaven pulled out her phone, trying to decide on which kid she should call, Nell or Minnie. Deciding on Nell cause it would only be nine her time she dialed the number.

"Nelly-pants," Heaven cried into the phone, "How do you tell the boy you think you love that his slutty girlfriend slept around while he was touring Europe?"

"You kick him in the balls and call him stupid..."

Later that night, she got a text message from Rylan.


Grounded for 2wks. Totes worth it.- Ry

Heaven just laughed and rolled over in her bunk, drifting off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
The part where Heaven meets Rylan and gets arrested is actually a oneshot that was written well after the fact, since the original chapter just had her calling from her jail cell. But it's in it's correct spot in the chapter, so I hope you enjoy.

This is the FIFTH update of the night. Be sure to read the other chapters.