Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

They Said I'll Bet

"Tarra's still avoiding me," Heaven giggled into her drink.

"What the hell is in that?" Keri hissed taking it away and sniffing it.

"It's clean," Cristi said, taking it away from her friend and handing it back to Heaven, "It's just coke, I gave it to her myself."

Keri just stared at them both suspiciously with narrowed eyes. Heaven and Cristi looked at each other before laughing. Keri shook her head and took the cup away, tasting it.

"See. Just coke."

"Yeah, but Heaven isn't supposed to have caffeine either."

"Screw you! I can have caffeine. I just don't drink it often."

"Which is why you act like a crack addict when you do drink it," Keri muttered.

"Like you know any crack addicts to compare me to," Heaven said wryly, "I bet I could name two for every one that you could name. Actually, make that three."

"Excuse me for not knowing any crack addicts," Keri shot back.

"Yeah, and excuse me for having a fucked up family," Heaven shouted.

"This bus is too small," Cristi said with a sigh and walked into the bunk area.

"So," Heaven said looking at Keri, "Are we there yet?"


"Oh my god," William said, looking at Heaven. He rubbed at his eyes before shaking his what. Adam decided to come bounding off their bus and straight into them.

"Heaven?" he asked in shock. She waved at him. "What did you do?"

Heaven let out a laugh and shook her head, "I cut it. Isn't it cute?"

"You have no hair!" Sisky shouted, pointing in her face.

"I have hair! Now you're just being ridiculous."

"But!" Adam started, "It's all gone!"

"It is not you loser. You cut off more than I did!"

"Why would you do that to your hair?" Bill asked with wide eyes.

"Cause it was my hair, and it was hot and it was too hard to keep it looking pretty while on tour."

"But it's gone."

"Yes, Bill, gone. I gave it away to people who make wigs for cancer patients."

"Well good for you," Adam said with a grin, "What's Tarra think about it?"

"Eh, she hasn't seen it yet," Heaven said with a shrug, "She runs the other way when she smells me."

"Smells you? You smell clean," Bill said sniffing her head."

"Yeah, but Tarra's got a Heaven sense. Like a Spidey-sense, but no cars fly at her head."

"I am not sure that makes sense," Adam said, shaking his head, "On that note, I'm going to go find food."

"I know something we can do to celebrate your haircut," William said with a grin.

"Does it involve naked-ness," Heaven smirked back.

"It might," William sing-songed.

Heaven coughed, "In that case...You're still on probation. There will be naked-ness when you eat meat."
"I'm a vegetarian."

"I know."

"So--no naked-ness?"

"Eat a cheeseburger and maybe there will be a little naked-ness."

"Oh come on, that's not fair," William shouted.

"Yeah, well neither is STDs."


Heaven laughed, pecked him on the lips and started to skip away, "Come on Bill, we'll see if we can't find you a cheeseburger."

"I'll get you naked without meat," William said confidently.

"We shall see darlin'," Heaven laughed, "We shall see."

"Oh I hope so," William agreed. Heaven smacked him upside the back of his head.

"Come on, dear," Heaven pulled on his arm again, "I'm starving."

William let her lead him to the food tent and then stared at the cheeseburger she put in front of him. He shot her a death glare when she stole it and ate it.

"I guess you don't want it that bad," Heaven said, giggling.


"We play next," Heaven shouted into the bus, "Tarra Lyn, if you crawl out that fucking window so you don't have to see me I will shoot you in your ass!"

Tarra huffed and crossed her arms. Heaven just grinned at her friend, who had been avoiding her since her break down in New York. Heaven stuck her tongue out at her.

"Please, Tarra Lyn, like I have to even see you to figure out what's wrong. Get over falling in love and get a move on. Your temper tantrum kept me from getting to see New York."

"I hate you," Tarra glared at her best friend.

"And I despise you and your hand eye coordination. And my lack thereof."

"Pfft! You don't lack hand eye coordination," Nell said reassuringly.

"Oh no?" Minnie added and tossed a twinkie at her friend.

Heaven put her hand up to catch the confection. Instead it hit her in the eye. Minnie smirked. Nell was busy holding her hand over her mouth to hide the smile.

"Nevermind then," Nell mock whispered.

Heaven picked up the treat and walked off the bus, "On in ten!"

She proceeded to walk over to the Panic bus, "Brendon! I brought you a twinkie!"

"Food!" Brendon appeared and snatched the cupcake.

"I don't know how vegan friendly those are," Heaven said with a grin.

Brendon turned it over slowly, "No ingredients...I'm gonna pretend it says vegan friendly." And he shoved the whole thing in his mouth.

"Ewww. Keep the hope alive," she patted his shoulder and moved away as fast as she could before he sprayed her with words laced with desert.

"Bye Ross!" she called over her shoulder. Ryan waved in her direction as he stepped off the bus and around a Brendon still trying to swallow his mouthful.


"Hallo Jersey!" Heaven shouted into the mic.

Cristi pushed her away and smacked her on her ass. Heaven shielded her butt and stared at Cristi oddly. Cristi wasn't usually one for ass smacking, that was Heaven's job. Cristi just shrugged at her.
Grinning at each other they started the opening Chords to Does Barry Manilow Know.
After that they led into a cover of a Shania Twain song they punk-ified.

Looks like we made it,
Look how far we come, my baby,
Might'a took the long way,
We knew we'd get there some day...


TheDominantRy:What's up kid?
InLoveWithALoser:the sky, tall people, my cholesterol, Bill Jr...
One of those things I don't want to know, right?
InLoveWithALoser:More than likely. So how are things over there, loserface?
TheDominantRy:Good. We got this spot on this touring circut.
So we're gonna be going to all these places and skating.
It's gonna be sick.
InLoveWithALoser:Well good luck with that kid.
Maybe I'll get to come see you fall on your ass.
I'm good. I don't fall!
InLoveWithALoser:I fall whenever I get a chance.
You should try it.
TheDominantRy:No thanks.
So, how are...things.
InLoveWithALoser:Getting better.
Bill and I made up.
I got a haircut. Hold on and I'll send a pic!
TheDominantRy:okay, but hurry.
Mom is calling me to dinner.
She hates when we text during "family" time.
InLoveWithALoser:Haha, poor kid.
Have you tried telling her you're too Emo for "family time"?
TheDominantRy:Oh Har-har.
Oh wow, nice pic.
I especially like where your finger is.
InLoveWithALoser: Yeah yeah.
That's a classic pose, that is!
Better get to dinner before your mom sells your liver on the Black Market.
TheDominantRy: You have issues.
I'll talk to you later!

Heaven shut the face of her Sidekick and sighed. Now she was bored again. She was the only one on their bus at the moment. Tim had found a KFC. He and Brandon did the chicken dance before dragging everyone off for an early dinner. Heaven had just eaten an apple and a bagel (which she made Pete buy her cause he owed her one) and had opted out of going.
She sighed again to herself and flopped down onto her back, one arm covering her eyes.

The next thing she knew lips were on her neck and she was waking up from a nap. She grinned and looked up at William. He slid onto the couch next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed his nose into her neck and kissed her collar bone. She giggled and rolled so that she was leaning over him. She pressed a kiss to his mouth and then laughed when he tickled her with his fingertips gliding over her sides, under her shirt.
She smacked his hand and grinned at him. Kissed him again and then shoved him off the couch.

"Probabtion mister," she said with a mock annoyed look, "But if you're that horny feel free to fuck yourself in my bunk. Just--don't make a mess."


"One of a kind?" she offered archly, eyebrows raised.

"Something like that," Bill said as he skipped off to the bunks.

Heaven watched as he climbed into the first bunk he saw.

"Hey Bill--my bunk is..." Heaven shrugged as he flipped the curtains to Tarra's bed closed.

Maybe I should have offered the shower.


"Patrick!" Heaven sang into her friend's ear, "There's a girl staring at you."

Patrick's face began to heat up, "Leave me alone, oh evil one."

"Haven't you got some me mixed up with someone else?"

"Absolutely not," Patrick said confidently, smacking her over her head.

"I told you Patrick!" she shouted, "I will not have our children running around in trucker hats! That is so 2005."

There was silence around them and Patrick performed the best face-palm ever. When the crowd dispersed (after three autographs and two t-shirts) Patrick stuck his tongue out at her.

"She's still staring--no, don't look. Patrick! You looked! Oh suave and...ridiculous!"

"Angela!" Patrick yelled in surprise.

"Hallo Patrick," she said sweetly, the tips of her ears red.

She had these huge brown eyes that drew you in, they looked almost black. It shined off her raven black hair, the red vibrant through out it. Heaven smiled. She was going to have fun.

"Hallo, I'm Heaven, the bassist of--"

"The Dominant E," she finished, "I'm Angela. I knew Patrick when he was in nappies."

"Oh realy now? So tell me...when did this hat fetish start?"

"When he was thirteen and we teased him about his hairline receeding."

"So Patrick's always been bald?"

"Oh no, we were only teasing. He swears we jinxed him though."

"Ah...Baker's Man has a bald spot?" Heaven shot and yanked her friend's hat off, "Well, that was disappointing. You're not bald at all you weirdo."

Angela laughed, "So, Pete called and said you needed a photographer for the tour. Well, a personal one cause Gerard Way was getting all the camera time."

Patrick laughed, "That sounds like somethng Pete would do. you realize he's like, looking for grandchildren right?"

"Yeah, so's your mom," Angela muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."


"It's my favorite hat!"

"Ryan!" Heaven said, his cap tossed over her head, "Why do insist on saying that? We all know that you bought like, ten of those."

Ryan folded his arms and pouted at her.

"So, Patrick's girlfriend is here," Heaven said with a smirk.

"Patrick has a girlfriend?" Ryan said with a disbelieveing look on his face, "Why didn't he tell me?"

"They aren't really dating," Heaven purred with a pat to her (new) friend's shoulder.


"Yet," she said with a grin, "You should see how he looks at her. Like a kid who lost his Ring Pop and then realized that he tucked it in his pocket."

Ryan snorted, "Wow, that's romantic."

"Well, if you think about it, Love is like a horse drawn carriage. At first its all good and romantic. Then you realize that you're cold and staring at a horse's ass."

"You're the only person I know who can twist something so cliche-ly romantic into something disgusting."

"I'm a realist. I know that romance is all about perspective."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the FOURTH update of the night.