Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Your Kiss is Torture

Tarra stared out at the crowd. The fan base was getting bigger and bigger every time they moved to a new venue. It had been three weeks since she had actually talked to any other band except from her own. Considering that she staying away from The Academy Is and she just really was not in the mood to be around people for awhile. She couldnt help but smile over at Cristi when she called out that they were about to play their cover song for Kiss Me, Kill Meby Mest.

"Heaven?" She called out right before they began to play. The bass player turned to glare at her friend.

"What?" She snapped putting her bass behind her and facing the rest of the band.

"Switch me!" She then tossed her drum sticks down on the snare and headed for the mic infront of Cristi.

"First time in a while, Heaven's going to play drums, and Imma gonna play her bass. Now, I kind of suck at this, and Heavv tends to hit her head. But don't mind us, we've been practicing!" Tarra giggled, an almost Bert worthy giggle, and took Heaven's bass from her.

The music all began to run together. Tarra had yet to mess up a cord, and Heaven never skipped a beat.

Your eyes unwind the tragedy of our lives
My eyes went blind
Believe when I say

Hell burns bright
When this night dies

Hell burns bright

Kiss me
Kill me
Your kiss is torture
But killing me would be too easy

After the set, Tarra decided it was time to stop being a hermit and go visit Panic's bus and talk with the Brendon. That's if He'll talk to her. Sighing she knocked on the door, just to be greeted by a smirking Jon.

"Well, look what's coming back!"

"Oh shut it Mister Walker, unless you'd like me to get ahold of my Nellness, and have her hold you down and shave that shite off your effing face." She stated pushing past him and onto the bus.

Spencer was attacking his video games with Ryan, and Brendon was doing something on his sidekick. She shook her head and decided that sitting next to Brendon would be the safest route, considering that Ryan and Spence were about to attack each other rather than the game.

"I tried calling you." Brendon mumbled as she threw her right leg into his lap.

"Heaven flushed my phone." Tarra pouted crossing her arms over her chest and glared ahead of her.

"Why did she flush your beloved blackberry?"

"Bobbie kept sending me text messages, and her ringtone happens to be lines from Happy Feet, she got annoyed with it, stole my phone, and proceeded to try and flush it."

"Awe, poor Tarra's blackberry."

"Shuddup you sidekick whore."

"So is she getting you a new phone?"

"Nope, she said Wentz could get me one. I don't want a sidekick. I want my blackberry back!"Brendon simled at her pouting face and shook his head at her.

"Knowing Pete, you'll get a sidekick."

"Yeah, I know. Damn Pedo Pan." Tarra smiled as she reached for Brendon's laptop.

"No fanfiction!" He stated giving her a warning look.

"You're no fun. Besides, I was just going to E-mail Minnie!"

"Who's Minnie?"

"No-one Boyd, now stop being nosey! Sheesh," She smiled at him and began to type away.

Letting Terror twin number two know when Her and Heaven were going to be sending a plane ticket her way. Oh the joys of bringing more people onto tour with them.

"Oh, Brendon," Tarra sang after hitting send and logging out of her account.

"What Tar-rah," He sang back, smile on his face.

"We're going to Chicago tomorrow!"

"That we are. Aren't Bryan and Matt leaving tonigt?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm going to miss those two. They just had to stay on until we got to Detroit. and I quote 'we just have to see that eight mile' sheesh those two," Tarra rolled her eyes and smiled."You know what, you should feel special."

"Why should I feel special?"

"You, My dear Mister Urie are the first Non-Dominant E personnel that I've talked to in three weeks."

"Awe, Tarra loves the Boyd."

"Shuddup Ryro or I shall hold a vendetta against you not Heaven." Ryan truned back to the video game and didn't say another word to her. "When is your set?"

"In about twenty minutes."Brendon answered facing her. "Why do you flirt with Bert?"

Tarra's eyes went wide at that. "I flirt with Frank too. Why, are you jealous that I flirt with the McCracken?" She asked smiling at him.

His face turned crimson as he blushed.

"I take that as a yes."

Tarra stood up from her spot and stretched, she made her way to the door before turning to face him. His eyes planted firmly on her every move.

"Have no fear, Brendon. Bert is to me as what Matt is to Heaven. And he knows it."

She opened the door, and made her way back to her Bus, where a small going away party for Matt and Bryan was taking place.

"BRYAN, COME BACK HERE WITH MY COOKIES!" Was the first thing that entered Tarra's ears as she walked onto the bus. Jeph was sitting next to Matt on the couch, Keri was cuddling with Quinn, and Cristi was talking with Pete.

"Where's Bert?" she asked looking around for him. Jeph pointed toward where the screaming was comming from.

"HEAVEN! I'M HERE TO RESCUE YOUR BELOVED SURGAR COOKIES!"Tarra screamed out as she rushed into the back, and jumping onto Bert's back.

He stumbled foward and knocked Bryan into the ground causing a three person pileup. Tarra reached down and gave Bryan a big wet kiss on the cheek and stole Heaven's cookies back.

"I told you I was here to resuce your cookies!" She smiled up at Heaven and handed her the stolen and rescued Cookies.

"I thought I was going to have to call the R-E-S-C-U-E Aide society."

"Heaven, you deffinantly need to stop watching those Disney movies."

"Shuddup Lyn, you watch them with me!"

"Bye bye, love. Bye bye happiness. Hello loneliness. I wish that I could diiiieeee!" Tarra sang as she gave both boys a hug as they made their way with Heaven and Cristi to the airport. She had opted to stay behind at the venue to help Keri with the Merch Tent since Brandon and Bryon were taking time to watch bands preform.
♠ ♠ ♠
I spell checked.
Well, sorta.
Any other mistakes that I missed are to be blamed on Tarra, who wrote this chapter while on pain killers.