Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Ferris Wheel of Fortune

fatehathnomercy (12:21:52 PM): *flips heaven off pouting*
ashotofheaven (12:21:56 AM): ::both fingers raised to the sky::
fatehathnomercy (12:22:11 PM): oh suck it
ashotofheaven (12:22:13 AM): fuck a fish
fatehathnomercy (12:22:19 PM): that'd be a tid bit hard to do that ...
fatehathnomercy (12:23:22 PM): go get wentz aids
ashotofheaven (12:23:27 AM): i like wentz aids thank you...go get Oli Sykes whorebag germs
fatehathnomercy (12:23:33 PM): *laughs* i happen to like oli sykes ... go fluff a fucking omelet!
ashotofheaven (12:23:38 PM): i like Oli too so there...
ashotofheaven (12:23:39 PM): and I liked him first

ashotofheaven (12:23:42 PM): so nyah!
fatehathnomercy (12:23:47 PM): nah-uh the minnie like-ed him first
ashotofheaven (12:23:50 PM): well duh...cause he's from over there...and they aren't that poular in the US
ashotofheaven (12:23:52 PM): popular
fatehathnomercy (12:24:01 PM): too true
ashotofheaven (12:24:11 PM): lol...
fatehathnomercy (12:24:22 PM): now ... why are we insulting each other ... slutbag
ashotofheaven (12:24:27 PM): fuck if I know cunt stick
fatehathnomercy (12:24:35 PM): whore fish
ashotofheaven (12:24:40 PM): yeah...doesn't hold any zest...
ashotofheaven (12:24:42 PM): lose
fatehathnomercy (12:24:48 PM): *laughs* not to cunt stick no it doesn't
fatehathnomercy (12:24:50 PM): so fuck off
ashotofheaven (12:24:54 PM): you fuck off!
ashotofheaven (12:24:57 PM): I won!
fatehathnomercy (12:25:15 PM): beeshe
ashotofheaven (12:25:19 PM): that means you lost and have to leave now!
fatehathnomercy (12:25:24 PM): *pouts*

"Please tell me you two aren't im-ing each other back and forth," Keri said, walking into the front of the bus.

Heaven and Tarra blinked up at her before turning to look at each other. Heaven poked Tarra in the side.



They shouted at the same time, causing Keri to cringe. Heaven looked up at her older friend with a defiant look, and typed away at her sidekick. Tarra's Aim pinged loudly through the small room and Keri rolled her eyes, taking the laptop away.

ashotofheaven (12:26:33 PM): Make her go away!

Keri leaned over and smacked the girl around the back of the head and walked off into the back, laptop firmly in her hands.
Seconds later Heaven's sidekick buzzed and she looked down at it in fear.

fatehathnomercy (12:26:38 PM): Just so you know, kids. I win.

Heaven pouted, "Now what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to find Brendon. You can't come," Tarra said snidely.

"But! Fine! I'll find Brendon first. And then you can't come!" and she shot out the door, calling Brendon at the same time.

"Hello?" he echoed through her phone.

"Hi. Where are you?"

"Near the second stage, why?"

"Because I'm looking for you. Don't answer the phone if Tarra calls, okay?"


"Good," she hung up without saying goodbye and took off for the stage.

When she got there it was to Brendon on the phone.

"You answered it, you whipped mutha fucka!"

"But--it's Tarra," he whined.

Heaven took the phone, "I win!"

"Damn you!" Tarra muttered, "Fine, I'll just go find Billiam."

"William's on stage," Heaven laughed, "Do you really think I'd spend time with you if he was free for cuddles?"


"Damn straight! Brendon's mine for the day! Come along Brendon, I've got a teal colored sequin dress calling your name."

"Please tell me you're joking," Brendon muttered aloud as Heaven grabbed his hand and pulled him with her.

"Well, I don't have one yet...but I saw one in this second hand store down town."

"Save me!" Brendon shrieked to the population in whole. They ignored him.

"See how much your Canadian fans love you?" Heaven crooned as she talked some fans into taking them to the shop. Brendon muttered under his breath the whole way there.


"Those better not end up on the internet," Brendon warned as Heaven left him with Tarra later.

"Okay. I promise. Just my Buzznet!"


"Fine fine...but I am blowing this bitch up for your birthday!"

She skipped off laughing at his discomfort.

"She's kinda mean isn't she?" he whispered to Tarra, who nodded.



"Hello Montreal!" Keri called, climbing off the bus. She tripped on the last stair and landed face first in the dirt.

"I think that's Montreal telling you to fuck off," Heaven snickered.

Grumbling Keri climbed to her feet. She dusted the front of her shirt off, decided that it was now ruined and climbed back on the bus to clean herself off.

"Parc Jean-Drapeau," Heaven muttered, "Lets see where every thing is."

She walked around for a while, making sure she knew where the #13 Stage was, since that's the stage they were playing and ran off to find their merch tent.

"Hey little brother!" she called when she saw Brandon's head.

"Hey Heaven," he waved, "What's up?"

"I'm bored...where have you been little bro?"

"My Chemical Romance's bus. Gerard is the coolest person ever."

"Man crush!"

"Shut up Heaven," Brandon blushed, "I--uh...gotta go!"

He left Heaven staring after him as he ran off in the crowd.

"Was it something I said!" she shouted after him, "Come on Little Brother, I haven't seen you in forever!"

But he was already gone, dust kicking up after him. Heaven sighed in defeat and set off to find someone to play with.
She found Tarra and Brendon, Ryan and William all sitting at a table with the catering.

"Tarra," Heaven said, "I'm so bored. It's like, fuckin' noon and we don't play for hours!"

"Heaven, go amuse yourself," Tarra laughed.

"Tarra, I want to go to the carnival we saw on the way here."

"What carnival?" Tarra cocked an eyebrow at her friend, "You mean the one that was like two hours that way!?"

Tarra pointed over Bill's shoulder and Heaven shrugged.

"I unno. But Tarra. I want to ride the ferris wheel."

"We aren't driving to hours for you to ride on a ferris wheel," Tarra told her best friend in a soothing voice.

"Why not!" Heaven pouted, crossing her arms and looking annoyed.

"Because you don't like ferris wheels and we'll drive the whole way and then you won't get on it," Tarra said in a very duh like manner.

"No I won't!" Heaven stomped her foot for emphasis.

"I said no Marie!"

Tarra was quite surprised that her friend didn't throw herself on the ground in a full out tantrum at the use of her middle name.

"I want to go," Heaven said in the same tone she'd used to tell Tarra that she wasn't aloud to smoke anymore when they were just kids.


Two Hours Later

"I don't want on the fucking ferris wheel!" Heaven shrieked, feet digging into the ground, "I hate ferris wheels!"

By this time Ryan and William had drug her all the way through the park and they were now standing at the base of the ferris wheel. Where they had started before Heaven had bolted away screaming 'Fuck you!'.

"We drove two fucking hours," Ryan said, "Get on that ferris wheel."

"I don't want to," Heaven stuck her lip out.

William picked her up and threw her over a shoulder and paid the man running the ride.

"Tarra!" she shouted, "Let go of that fucking pole and help me!"

"No!" Tarra whined, "This is my new friend. His name is Lyle. And we are bonding."

"You just don't want to have to ride the ferris wheel," Heaven huffed to her friend as the man secured the bar in front of her stomach and the ride started.

She immediately began screaming for someone to let her the fuck off. They rose higher instead.

Beside William Heaven was shaking, "You really don't like heights, huh?"


"Then why did you want to come to the ferris wheel?"

"Cause I wanted to. You never know if you've managed to overcome your fears until you faced them."

"Well, you made a pretty half-assed attempt," William laughed.

"But it was an attempt none the less," they jerked to a stop at the top and the seat they were in began to sway, "Oh shit! did we just break down?"

"No, I paid him to stop us at the top," William's amused voice caressed her ears.

"Why would you do that?" Heaven hissed.

"Just open your eyes and look," Bill breathed, his eyes gazing over the country side.

"Wow," Heaven breathed, staring at William. He laughed and pushed her face so it was looking out over her feet.

"Yeah, that's nice to look at too," but she was laughing and he knew she was having fun, "Everything is less when I'm with you. And it feels like so much more."

"I know."

Oh the arrogance.
Oh the joy.
Oh the love.
Oh hell, the ferris wheel had started moving again.
"Going down," William whispered in her ear and her stomach dropped for a completely different reason.

"I missed you," Heaven sighed.

"I didn't go anywhere," he said with a laugh.

"I know. But I couldn't be friends with you. Not after everything we went through together."

"Are you as confused about us as I am?" he asked as they began their second circle around.

"Of course I am," she said mutely.

"I--I mean I think--" he started, looking like he was trying to swallow something large and dry lodged in his throat.

"Don't say you love me," she warned, "I won't say it back. It's too cliche. Too over used. If you want to tell me anything William, tell me you care about me. Just tell me you care."

"I care about you," he said simply.

"I care about you too."

"Alright," he said, "Good."

She just leaned her head on his shoulder and watched as they went around one more time.


"I can't believe those bastards tried to bottle us!" Heaven hissed, climbing off stage.

"I can't believe you jumped into the crowd and punched the kid who threw the bottle," Keri said, smirking.

"The bastard nearly hit me," Heaven seethed, "And the second one got Tarra."

"Yeah, and now we're banned from playing in Montreal...good going."

"Eff off," Heaven muttered lightly, "Pete said he'd get that taken care of for us."

"All I'm saying is that people throw bottles. You can't keep diving into crowds beating the shit out of people," Cristi said.

Heaven huffed, "The kid won. He got bitch slapped. I got ghetto-fuckin-stomped!"

She waved at the eye that was already beginning to swell. It was red, but beginning to tint purple. They laughed at her.


"I hate being on the road."

"Join the club."

"I hate how cramped this bus is."

"Join the club."

"I need to poo."

"Join the god damn club!"

Keri snickered at Heaven and Tarra, "Wentz said its not that bad bagging."

"Yeah, well Wentz let a monkey touch his peen, so what does he know?"

"Enough to know how to triple the sells of his cds?" Cristi butted in.

"Yeah yeah," Tarra laughed, "Pete is one big publicity stunt."

"Hey! Fuck you!" echoed through the bus and the girls all looked at each other before back at Cristi.

"Oh my god!" Heaven said horrified...

"Is Pete on our bus?" Tarra finished.

"Yeah..." Cristi looked a little embarrassed..

"Why?" Keri asked, on their bus for the first time in a while.

"Cause I couldn't sleep on my own," Pete said, crawling through to the kitchen in nothing but a pair of briefs.

"I thought you frowned on underwear," Heaven laughed.

"I'm saving your sensibilities," Pete grinned over her as he took a drink straight from the bottle of orange juice.

"That was mine," Heaven muttered, voice low, "Here are my sensibilities."

Curious Pete watched as she jumped up and mooned him.

"And you owe me new orange juice!" and she stalked away to her bunk muttering about germs.

TheDominantRy(1:53:14AM): Hey kid, what are you doing still up. Shouldn't you be sleeping?
IminLoveWithALoser(1:53:17AM):You totally just jacked my word!
TheDominantRy(1:53:19):duh. turn about is fair play. How are things?
ImInLoveWithALoser(1:53:22):Things are good. How are your parents handling the idea of touring?
TheDominantRy(1:53:24): Oh haha, yeah. My mom burst into tears. Dad was like, I knew I shouldn't have bought you that sk8 board.
InLoveWithALoser(1:53:27AM):Lol...your poor mom...her baby is leaving!
TheDominantRy(1:53:30AM): Haha...very funny Heaven. Your shiner is all over the internet. Did you really get kicked out of Canada?
InLoveWithALoser(1:53:37AM): Nope. Cause Wentz loves me.
TheDominantRy(1:53:42AM): Wait, I thought Beckett loved you? *is confused*
InLoveWithALoser(1:53:47AM): Yeah, yeah. He does too.
TheDominantRy(1:53:52AM): Well, I gotta jump off here. My mom is pissed I'm not sleeping yet.
InLoveWithALoser(1:54AM):Night kid.

Heaven laughed to herself, talking to Rylan made her remember what it was like before their band went on Warped Tour. When it was easy to talk to every single kid that came up to them. When they had time between shows and Heaven could see her sisters when the need arose.

She sighed and surfed youtube. Someone had sent her a video from High School Musical 2 and she clicked it, bobbing her head to the beat.

Damnit! she thought, another Get Your Head in the Game.


Heaven was walking around the new venue, a bag of sunflower seeds in her hands. They were in Bonner Springs, KS.

Which meant that they were in The Dominant E's home town.

I'll show you that it's one and the same,
baseball and dancing
same game
it's easy
step up to the plate
start swinging...

"What the hell are you singing?"

Heaven gave a frightened little yelp and dropped her bag of sunflower seeds.

"I don't Dance. It's from High School Musical 2," she said, looking down at her spilled treat, "Where'd you come from, Ronnie?"

He laughed, "I was over there."

He slung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her along with him. She sighed as he forced her to lead her sunflowers behind.

"I was eating those, asshat," she muttered.

He just shrugged and kept leading her. He pushed her down in the grass and laid next to her, pointing at the clouds.

"Look, that one looks like a tree," he whispered mock seriously.

"Is there a reason I'm lying in grass with you?" Heaven asked patiently.

"Because I was bored and so were you?"

"Agreed. Sorta."

"Yeah. Well, actually you look more pissed than anything."

"Yeah, well have you noticed that when you play your home town everyone is fake?"

"Of course. Then again, how do you know they were real to begin with?"

"Because if you knew them in high school and they made fun of you for being over weight and you see them two years later and they want to be your friend, that isn't real, is it?"

He laughed, "Why do you care what they think now. Tarra tells me you didn't give a flying fuck back then."

"Well, no, I didn't. Because at least back then they were mean."

"So you don't want them to be nice to you?"

"I want people to be honest."

"Buck up kid, if they're being nice it just means that in the long run you won."

Heaven frowned, "It was never a competition."

"Life is a competition, Heaven."
♠ ♠ ♠
At Tarra's, updating from her mom's computer. Sorry I didn't get this out friday night. I totally puked, and puked and puked some more.