Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

I Swear To God

Heaven had her tongue pushed between her lips, teeth biting down ever so lightly. Tarra stared at her friend from the other bed in the room. When she jumped up suddenly, waving a red t-shirt in the air Tarra had had enough.

"Heaven, what the hell are you doing?"

"Drying the shirt," Heaven said as if it were obvious.

Tarra just shook her head, knowing better than to question her friend. She went back to reading her book, hoping that they would reach the site of the first venue soon. By her calculation they only had two more days of traveling. Which was nice, after being stuck in the van for so long. After watching her friend bouncing out of the corner of her eye for another ten minutes she sighed.

"Knock it off," Tarra said with a laugh. Heaven began pouting.

"That doesn't work on me," Tarra said with a grin, which faltered, cause honestly, she was Heaven's bitch.

Heaven just laughed and held the shirt up for inspection. Tarra began laughing along with her.

"This is why I love you," she said with her pretty laugh flowing out of her mouth. Heaven just grinned.

"This one is yours, I made mine in the back of the van, then I hung it out the window to dry.

The shirt was a normal t-shirt, but across the chest it said 'Breast' in black letters. On the bed was fabric paint and some painter's tape. Heaven had taped the word off, giving it a blockish look. Then she had used the fabric paint and an old paint brush to fill in the letters. It looked rough and perfect for the tour.

The fact that the shirt was an inside joke and would probably get a bunch of weird looks made her smile to herself. She then dug through her bag and held up a matching black shirt.

"I think my B is a little crooked," she muttered to herself, but Tarra just laughed.

"It's fine, Miss OCD."

"You're just jealous of my mad Mario Kart skills."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Heaven chose to ignore her friend and pulled out a novel from her Powerpuff Girls tote.

"What cha reading?" Tarra questioned after their room had fallen completely silent.

"But you could kill us, all of us, even Stephen's brother, and feel nothing?"
"I'd feel something."

"What?"Heaven read from the book as she stared down at the page.

"Safer,"Tarra finished the quote, "So it's The Killing Dance then?"

The next ten minutes were spent with the two tossing quotes from the Anita series back and forth between them.

"Pity is an emotion that can get you killed. The only thing that can be more dangerous is blind hate, and maybe love."

"Pimps beware. I was bringing the Master as backup. It was like carrying a thermonuclear device to kill ants. Over kill has always been a speciality of mine."

"The vampires called me the Executioner, but they called Edward Death. After all, I'd never used a flamethrower on them."

"You irritating son of a bitch."

"Ah, ma petite, how can I resist you when you whisper such sweet endearments to me?" This is one of Tarra's favorite's to say. Heaven always laughs and counter with:

"He'd sleep in the bed, I'd sleep on the couch. What could be more innocent? Biker nuns from hell, but other than that."

"Go dry your stupid shirt with the blow dryer," Heaven commanded, to stop the quoting. Tarra jumped up from the bed, grabbed the shirt and flounced away to the bathroom.

She shot after her, "I'll take on for the team."

Heaven threw an Oreo at her back as she disappeared into the bathroom.

"Look Tarra!" Heaven squealed like a thirteen year old teeny, "Panic at the Disco!"

Tarra looked out the window and sure enough Panic at the Disco's tour bus was passing them on their left.

"I hope they're nice," Heaven sighed, "I hate when you meet people and they aren't nice. Cause that usually leads to headshots and bail money."

"I told you not to talk to Jennifer Lopez," Tarra said off handedly.

"But--but--she's Jenny from the block!" Heaven said, making the van full of kids burst into laughter.

"Besides, if I remember correctly, you were the one cheering me on when I punched her."

"I also shelled out $400 to bail you out of jail."

"Yeah, well, what about that one time with Elijah..."

"You promised to Never.Ever.Mention.That.Again!"

"Fine, no more talk about celebrity meetings. But I swear to god if Ross is mean I am gluing him to his tour bus."
♠ ♠ ♠
Quotes belong to Laurell K Hamilton, the Anita Blake: Vampire Huntress series.