Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Return of the Jedi

Tarra smiled to herself, she was looking out the window at everything that was passing them by. They were on the way to Mansfield MA, where they'd be putting Minnie and Nell on a plane to get them home. Mainly they were going to have to force them to leave. Nell's mom had already called her too many times to count.

"PETER WENTZ I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Minnie's voice rang out in the bus, soon followed by Pete's.

"No you wont!" She could just hear the smirk in his voice.

"Want to bet you life on that?" Tarra asked looking over at them.

"I thought my life was already on the line here."

"Alright fine, want to bet Patricks life on it."

"Why is it always Patrick, and not Cristi?"

"Because my good man, I happen to love my Cristi and, well ... Patrick was the first one that comes to mind." she stated shrugging her shoulders. Besides, what's going on?"

"Pedo here came to us baring gifts." Nell stated glaring at the objects on the table in front of her.

"For whom?"

"Well they're for Minnie, Nell, and you."

"Me?" she asked looking at him weird.

"Yes you. Heaven stated a few months ago that she flushed your Blackberry and that you no longer had a phone in which you could be reached."

"True, it's been peaceful without my mom calling everyday to talk to me because she misses me."

"Well I came to bring you this." Pete picked up a package off the table and handed it to her. She looked at it like it was going to catch fire and then turned her face toward him.

"Who wrapped it?"

"I did?"

"It's pretty; I don't want to open it!" She squealed looking at the nicely done package in her hands. Pete began to laugh and looked at her strangely.

"Sure sweeting, how about I just wrap up an empty box, and then you can keep that."

"Not the same!" She stated glaring at him. "There's no surprise to be found after the temptation sets in."

Heaven shook her head at her friend and snatched the gift out of her hands and proceeded to rip it open, all the while Tarra was staring flabbergasted at what was happening.

"HEAVEN!" Pete screeched lunging for her. Heaven just laughed and passed the gift to Keri, who in turn finished unwrapping it and shoving it in Tarra's hands. There sat a new personalBlackberry Pearl red in color and ready to go.


"Hum? She mumbled from her place on the couch.

"I think Im going to go rape your boyfriend. Better yet, you go give him the thank you sex instead of Me." everyone laughed at her as she just stood there staring at her new phone. Pete had already programmed all the numbers into it, more than likely with Heaven or Bryon's help.

"The account is already going, full service hun. Go call your family, and let them know you're still alive."

"They could have called and of the others to know that one Pedo." she smirked but went into the bunks and to Heavens bed. She refused to sleep, lay, or touch her own after finding out that Billiam had shot a load onto her sheets.

She hadn't talked to her mom since the beginning of the tour and to be honest she actually was starting to miss hearing the voices of home.

She dialed the numbers and listed to it ring twice before she heard her little sister Lyssa's voice in the receiver.



"Yeah, wait ... Tarra?"

"Um-hum. Whats been going on at the home life?"

"Don't know, never home enough to tell you."

"Haha smart ass, try again."

"Your cat had kittens again, "

"That's not new she's a slut-cat, she needs fixed. What's momma doing?"

"Watching CSI or playing on the computer, I just got done talking to Jarrett on the phone; he said he hasn't been able to get a hold of you or Heaven."

"Me because Heaven flushed my phone down the toilet, I don't know why he can't reach Heaven, what's the arse been up to?"

"Same old, same old really. He comes home in October for eighteen days, and then he goes back."

"Well, that's the Army for you."

"Uh-huh. Mom's giving me a funny look."

"Well pass her the phone." Tarra stated laughing she heard her mom ask who it was and Lyssa must have just glared at her and shoved the phone in her face. That's when she heard it, the loud booming of the television in the background, they were watching CSI, and because her Dad's going deaf in one ear it was WAY too loud.


"Hiya momma, how's life treating you?" Tarra smiled into the phone, she spent the next thirty minutes talking to everyone that was in the house at the time, which was her mom, dad, sister, and her sister's boyfriend Cody. The only person she told her problems to was Lyssa. And those problems just so happened to have run to the name Brendon.

"Lyn, get off the phone and get in here." Heaven shouted from the front of the bus, Tarra just shook her head, she had been off the phone for an hour now, and had been trying to get some sleep. She grumbled to herself and rolled out of Heaven's bunk, and made her way to the front.

"Yes Marie?"

"Brendon's going to be getting on and Pete is getting off, I thought that you'd want to know."

"Fine with me, Bert had wanted me to go play." She stated shrugging.

"Well, call his ass and tell him you cant or I'll lock you in the bathroom so you can't leave."

She glared at her friend. You see, Tarra hadn't spent more than five minutes anywhere near Brendon, and the kid was getting depressed, and pissing Heaven off with his questions. Tarra glared at her best friend before taking her new phone out of her pocket and dialing up JephA's number. Bert never answers his phone, well he does when he's expecting it to ring.

"JephA-ah-aree," she cooed into the phone as soon as Jeph picked up.


"You know my dear; it sounds better with your name than mine!" She sighed rolling her eyes.

"What do you need?"

"Do I have to have a reason to call one of my favorite people in the world?"

"When it's you, and more than likely concerning a certain front man, yes."

"I'm not conspiring anything with Bert, Patrick, Brendon, Aaron, Ronnie, Gerard, Jared, or any of the other front men and women."

"Sure you're not." He sighed out.

"I'm not. Which bus are you on?"

"Sober bus, couldn't sleep on the other with Quinn and Bert, why?"

"I need to tell Bert that I can't play, Heaven's forcing me to talk with a certain someone."

"HA, you're going to have to talk with Brendon."

"Shut it you or I'll hide all of your basses and not let anyone know where they are!"

"Oh you wouldn't do that now would you?"

"Of course I would, even to you, well it's that or Nair-n all your hair off of your head." She stated smirking to herself.

"Now that one I believe. You want me to call Bert's cell?"

"Would he honestly answer it?"

"Probably not, good luck."

"Ha, I'll just use Keri's phone to call Quinn, he'd answer that one."

"Who's phone are you one right now?"

"Mine, Pete got it for me." Jeph just laughed at that one before hanging up. Tarra glared out at nothing, they were to stop here really soon, and she needed to get a hold of Bert before he came to get her.

"Cur-I, I need to use your talking machine!"

"My what?"

"Your phone of course, I need to call Quinnifer, to get a hold of Bertiebuns, I've done called Jeph, and that got me no where. Now hand it over!" Tarra stated grabbing for the phone. She quickly dialed the number and waited for Quinn to answer.








"Black, now can we stop?"

"Sure, what do you need Tar?"

"Bert's voice instead of yours, though you do have a smexi one!"

"Fine but it'll cost you."

"What will it cost me?"

"Three of your brownies, and a dedicated song, to me."

"Fine, but if you abuse these rights I'll beat you over the head with a shovel!"

"Sounds like a plan to me, here's Bert for you." Quinn must have kicked Bert awake for his voice was groggy and barely there.

"ROBERT!" Tarra screeched into the phone.

"Oh, TARRA! What do you need sexy?"

"Heaven won't let me come over play with you; you have to wait another two hours until we get to the venue. She said that I have to talk to Brendon today."

"Well, you have been avoiding him as much as possible; it's time for you to tell him what's going on with you my dear."

"You sound just like JephA and Heaven!"

"Well, it's true, anyone would tell you that. So I guess our cuddling will have to wait until after my set huh?"

"Only if you shower will I cuddle with you. I don't like a sweaty Bert cuddling with me." She scrunched up her nose at the thought.

"Oh you know that you want to smex me!"

"I thought I done told you no sex with out marriage!"

"And I thought that I had already proposed to you, and said we could get it done in Vegas, and then after the honeymoon was over we can annul it!" Tarra laughed at remembering Bert proposing to her the night that he introduced her to Ronnie, Kenny, Joey, and Aaron. She had turned him down saying that marriage with him wouldn't call for an annulment; she'd rather have the full thing. Bert had just smiled at her. Then she reminded him of Ali who was back at home waiting for him to return.

"Bert, were not going through this one again. I better get off of here though, the rest stop is-" she felt the bus stop and smirked. "Now. I better go let Heaven know that you're not going to come running to kidnap me."

"I never said that I wouldn't come over though."

"Bert," She stated with a warning tone.

"I'm not gong to do anything but travel with you all for two hours Tar, I swear it."

"Yeah, but I can't cuddle in my bunk Beckett ruined it!" Bert began to laugh.

"Oh stop making a fuss about it; you've washed your sheets twenty times."

"Yeah, but still he masturbated in my bunk!" she whined.

"Want me to come masturbate in your bunk?"

"HELL NO! What are you mental? Wait, don't answer that! Fine, we can cuddle in my bunk, after I talk with Brendon, and not before, because then I won't want to move." Bert began to laugh, but agreed with her and then got off the phone.

"Jelly Bean, get your arse in here!" Minnie called to her from the front of the bus. She and Nell had just opened their gifts from Pete. What they got was for them to know. Tarra didn't even want to look inside the unmarked white boxes that sat in front of each girl. She smiled at everyone there and noticed that Pete had yet to leave.

"Pete, aren't you supposed to be leaving?"

"Can't I say 'see you all later' and get a kiss from Cristi?"

"No," was all she said as she began to shove him down the bus steps and out the door. As soon as the door was opened she seen Brendon and Bert both making their way toward her, Bert running, and Brendon was walking. As soon as Pete was out the door, Tarra was knocked over on the ground, with Bert's face in her's.


"STOP SCREAMING IN MY FACE!" She laughed looking at his smiling face. Brendon was now standing over the two looking down at them. "Bren, help a girl out and get the man whore off of me!" She pouted looking up at him. Brendon smiled down at her and shoved Bert off with his foot, and helping her stand on her feet.

"Thank you much!" She stated leaning in to kiss his cheek. She smiled at both of them in front of her, then glare at Pete as she seen him exiting the bus. "And what exactly were you doing?"

"Getting my kiss," He stated smirking at her.




"Slu ... wait ... what?"

"That's right Wentz ... now go play with Patrick and his new toy. I've got Brendon to talk to, Bert to cuddle with, and Minnie and Nell to love on until they leave."

"Don't forget to record."

"You're sick Pedo, you know that." Pete just laughed as he walked away form her. "Prick-face."

"TO THE BUS!" Bert yelled tossing a mumbling Tarra over his shoulder and entering the Bus. He said a quick hello to everyone while running toward the bunks.

"ROBERT EDWARD McCRACKEN YOU BRING HER BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" Bert had shoved her into the bathroom and was currently trying to figure out how to barricade her in there.
"Brendon, come here and help mmmmmeeeee!" he called out. The dark haired boy just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but cautiously went over to him.

"What are you doing?" Heaven asked coming over to the two. Bert grabbed Brendon and tossed him into the bathroom with Tarra.

"Well, you said they needed to talk ... now help me make sure they dont get out!" Bert stated looking at Heaven then going back to holding the door shut.

"She agreed to talk to him."

"I know, but this way they have to, and she won't put it off!" He stated as he gave up and just sat down in front of the door. Heaven just laughed and went back to the front of the bus.

"Bertie Botts let the Jelly Bean out! Strike that, it just sounds bad; but oddly enough it suits you two!" Minnie said as she was passing him to get to her bunk to go take a nap that she knew she wouldn't get later, Nell following closely behind her, all the while glaring at Bert as he reached out to grab her ankle.

Tarra glared at the door then the person in the small room with her. "I officially hate him right now! Bert, when I get out of here; you're going flying out the back hatch!" She stated pounding on the door. The only answer that she got was Bert's giggle.

"Well, this is, awkward!" Brendon stated taking a seat on the toilet lid.

"Yeah it's awkward. ImstuckinalittleittybittybathroomwiththepersonIhadbeenavoidingandIvebeenadvoidingyouforagoodreasontoo! See umm yeah. I need to urinate now ... GOD DAMN IT BERT I HATE YOU!"

"No you don't, you love me!"

"No I don't right now I hate you! I need to urinate, and I can't do it with Bden in here with mmmmmmmmeeeeeeee!" She whined.

"Oh make him turn his back, or stand in the shower with the curtain closed." He reasoned from the other side of the door. Tarra glared at the door, then glared at Brendon.

"Bbbbbrrrrrreeeeennnndddooooonnnnnnn!" She whined jumping up and down. Brendon just began to laugh which in turn made her laugh. "Oh gods, no ... I really, really, really need to pee, will you please stand in the shower, and I'll run the water and relieve myself!" Brendon just began to laugh even harder. "It's not funny, I really gotta go!" This time she shoved Brendon off of the toilet seat and into the small shower next to it. She shut the curtain, and began to run the water in the sink. All the while, Brendon was still laughing. She washed her hands, and wiped them on his face.


"That's what you get for acting like a five year old."

"ME! You're the one jumping up and down acting like you couldn't hold it in!"

"Well I couldn't! What did I ever see in you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked finally stopping his laughing fit.

"It means Mister Urie, that I've been avoiding you these past days because I realized I Love You ... There I said it, Bert let me out of here, I want to cuddle now." Her voice was shaky and Bert opened the door slowly looking from Brendon's shocked face to Tarra's sad one, he held out his hand for her to take and made his way toward her bunk.

"You just blurted it out and didnt even strike up conversation." He stated shaking his head while pulling her into the bunk with him.

"Yes, now shuddup and cuddle me, I want a nap before I even look at him again."

"Baby, you didn't even wait for him to reply, you just left him in there."

"I know, but I didn't want to wait!" She sighed cuddling into Bert chest and closing her eyes. "Bertiebuns, sing something to me."

"As you wish," Bert smiled and kissed the top of her head and began to softly sing. The fact that he wasnt singing one of his own songs, and had nothing to do with Michael Jackson made Tarra smile.

"What would you say if I asked you not to go
To forget everyone, forget everything and start over with me
Would you take my hand and never let me go
Promise me you'll never let me go"

Bert smiled when he noticed that she was asleep, and peeked out of the bed to the rest of the bus. He noticed that they were all sitting there watching The Boondock Saints with Heaven and Cristi both quoting the movie. He smirked knowing that Tarra would have been doing the same thing. That's when he noticed Brendon just staring at him. He raised his eyebrow and gave him a questioning look. Brendon just shook his head and went back to looking at the screen that the movie was currently playing on.

"You're in for a ride little one," he muttered before closing his eyes and letting sleep over take him as well.

"LYN" Tarra groaned and rolled more into the warmth next to her.

"Bert, tell Heaven to go away." Bert just giggled and nuzzled his head into her neck.

"LYN, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" This time, Keri had joined in the screaming.

"Perfect," Tarra groaned rolling out of her bunk, and making her way to the front of the bus. On first glance she noticed who all was on the bus, and was wonder how the fuck they were fitting everyone on here, and when they had picked them up, the bus was still moving.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About thirty minutes." Brendon mumbled looking at the ground instead of at her. She rolled her eyes and groaned once again.

"Heaven, why is practically everybody on our bus?"

"This isnt even practically everybody, just who wanted to see the Nell and Minnie!"
"Their plane doesn't leave until later; couldn't they have done this later?"
"NEVER!" Alex screamed from next to Minnie. Ah the lovely Alex, he'd finally started to come around more, and Tarra though it was cute that he had a crush on Minnie, but wouldn't admit to it at all.

"Shut it Alex, before I shave you bald!" Tarra glared at him. "Now, why was I awoken from a peaceful nap?"

"Game," Heaven stated shrugging her shoulders.

"Let me guess, Truth or dare?" There was a course of 'yes' around the room, and Heaven, Frank, Ronnie, Brendon, and Ryan screaming 'no'.

"I don't want to wind up getting arrested again for public indecency!" Heaven glared out into the room. Everyone laughed at her, and smiled. Tarra glared out into the bus there was a total of about fifteen people crammed into the buses front lounge.

"I'm going to go wake sleeping beauty." She stated and walked back to her bunk. Bert was lying there cuddled up to her teddy bear sleeping soundly. Oh how she wished that that was her right now.

"Bertiebuns," she cooed shaking him, he just mumbled and rolled over. "Bert, wake up!" she hit him in the head with his shoe that was on the floor by her bunk. His eyes shot open and glare at her.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"Time to get up, they want to play games ... and knowing my luck, Heaven will talk them into Gay Chicken!"

"What the hell is that?"

"Not explaining, she can!" Tarra said throwing her hand up in the air and walking into the lounge dragging Bert behind her.

"Hey every one of you crazy kiddies out there," Tarra screamed into the mic during their set. "Today is the day where The Dominant E has to say farewell to two of our good friends, Minnie and Nell. You see we've had them on tour with us for about a month or so, and parents are getting antsy." Heaven took over her Microphone and smiled at the screaming crowd.

"And for your enjoyment, we're bringing out these two nut-so girls, as well as the rest of our friends that have time to be here." As soon as she mentioned this Minnie and Nell ran out onto the stage. They both stole Keri and Cristi's guitars and smirked. Everyone else that was associated, or just like Minnie, Nell, and the entirety of The Dominate E, came out onto the stage to sing their set with them. The crowd went crazy when Bert, Gerard, and Cristi sang Does Berry Manilow Know.

"Hey, Tarra, can we talk?"

"Brendon, I'm going to the airport with Minnie and Nell, can it wait?" She asked not looking in his eyes; she hadn't confronted him, or really looked at him since her outburst in the bathroom.

"Yeah, it kind of is, but I'm going with you all, so we can either talk on the way there, or back." He mumbled, Tarra shrugged her shoulders, but nodded her head, bottom lip firmly being chewed upon.

"Tarra, lets go, Alex and Minnie are sucking face, and we have to somehow get them in the van." Ryan stated looking from Brendon to Tarra.

"Great," Tarra mumbled while following Ryan out the door, Brendon on her tail.

As soon as they had pried Minnie and Alex apart and gotten them in the van, they started up again.

"Did he purpose marriage or something?" Tarra asked looking "at the two.

Nope, just asked her to be his," Pete stated as he started up the van.

"Wait, you're driving?"

"Who else would?"


"Nope, it's me or Brendon!"


"She wasn't a choice."

"I don't want to die," Tarra stated glaring at the back of his head as he pulled out onto the street. "So what'd you want to talk about Brendon ... and where's Bert?"

"On stage, but he told Nell he love-ed her, and she just glared at him."

"You know, Nellnee, he's going to keep fucking with you every time you see him." She stated then turned back to Brendon. He smiled at her then leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes went wide, then slowly closed as she took in the feel and taste of him. When he pulled away he had a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" she asked looking at him confused.

"Not saying anything after you confessed that you love me."

"Oh that, well-"

"Shush, I wasn't done." He stated smiling at her.

"If you're going to go cliche on me, and say something like I love you too now, save it for when I actually want to hear it Bren." Tarra said smiling at him. Heaven turned around in her seat and glared at her.

"Make a big deal about the fact that you love him, but he can't even bare his feeling for you?" She stated glaring at the two. "And you say that I'm the emotional adult." Heaven rolled her eyes and smacked Tarra in the head.

"Shuddup," Tarra stated rubbing her head. She smiled at Brendon, and rested her head onto his shoulder. "I just don't want to hear it until I don't expect it."

"It'll mean more!" Nell stated looking at all of them, "Right?"

"Uh-huh. I am going to miss you Nellnee, and the Minnie too, but she's currently occupied." Tarra began to laugh as she looked at Minnie and Alex.

"Why is, it that everyone is hooking up on Warped Tour?" she mumbled to herself.

"Not everyone is." Brendon mumbled back.

"Well, Heaven and Billiam are practically inseparable, hell he's in front seat with Pete. Keri and Quinn are always together at the hip when they can be. Since he's on stage, he couldn't come. Cristi and Pete; dear gods I can never get rid of Wentz! Alex used to always be at the bus, but never had it in him to do anything with Minnie until now. Hell Nell's being hanging around with Spencer. And he has a girlfriend; otherwise I think that there'd be something there."

"Ah and what about you, Miss Bratton?"

"Well Mister Urie, I have this thing for this front man, and according to his best friends, he has one for me, but we've never really talked about it in relationship terms. Ah and then theres this nut-so front man that I love to pieces, and he swears that he wants to have my kids. Oh and I cant forget about that guitar player, but he loves his wife." Brendon was laughing by the time that Tarra lifted her head and looked up at him. "What's so funny, I was being serious!"

"Bert wants to have your kids."

"I didnt say that it was Bert, now did I? I could have been referring to Gerard, Ronnie, or even Aaron!"

"Doesn't Ronnie have a thing for you?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"That kid is in over his head if he does! I say we toss him and Nell in a room together sometime and see what happens!" She winked over at him. He giggled softly and shook his head.

"We should have brought him along then."

"I think Nellnee would have killed us for locking her somewhere, with him."

More than likely

"You know what, I've missed you Bden, but right now I kind of miss the bus, it's too cramped in this damn thing. PEDO SPEED IT UP, I WANT OUT OF HERE!" She screamed toward the front of the van. Pete rolled his eyes at her.

"Aren't you the one that wanted Heaven to drive instead of me?"

"Yeah, and right now I want Brendon behind the wheel!" Everyone in the van began to laugh at her. She just glared at them and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Pete took her advice though and got into the fast lane to speed it up and get to the airport before they had to get back for Fall Out Boy's set, otherwise they were going to have to get Adam to play in his stead.

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO!" Nell and Minnie both were screaming as Pete was shoving them out of the van.

"You have to," he whined trying to unbuckle them from the seats.

"Not going to work Pedo pan, so stop it!" Minnie glared punching him in his gut to emphasize her point. Tarra was shaking her head at them. Pete was the only one trying to get them out of the van, everyone else, aside from Tarra and Brendon, where inside getting some Starbucks.

"You two," Tarra shook her head. "Nellnee, if Heaven gets another call from your mom, bitching that you're not home yet, I think she'll end up putting you in a box and shipping you home!" This caused everyone to fall into a laughing fit, because Heaven would pull it off, and get away with it better than George in the Jungle!

They finally got out of the van and walked into the airport, Pete looked back at Tarra and Brendon, and they just waved him on, they had some talking to do.

"He's probably going to tell everyone were shacking it up in here." Brendon sighed as he turned to face her.

"More than likely, but I doubt they'd believe him." She sighed and looked at into Brendon's eyes.
"I- yeah, you already know." She mumbled blushing.

"You're cute when you act like this." He smirked looking at her.

"Uh-huh sure Boyd, and you just want in my pants." She began to laugh at the shocked face that was staring back at her.

"I can't believe you said that!"

"Well, believe it sugar, because I did, even though I know it's not true."

"I really am sorry that I freaked out on you earlier, and it's just ... after you locked yourself up and did nothing but stay with Bert, Aaron, Ronnie, and Frank. I just thought that it was, I don't know ... I guess I got it in my head that you didn't like me as much as you had been putting on since you kissed me that first time." Tarra blushed as she remembered him being jealous of Bert, and her kissing him to reassure him that there was no interest there.

"Brendon, I ... oh hell screw it. Let's go say goodbye to the beautiful people that are leaving us, I'll be on your bus after your set. We're going to miss most of Pete's by the rate he's going. Does that sound good to you?" Brendon nodded his head. "Good thing, because I think Nell's going to kill Pete, just by the way that she's looking at him." She crawled over Brendons lap to open the door, and stumbled out.

"You're not going to sing to us like you did Matt and Bryan are you?" Minnie asked as they began to announce their flight.

"No, yes didn't we do that already on stage?" Tarra smirked looking from one to the other. "Get going you two, we'll see you soon, hopefully." Several hugs and one make out session, later they were on the plane and headed toward home.

"I'm going to miss those two." Pete sighed out as they made their way back toward the van.

"Sure you are Peter; well just invite them back in a few months." Cristi stated patting him on the back, as he started up the car.

"Now I'm lonely!" Alex shouted as he sat next to Keri.

"That's how I felt the entire way here, with you and Minnie kissing!"

"Oh you just want Quinn's peen," Heaven rolled her eyes and patted William's thigh.

"Well, everyone was paired up except me and Nell."

"HEY!" Ryan shouted from next to Tarra and Brendon in the very back.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT!" Brendon Shouted from on the stage.

Tarra rolled her eyes and made her way back toward her own bus, sure she said that she was going to be on his bus, but it was going to smell with four sweaty boys on it. She'd just wait and call to make sure that they had all bathed before. Otherwise, she was going to force him to spend the night on her bus. Keri had already booked it over to The Used's sober bus to meet with Quinn, and Pete was already in their shower to stay with Cristi. Heaven was off doing gods know what where arguing with William about eating meat.

"Hey Cristi," she called out as soon as she reached the bus.

"Hum?" She asked looking up from the laptop on her lap.

"Where are Bryon and Brandon?"

"Bryon's at the merch tent and Brandon is hell I think he's there too."

"They never seem to be on the bus with us anymore." She shook her head and made her way toward her bunk to retrieve her phone. She had nothing else to do so she was going to get online and play.

SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: long time since youve been on here
Ihatemydestiny: Heaven flushed my phone
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: haha
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: so
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: x games are going to be starting up
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: you planning on going to any?
Ihatemydestiny: actually I've been thinking about it
Ihatemydestiny: did your team make the final cut
Ihatemydestiny: am I going to be seeing Luke and Ry on those ramps?
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: you just might
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: just waiting to find out ourselves
Ihatemydestiny: cool beans let me know when you find out. Hell you still have my cell number right?
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: around here somewhere in my phone
Ihatemydestiny: well kid, find that shit, or have Ry call Heaven
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: are you trying to get rid of me?
Ihatemydestiny: no ...
Ihatemydestiny: okay maybe, I've now got a phone call, so I have to get off here to answer it.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: depends on who from right?
Ihatemydestiny: yeah, and its Brendon, so I better answer it
Ihatemydestiny:We just worked out a problem today
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: alight catch ya later

Tarra laughed at his quote from Dazed and Confused and clicked over just to hear Brendon sigh.

Promise - Matchboook Romace

That song makes me smile ... hell Matchbook Romance makes me smile!

"Brendon Boyd Urie, if you hang up I'll smack a hoe!"

"I wasn't going to hang up, I was waiting for the voice mail," He groaned out.

"Like you'd leave anything but a sigh in that!" she scoffed.

"I would too, ask Ryan."

"No, because hed say you do just to keep you out of a fit."

"True, so ... why aren't you here yet?"

"Is everyone clean?"

"No ..."

"Well theres your answer! Make everyone shower, then I'll be there ... that or you do a Pete, come over here, shower and then watch a movie ..."

"Would we have more alone time there?"

"Pete and Cristi are the only ones here right now, so yeah we would."

"I'm coming over." That was the last of that conversation. Four minutes later, a sweaty Brendon with a backpack slung over his shoulder was walking onto the bus. Pete strolled out of the bathroom and he made a direct beeline for it.

"Did you promise sex?" Pete asked looking from the closed door to Tarra.

"Does everything with you always lead to sex?" he had to think about it.

"Not all of it, but most of it, yes!"

"Weirdo, no he's bathing so that I don't have to smell a sweaty Brendon all night. What movie are we watching first?"

"I don't know, you pick."

"Not safe Wentz."

"Why not?"

"I'm a girl in the mood for a little gore!"

"Dear god, what do you have in mind?"

"Well, actually I'm in the mood for Gladiator"

"Sounds like an adventure, I'll go find it and start the popcorn." He dropped his stuff on Cristi's bunk and hurried to the front of the bus. The rest of the night was spent watching and quoting movie, even Heaven and William came to join in when they called and said that Young Frankenstein was going to be going into the player.
♠ ♠ ♠
The FIFTH update of the night.
The end of the story up by tomorrow night.