Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars


"Heaven, why are you in a French Maid costume?"

"Well, Adam," Heaven said, "It all started in Canada with Brendon Urie and a teal sequined dress."

"Umm. Okay then," Sisky shook his head at his friend, "I should learn not to ask you questions. I usually end up more confused."

"Thus is the way of the world," Heaven shrugged.

Heaven left Adam laughing next to Cute is What We Aim For's bus and marched on through the venue, looking for Ronnie. He had dared her to put the costume on and walk through the crowd. And now she couldn't find the bastard, who had taken it upon himself to steal her favorite pair of jeans while she was naked.

Vowing to herself that Ronnie Winters was sooo gonna get it she slouched down next to Dirty in Fall Out Boy's merch booth.

"Is it my birthday?" he grinned with a lecherous look up her very bare, very white thigh.

"Aren't you like, married," Heaven laughed, "And have a kid? The marriage thing we could work around. But I don't do dads."

"Tease," Dirty joked, "Mind watching the tent for me?"

Before she could say no Dirty was gone and Heaven was left babysitting the merch booth at nine am.

"He's not coming back, you know that, right?" Travis asked, laughing as he walked by.

"Yes, Travvie, I know," Heaven shrugged, "Oh well, we play pretty late today anyway."

"You were lucky when you were going in the morning," Travis said, "Before everything got all hot and sweaty."

"I know," Heaven moaned, and Travis waved and left on his merry way.

Heaven sighed; this was going to be a long day.


Tarra smiled looking from person to the next. She was currently sitting on Brendon's lap at the catering tent. Frank was across from her and Bert next to her, he was sitting on her, until she convinced him to get up, (by convincing meaning she shoved him off her then climbed into Brendon's lap).

She really didn't want to play for this city. Too many people were fake, and the fact that she'd already seen several people that claimed they knew her, and wanted to "chat" freaked the hell out of her. She knew though that two people weren't fake, and that they really did know her. Who were these people you might ask, well they just so happened to be a couple of people that Tarra knew through her little sister.

They didn't act as if they really knew her, because they didn't. They asked for autographs, which Tarra, Brendon, and Frank willing gave before they ran off to get to the catering tent.

Tarra was content with Brendon's arms wrapped around her. This is what she wants; to feel safe, and secure. But it wouldn't last long, so she's been telling herself. He'd yet to ask for a true relationship and neither had she, but things did get carried away at times.

Heaven would throw books or pans at their heads as they made out on the bus; especially if Brendon's hands began to go up Tarra's shirt. Keri was the same way, though she had no room to talk, her and Quinn's relationship was as sexual as Pete and Cristi's.

"Brendon?" she gasped out as he nipped at her neck.

"Hum?" he barely got out as he nuzzled his face into the crock of her neck.

"Stop that!" Bert and Frank both began to laugh at the two as Brendon's face turned the color of Tarra's dark red Breast shirt that Bert thrown at her to wear this morning. Tarra glared at them and their laughter just subsidized into giggles.

"Munchkin love, he just wants to play!" Bert smirked at the two and poked her in her side.

"Yeah, he's missed you while you was avoiding him and cuddling with Bert."

"Well Bertiebuns is cuddlier than you Frank!" She shot out glaring at the two.

"Not fair!" Frank shot out as Brendon laughed.

"I want to go home and see my family." Tarra stated changing the subject and turning in Brendon's arms, smiling at him.

"I thought you said your sister was supposed to be here?" she couldn't help but laugh at that. Lyssa always would promise to be somewhere, and then forget to do it because she either had something better to do at the time, or her boyfriend Cody would consume her mind and she'd forget completely.

"The day Lyssa actually remembers one of my shows will be the day that I drag her to one."

"That forgetful huh?" Frank asked smiling over at her.

"Yeah, she can get that forgetful, besides I think she has some JROTC stuff going on today at the school."

"She's in JROTC?"

"Yesh, as was I so don't make fun. It was really fun actually. The instructors are the coolest ever."

"Dear god Brendon, you're involved with an RO geek!" Bert gasped; everyone began to laugh as Tarra crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.

"Just for that I'm going back to the bus, oh, and who ever said I was involved with Urie?" Tarra stated standing up from Brendon's lap and stalking off.

"Great going Frank, now she's going to be in a mood all day," Brendon mumbled looking from him to Bert. "What time is it?"


"My set is after Gym Class Heroes."

"Well my dear one, get to running because they're ending." Brendon shot up from the table and began to run toward the stage. Bert was laughing and Frank just smirked.
"He's still got about thirty minutes" Frank stated shaking his head.

"The short stack would kill us if we ever did that to her." Bert stated as he stood up from the table.

"Yes, but our dearest hobbit number three has her trusty Patrick Star watch that she always looks at." Frank pointed out smartly.

"Not if we steal it!" Bert claimed as he smirked. And so the planning to steal the beloved watch began.


Heaven glanced at her watch.


She had yet to find Ronnie from her position behind the table. Dirty hadn't come back yet. And she had a sneaking suspicion that when he did he would be drunk.
And most definitely would not have brought anything back for her.

She sighed, wiping at the sweat cascading down the nice bit of cleavage the costume was showing. Some one whistled as they walked by and she didn't even bother to look up as she shot them the finger.

"Any time, baby!" was howled, followed by rowdy laughter and she looked up in time to see a group of boys her age turning a corner.

"Bastards," she hissed under her breath.

"If it isn't Heaven. How have you been?"

Heaven looked up into the eyes of Mark, a kid who had tormented her through most of high school and resisted the urge to plant a fist in his face.

"I'm good. How have you been?" Oh so fucking polite.

"Good enough. I heard that you were in a band. I didn't know it was The DE. You guys are great."

Heaven might have taken him seriously if he hadn't been staring directly down her top. She crossed her arms, leaned back in the chair to hide them a little more and nodded.

"Yeah, thanks," she said stiffly.

"Not a problem," his eyes shot to her face again before settling on her chest and he licked his lips. He leaned in across the table, his finger trailing down the dip in her top.

"How about you and I..."

Oh my god, ew! she managed to think before Mark was being pushed away through the crowd.

Dirty was standing there, a triumphant grin on his face, "I think I owe you rum."

Heaven didn't say damn straight though she was thinking it.

She let him snatch some techie who was walking by and force him behind the table before he was leading her back to Fall Out Boy's bus.

He fixed her a drink in a shot glass and handed it to her. She knocked it back without thinking and gasped at the burn in her chest.

"What the fuck, Dirty!" she choked, clutching at her chest. Whiskey burns!

"You needed the shock. You looked horrified," Dirty laughed, handing her a bottle of Cruzan Raspberry Rum.

"He was raping me with his eyes!" Heaven complained.

"Well, look at the sexy little get up you're wearing."

"That kid used to make fun of me for being over weight," Heaven muttered darkly, popping the top off the bottle and taking a large swig.

Dirty laughed, "Whoa there. Take it easy, Tarra will kill me if you perform drunk."

"I don't play for another seven hours," Heaven laughed, "I'm good."


Tarra couldn't help but smile, though she didn't want to be here, the entire way back to the bus she was stopped multiple times.

"Hey Tarra"
"How are you Tarra"
"What's going on?"
"Hey what's your number maybe we can hook up when you get off tour?"

She wanted to gag, all these people hitting on her, asking for her phone number, and wondering what she's been doing since graduation. What she really wanted to do was throw things at everyone's heads and knock some since into them. They were all so fake.

She was a hermit in high school stuck with her own crowd of people that barely anyone talked to. Sure she had people like Bryan that would talk to her, but that's only because Heaven introduced them, then Bryan took over.

When she finally made it back to the bus she wanted to break out into the chicken dance. Distinct laughter was filling the bus and it made all the bad things wash away.

"HONK HONK, You're here!"

"BEEP BEEP I missed you!" Katie, Keri's little sister screamed as she picked Tarra up into a hug and they spun around. Tarra loves Katie just about as much as she loves Keri.

"I'm glade that you're here."

"I am to!"

"More excited for what band though?"

"My Chemical Romance, The Used, and you guys of course."

"Has Keri here introduced you to her lover?" Tarra asked smirking at Keri whom was blushing.

"No she said I wasn't allowed to meet him, because I'd tell him all the embarrassing stories."

"You would too!" Tarra smiled and took a seat on the couch next to Keri.

"So why are you back on the bus?"

"The guys were being mean to me." Tarra pouted.

"Who all was there with you?"

"Brendon, Bert, and Frank," Tarra smiled over at Keri, she just rolled her eyes.

"What were they being mean about now?"

"Well first it as because Brendon began to nip at my neck, so Frank and Bert had to laugh at us, then they were making fun of me because I was in RO." Katie began to laugh.

"I take it they pick on you a lot."

"Oh yes, they do." Keri said laughing.

"Well, if your sister wasn't stuck up Quinn's ass and was around these guys a bit more than she does, they'd tease her and Quinn about their relationship too." Tarra stated crossing her arms over her chest in defeat.

"Can I meet Brendon?" Katie asked smirking.

"Pfft you can't embarrass me as much as Heaven does, but you're going to have to wait until after his set, he should be going on now, wanna go watch them?" Tarra's eyes got big.

"Hell yes!" Katie said she stood up from the couch as the bus door banged open, Bert, Quinn, and Frank all climbed in smirking. "HA, I get to meet Quinnifer after all!"

"What?" he asked looking from Keri, to Tarra, then finally to Katie.

"Quinn, this persona here is Keri's 'little' sister Katilyn. Katie, this is Quinn, Bert, and Frank."

"Yeah, fan here, know who they are." She said rolling her eyes as she shook their hands.

"Well boys, we're stealing Quinn, and going to go watch Brendon play. Katie here wants to try to embarrass me more."

"Is that possible?"

"Not really Let's go." Bert and Frank started to follow as well. "Do you two ever want to leave me alone and go bug someone else?" Tarra turned to glare at them.

"Nope, not really." They shrugged their shoulders and the following to the main stage began.

Ten minutes later found Tarra's face in a flush, Bert and Frank holding each other from laughing, and Quinn smirking. Katie had decided to embarrass her in the worst way. The broccoli in the program story.

"And the best thing about it. She had to where this paper broccoli over this green outfit." Bert's face was priceless; he went from amusement straight into lust.

"You were broccoli."

"Don't get ANY ideas McCracken. I'm NOT wearing that shit ever again. "

"Not even for me?"

"Am I dating you Bertiebuns? No! Now shut the fuck up Katilyn Noelle, or I'll bring out the nekked baby pictures of you. Now shush, Brendon's almost done." They all turned back to the stage when Brendon went behind the piano to play the last song.

"Quit smiling." Katie said shoving Tarra forward, which so happened to knock her onto the stage where everyone can see. Her face went red as she stood up to the crowd screaming even more. Jon looked over at her and shook his head.

"Well, what do we have here?" he asked looking out to the crowd and then to Brendon who was then moving over to her.

"Hum, looks like we have unexpected company. Should we serenade her?" Brendon asked looking out to the crowd. Tarra's eyes went wide in fear.

"Don't you dare Boyd or I'll call Minnie to roast you on a spit!" Brendon started to laugh and the crowd just looked at him funny.

"She doesn't want me to serenade her." He pouted and Tarra looked away, but it didn't work. He had the entire crowd 'awing' along with Katie, Bert, Quinn, Frank, Spencer, Ryan, and Jon pouting with him.

"I hate you all right now." Tarra said taking the microphone away from him. "Yet I give in, because honestly, who can resist all these people pouting." Brendon jumped for joy then sat back down behind the piano. His fingers struck the keys as a soft recognizable tune began to flow. Ryan looked at Tarra and started to laugh.

"Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
when the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?"

Tarra shook her head laughing; she walked over to Brendon and stole the microphone.

"My turn" She wiggled her eyebrows, as Frank, Quinn, Bert, and Katie jumped out onto the stage with her. Quinn stole Ryan's Guitar, Frank had his own, and Bert stole Jon's Bass, as Katie knocked Spencer off his stool.

"My dear Brendon is that anyway to treat your new girlfriend." Tarra rolled her eyes. "You're so vain!" The crowd began to laugh as the music started and Tarra smirked.

"You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht
your hat strategically dipped below one eye"

Laughing Tarra looked as Brendon checked his head for a hat. She shook her head and knocked Ryan's hat from his head and moved on to Spencer.

"Your scarf it was apricot"

She tugged on Spencer's scarf and smiled at him as she moved on to Brendon.

"You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
and all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and..."

She smiled and winked at Brendon as she pointed at him for the crowd to see who this part of the song was hitting. The next thing they knew she was making a dive on her knees and skidding to a stop in front of Jon while she began the chorus.

"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you
you're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't You?"

Two minutes later she was saying thank you to the guys and the crowd.

"I can't believe you sang that to us." Ryan said rolling his eyes.

"I can't believe she actually thought of it, and had you lot do it with her." Jon stated.
"Pfft yeah right, we just wanted to take over your set!" Katie laughed as she skipped ahead of the group. "See you all later I'm going to go enjoy Warped the way I paid for it to be!"

"And she was " Brendon asked looking at Tarra.

"Keri's little sister."

"And she had to pay?"

"Keri never sent her the ticket like she was supposed to."

"You mean like you did your sister."


"So what now?"

"Our set is after My Chemical Romance here in about two hours." Bert stated shrugging his shoulders.

"So what's happened to Frankie? Did he decide to just leave me?"

"He ran away after Katilyn, saying something about needing to call Jamia and to get Gerard's ass out of bed." Quinn said nodding his head. "Can I go back and bug Keri?"

"What he really wants is to go suck face!" Spencer smirked.

"Ah, use protection and no fucking in my bunk Quinnifer or I'll have Pete rape you in the night." Tarra said shoving him in the direction of her bus.

"And where are you going?" Brendon asked her as she took a hold of Bert's hand and started to skip with him.

"To the side stage to see Street Drum Corps duh, wanna come?" His eyes went wide as he nodded, she grabbed for his hand and skipped off leaving Ryan, Spencer, and Jon to tag along or go their separate ways.


Two hours, three tall glasses of raspberry rum mixed with crushed ice and lemonade, four old classmates, and five steps Heaven successfully tripped down found Heaven sitting in William's bunk with a stomach ache.

William of course was no where to be found. That Heaven knew of, she was too busy enjoying the silence of The Academy's bus and the smell of William on his pillows. She rolled over on her stomach and sighed, head buried deep in the pillows.

"Hey there. Why are you back here alone?"

"Hey Michael. I dunno, 'cause it's quiet. And my tummy aches."

Michael took a good look at her and laughed, "Who gave you alcohol when it's that hot outside?"

"Dirty," she said, her eyes screaming duh.

"Oh. Right, do you want me to find Bill?"

"Nah, he'll find me if he feels like it."

"I think this is the last place he'll look for you," Michael reasoned.

"Yahp," Heaven muttered, "So it'll probably be the first place he finds me."

"Gotcha," Michael said, holding up his hands. He looked more confused by every word coming out of Heaven's mouth.

Heaven just rolled onto her stomach and wondered why none of her family had called her even though she was and amazing hour and a half away.


The cotton taste in her mouth had Heaven rolling over into a warm body. The arms wrapped around her snugly and William's breathed tickled along her neck.

"Took me forever to find you."

"Really now," she licked at her lips, liking the left over raspberry taste.

"Uh huh," he muttered, his lips at the corner of her mouth.

"Well, I'm in the last place you looked," she muttered sleepily, moving so their lips connected.

"Is that so?" he asked with a chuckle, breaking the kiss.

"Kiss me proper, Beckett," she said waspishly, hiding a smile.

He pulled her flush against him and pecked her lightly on the lips.
Three times.

"Mmm," she sighed against his mouth, "I love that sound."

He hid his face in her neck and chuckled, "I know."

Their legs intertwined and she breathed in deeply, wondering how he always managed to smell slightly of apples.



"You taste good," he grinned at her.

"You smell good. We're even."



"Why are you in a French Maid costume?" He slid his hand up the bare skin just above the thigh high stockings, letting it rest at the bottom curve of her ass.

"It all started in Canada with Brendon Urie and a teal sequined dress," she said, wiggling closer to him and making no effort to move his hand.

They fell asleep like that


Tarra couldn't help but smile, she'd spent the entire day with Bert and Brendon; that is until Bert decided to run off and go see a different band as Tarra and Brendon were watching All Time Low.

"Hey I just remembered something you said!" Brendon stated looking at Tarra while Alex started to sing Running from Lions.

"And what's that?"

"You called yourself my girlfriend in front of all those people."

"Yesh, and?"

"Does this mean -"

"Yesh, Brendon we're dating, that is unless you want Katilyn to comeback over here and rip your face off?"

"No thank you, I like my face where it is."

"I just bet you do!" Tarra said laughing.

"You know you're the second one to claim relationship?"

"What do you mean Cristi and Pete, Keri and Quinn, that'd make me third," She said looking into his eyes confused.

"Nope Second; Pete stated that him and Cristi never really claimed they were dating, everyone just assumed, and that's how it happened."

"Well, he shouldn't have fucked her!" Tarra stated turning back to watch the guys on the stage. "We should hang out with them after their set."


"Because the Alex is dating the Minnie, duh!"

"So we have to keep him company."

"Shuddup Brendon, I miss the Alex's wit!"

"That and Minnie right?"

"Yesh I miss my Minnie and Nellnee, but the good news is that maybe just maybe we can convince them to come back after tour."

"Aren't you supposed to be going to record the record after tour."

"Yesh, but Pete's madly in love with them so he won't care one bit." This caused Brendon to laugh.

"In love with them, that's one way of putting it."

"Oh it's true, and you know it!" She said leaning in to give him a small kiss. The small kiss went to full on make out until someone ran head on into them.

"Hey!" They both shouted looking at the person who hit them. There stood a smirking Pete.

"What the fuck Wentz?" Tarra glared.

"Kiddies are watching no PDA."

"Oh go find Travvie and bug him."

"But you're fun to tease my little innocent one."

"Innocent my ass just because I've still got my virtue doesn't mean that I'm innocent Peter."

"What ever you say Lyn what ever you say." He rolled his eyes walking away.



Fifteen minutes later, and one annoyed Tarra, found them back on the Dominant E's bus, cuddled into Tarra's bunk. Alex had to go back to his bus, something about having no time to 'chit chat' when Nell and Minnie threatened him if he didn't call at an exact time.

"Why are we back here?"

"Because I wanted to come back here; actually I want to go home!" Tarra said rolling her eyes.

"That's second time today that you've said this. Why don't you gather up the girls and go home?" Brendon asked looking at her.

"But I don't want to have to find them all!"

"Didn't you just get a new phone?"

"Oh yeah, but-"

"No more buts call them all and go home."

"Come with me?" She pouted moving her head out of his chest and looking up at him.

"Alright, but only if I can bring Ryan and Spencer to protect me."

"As if those two could protect you." she stated rolling her eyes as she dug her phone out of her pocket, and dialing Heaven's number.


The next time Heaven woke up it was to her cell phone vibrating under the elastic of her skirt (it wasn't like the costume had pockets). Her hips jerked in surprise and she let out a squeak. William's eyes shot open.

"What's it?" he yawned.

"Phone," she mumbled against his lips and flipped it open.


"Heaven? I thought you wanted to go visit your family," Tarra said into the phone.

"I did," Heaven said, "But that was until they didn't call. What if they don't want to see me?"

"That's stupid," Tarra laughed, "Get your ass to the van in ten minutes."

Heaven hung up the phone and looked at William, "When do you play?"

He shrugged, "We went on an hour ago, why?"

"Wanna come home with me?"

"To meet the parents?" he teased.

"We can sneak into my old high school, bother Tarra's sister while she's at RO practice...I can show you where the slutty girls make out with their boyfriends."

He laughed, "Sounds like fun. So we're gonna go on an adventure?"

"Want the cliche 'Every day is an adventure with you, baby'?"

He laughed again, "I could be your cliche."

"And next you'll be talking of love and that one perfect kiss," Heaven laughed, "You've spent too much time on the road with Urie."

"Don't make fun of our romanticism."

"Your romanticism goes well with my skepticism," she laughed.

"You're only skeptical now," William shot her a smirk, "Didn't Tarra say ten minutes?"

"How'd you know that?"

"Your phone is pretty loud," he laughed, "I could hear her."

Heaven laughed, rolled over him and slid off his bed. She looked down at her attire before shrugging. Her family had seen her in weirder outfits.


"Oh I wish I wish I hadn't killed that fish" Tarra stated for the seventh time in the last ten minutes.

"Tarra Lyn Bratton, if you don't stop saying that I'm going to turn this van around and go back to the venue!" Cristi said driving down the highway toward St. Joseph. The van was packed full. Cristi was driving; Pete was next to her in the passenger seat. Keri was behind her next to Spencer and William. Heaven was next to Tarra and Brendon. Even with all the begging and pleading that Brendon had done, he couldn't get Ryan to stop writing and come along. Brendon's response to it had been 'Fine if I die and you don't have a lead singer anymore, don't come crying to my gravestone.'

"I'm bored Cristi, I can't help it!" Tarra whined.

"Well, make out with Brendon." Pete mumbled from the front seat. Tarra glared at the back of his head and smiled over at Heaven.

"Wanna sing I know a song with me." Heaven shook her head and opened up her book and placed her headphones in her ears.

Five minutes later found Tarra's head resting on Brendon's shoulder sleeping. It only took about an hour to get into St. Joseph, and not long after they were headed toward Keri's house first.

"You know this isn't fair!" Brendon complained as he looked up at the house from the street.

"What isn't fair?" Tarra asked looking at him.

"Quinn doesn't have to meet the parents yet."

"You make it seem like it's a bad thing. Besides, you forget Brendon, these are my second cousins, Keri's my third cousin, and family is family here. We should go see my grandparents too. That one would be great you'd all get a grilling." Tarra, Heaven, and Keri all laughed.

Tarra's grandparents were some of the neatest people you could ever talk to. Her grandma being the bluntest person you'd ever meet and her grandpa the most entertaining.

"Let's get to it people!" Keri shouted as she made her way up the concrete stairs toward the house. She knocked on the door before entering and they all made their way inside only to get attacked one by one by the house dog, Aries. Mind you most people have small or medium sized dogs for house dogs. Nope not Keri's dad and sister, they wanted an effing monster.

Keri's mom squealed in the way that only she always does and engulfed all four of the girls into a big hug. Her dad was sitting on the couch in his usually spot, smack dab in the middle watching TV with a cigarette in his hand.

"Who are all these people?" He asked looking at everyone when they all made their way into the living room as Keri's mom, Jenny, put Aries outside.

"Why they're people of course" Tarra smirked as she sat down next to him on one side and Keri did the same on the other.

"Smart ass." He mumbled smiling at her.

"Missed you too Shawn. This is Brendon Urie, my boyfriend. His band mate: Spencer Smith. That's Pete Wentz, he's dating Cristi; and that's Billiam Beckett."

Heaven sat down on Shawn's feet and smiled up at him as he reached to shake all of the guy's hand. He glared at Brendon in the process and Jenny walked back into the room.

"So what are all of you doing here?"

"We wanted to come home before our set." Keri said shrugging her shoulders. Jenny sat down in her chair and looked at all the boy's just standing there. Cristi had already made her self comfortable on the foot stool.

"You boys do know that you can sit down, the floor doesn't bite."

"No the floor doesn't but Heaven and Tarra do!" William and Pete both mumbled as they sat on the floor.

"Hey, hey. Jenny, do you have any chocolate, with Almonds?" Heaven's eyes grew wide as she jumped up and ran into the kitchen to raid the fridge. The sounds of Shawn and Jenny's laughter following her. She opened up the fridge and right there in the bottom draw was a box full of Hersey's with Almonds. He face lit up like it was Christmas in August and reached in to grab a bar and opening it on her way back into the living room. William shook his head at her as he tried to grab a bite.

"Get your own gaandu!" She said pulling away from his mouth, but with no luck, because face it that boy is way taller than her. Tarra laughed as she stood up from her place on the couch and started to go through the movies.

"What do you think you're doing?" Shawn asked looking at her.

"Stealing movies as always." She smirked over at him.

"Don't you girls have enough to watch between you?"

"Yes, but we've watched them all."

"I'd say." Brendon mumbled.

"What was that Urie?" Tarra asked looking over at him with a glare.

"You've had us watch Dirty Dancing four times."

"I most certainly did not! That was all Cristi, Pete, and Keri!" Tarra said smacking him in the head. "I hate that movie Mr. Urie, you're now on probation!" William gasped as Spencer and Pete laughed at him. He was pouting.


"Probation, no more kissing mister, nope no more."

"Okay I'm sorry, don't cut me off!"

"Too Late!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Now go pout in the corner." Tarra stated smirking at him. He glared at her and walked over to the corner, sat down, and looked at everyone in the room. Tarra laughed as she crawled over to him, pecked him on the lips and smiled at him.

"I don't think I'd ever be able to resist those big lips of yours Brendon."

"Awe, you two are so cute. How long have you been dating?" Jenny smiled over at them.

"I suppose we started to officially date today." Tarra said shrugging.

"Yeah but they've been in love with one another for about the entire time we've been on warped!" Spencer stated rolling his eyes.

"Shut it Smith or I'll hog tie your ass and play the rest of warped in your stead." Tarra said glaring at him.

"Does Keri have anyone?" Tarra began laughing at the question at just came from Keri's mom's lips.

"Oh boy does she, start up the computer and I'll show you what he looks like!" Cristi stated as she stood up with Jenny and went into the computer room to look up pictures of Quinn. Keri was groaning as she rested her head on her dad's shoulder.

"Is he good to you?"

"Shawn he practically treats her like a princess." Tarra said as she resumed her search of movies that she wanted to steal so far all she came up to was the Borne series, and 300. Sighing she pulled them off the shelf and sat down next to him again.

"Wow Keri, he is sexy." Everyone but Keri began to laugh. "Tarra, you didn't do too bad yourself." She said eyeing Brendon. His face went a little red as Tarra smiled over at him.

"Oh I know it! Now show her my lover in disguise" Tarra said looking at Cristi.

"Which one. Bert or Frank?" Pete pointed out raising an eyebrow.

"Go with them both."

"You're dating three guys?" Jenny asked looking at her in shock. Tarra couldn't help but laugh as Spencer tried to explain her relationship with the other two men.

"So Heaven "

"Nope, don't even go there because we're not even sure exactly what we have." She stated looking at William with a small smile on her face.

"Well, then where else are you all going to go?" Shawn asked looking at them.

"Heaven's house, My House, the two high schools, then just driving around right before we have to leave so we don't miss our set." Tarra stated shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, Central's closer, so then Heaven's, Tarra's, then Benton?" Cristi stated looking at them all.

"Well, then get outta here and go see the rest of the families, we'll see you in a few weeks." Shawn said shoving Tarra and Keri on the couch. Tarra and Keri glared at him before giving him a hug and moving on to Jenny. More hugs, and hand shakes later they were all pilled back into the car and headed off to Central High school, the school that both Keri and Cristi and graduated from.

They really couldn't get into the building which made them all pout so they stayed walking around the outside of it until Heaven stole the van's keys and ran. Hinting that it was time to go see her mom.

Standing in her living room after such a long time was just, weird. She was holding a large suitcase full of stuff for her sisters, as both their birthdays were in a few days. Heaven pulled on Spencer's elbow and shoved him forward.

"I brought you the cute one?" she said half a question, because Chey had never told her which one she thought was cute, "Happy birthday."

Chey laughed and flopped down on to the couch, "You brought me two Panic! at the Disco members?!"

Tarra hugged Brendon, "Uh-uh, this one is mine."

"Interesting. Hey, isn't that the guy from The Academy is?" Cheyenne pointed at William.

"Yeah," Heaven said cheeks slightly red.

"You should show him your room," Chey snickered.

"That's enough out of you," Heaven said, embarrassed, "Or I'll keep your gifts."

"Fine," Chey pouted, crossing her arms, "Okay, give 'em to me."

Heaven laughed and tossed both her sisters their gifts, countless shopping bags full of clothes and small trinkets from various malls and stores.

"Oh my god!" Cheyenne grinned at the evil looking Tinkerbell messenger bag, "You're my favorite sister!"

"Was their any doubt?"

"Ashley got me a pre-paid cell phone."

"Eh," Heaven laughed, "Mine's prettier."

She hugged her sister while Ashley shuffled through her gifts.

"I can't believe you bought me another Mandy Moore doll," she laughed, "This'll have to go next to the other one."

"Duh," Heaven laughed, and hugged her older sister.

"Heaven," her mom started, "Why are you in a French Maid costume?"

"Well mom," Heaven said, smoothing down the skirt, "It all started in Canada with Brendon Urie (she pointed at him) and a teal sequined dress."

"Right," her mom said, "I assume there are pictures of that?"

"Well duh," Heaven laughed, " I'm gonna go change now."

She shot up the stairs and down the hall. She could hear footsteps in the hall and turned around sharply. William walked straight into her back and she laughed.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Seeing your room," he answered in the same mocking tone."

"You'll be scarred for life," she laughed.

He pushed past her and through the door with a large black star painted on it.

"Holy shit," he breathed, "It's like, a FueledbyRamen poster ad."

There was an entire corner devoted to The Academy Is and he cocked an eyebrow, "Obsessed much?"

"Har-har, Beckett," she laughed, "Fuck off."

"I could do that," he teased, flopping on to her bed, "Over here on this nice comfy bed... with the The Academy Is pillow case on it. Oh look, if I roll over I can kiss myself."

"That's it, get out," she said pushing out the door, "And to think I was gonna let you dress me..."

"Dress you, or undress you?"

She snapped the door in his face, holding back her laughter until after his steps had disappeared down the hall. Gasping for breath, his forlorn frown etched into her memory she changed quickly. When she got downstairs William was pouting in a corner. She sat next to her mom and smirked at him.

"You're daughter is evil," he directed at her mom.

"What are you telling me for?" Margie teased. William pouted.

"All the girls in this family are like that," Heaven's step-father added in, "You'll get no sympathy from them."

"Damn straight," Ashley, Heaven, and Margie chirped at the same time.

"Yeah!" Chey added for emphasis and had the whole room laughing.


"So, where to now?" Pete asked as they all pilled into the van after Heaven's mom declared that they were being too loud.

"My house!" Tarra exclaimed smiling, with her arms raised in the air.

"Have you warned Brendon about the swords on your living room walls?" Cristi asked smirking in the rearview mirror at the two. Brendon gulped as he looked over at Tarra.

"Oh you're such a scaredy cat. They're for show, and treat; he won't do anything to you." Tarra said rolling her eyes. Not even five minutes later they were pulling into the alleyway to get to Tarra's house. Everything about the house seemed quite. Her sister's and her Mom's car were out side along with her dad's truck.

"Get out," Cristi stated turning the van off and climbing out of the van herself. Tarra didn't need to be told twice. She crawled over Brendon and out the door. She was down the five steps and to the back door before everyone could even get out of the van; actually Heaven was right behind her.

They both rammed themselves into the door to get it open, seeing Tarra's dad, Richard, standing at the stove cooking. He took one look at the two girls and began to laugh.

"I guess this means I need to make some of this fried rice veggie head friendly huh?"

"Hell yes it does. Have I expressed how much I love you recently?" Tarra asked her eyes going wide.

"Nope, can't say you have darlin' " He was smirking at her now. Cristi and Keri had already walked into the house and where standing in the kitchen looking at Tarra funny as she had attached herself to her dad, whom was standing over a skillet frying up some round stake for his fried rice.

"How many people did you bring home with you, better yet, why are you home?"

"We're in Kansas City today, and I brought seven other people with me and two of them plus my self are: 'veggie heads' as you like to call us." Tarra said smiling at him.

"Go say hi to your mom, she's sleeping in the living room." Tarra's dad said pushing her away from him and toward the living room.

There she was curled up on the love seat snoring away, book resting on her chest. Tarra rolled her eyes and smirked. This meant that Lyssa was either up in her room, or in the basement with Cody.

Everyone had followed Tarra into the living room, Brendon's eyes going wide at the swords that were in fact hanging on the wall behind the love seat.

"Momma," Tarra spoke softly as she shook her mom's shoulder. She jumped in the air with a loud 'oh my god', causing the girls to all laugh.


"Yeah momma."

"What have I told you about doing that, and why the fuck are you here, aren't you guys still supposed to be on tour?" She asked fixing her glasses on her nose and looking to see Heaven, Keri, and Cristi were with her. "And who the hell are these guys?"

"She didn't even answer that one for me." Richard said coming to stand next to Pete in the arch way that led into the dinning room.

"Oh you nosey people." Tarra stated rolling her eyes.

"Pete Wentz bass player for Fall Out Boy, Cristi's boyfriend." Tarra stated Pointing at him. He smiled at everyone and went to sit on the couch next to Midnight, the lovely little cocker spaniel that she is.

"William Beckett, Lead vocals for The Academy Is"

"Who's he dating?" Tarra's dad asked looking up at him. You see Tarra's entire family doesn't surpass the five foot eight marker, well her immediate family that is.

"Not me dadda, so shush it. Next to Billiam is the lovely Spencer Smith, drummer of Panic! At the Disco, and next to him slowly making his way over to Pete, is Brendon Urie, lead vocals for Panic! At the Disco." Tarra smiled at Brendon reassuringly, as they all heard feet coming up from the basement.

"I'm not reintroducing you!" Tarra stated as her sister Lyssa, and her boyfriend Cody came up the stairs one after the other.

"Lyssa, I've got a bone to pick with you." Brendon and Pete said at the same time. She just looked at them like they were nuts.

"Who the fuck are you two?" She asked glaring at them both.



"And which bone do you want, because mind you I need them." She stated sitting on the floor next to Heaven.

"Just the one that made you forget about the concert."

"Oh shit, sorry Sissy I forgot." She pouted using those big brown eyes to their advantage.

"I hate you for that look." Tarra glared at her as she gave in and forgave her sister.
"So Sissa, what's been going on?"

"Oh I see how you are!" Cody glared over at her.

"So which one are you dating Tarra?" Her mom, Sabrina asked looking between Spencer and Brendon. Brendon's face paled slightly as he looked over at Tarra's sister and dad.

"Guess," was all Tarra said, not acknowledging anyone at all.

"I'd say it was the tall lanky one, but you've stated he wasn't dating anyone."

"BILLIAM!" Tarra's eyes got wide. "That's like, oh goddess we're not even going there."

"What, am I not pretty enough for you?" William asked batting his eyelashes at Tarra.

"Nope your not." She fake glared at him. "Try again!"

"I say its fish lips sitting there." Richard said pointing at Brendon. Tarra laughed as Brendon paled even more.

"Right on one Dadda, how'd "

"I know you, if it's not long hair, its big lips!" This caused everyone but Brendon to laugh. "Are you all staying for dinner?"

"Considering on what you're making, Hell yes I am!" Tarra declared stand up from her spot.

"In that case, you've got dishes too." He smirked and walked right back into the kitchen.

"Not it!" Everyone except Spencer yelled out at once, causing him to be the one on dishes duty.

"To my room" Tarra asked looking at them all.

"Depends, is it as pretty as Heaven's?"

"If by that do you mean do I have a room dedicated to one of the bands then, no." Tarra shook her head as she led the way up to her room.

Upon opening the door jaws dropped. Her room wasn't dedicated to one band. It was dedicated to them all. Band names painted everywhere on two walls, hand prints on the third the fourth blocked by windows, and pictures.

"It looks like you guys had fun." Pete stated looking at the Fall Out Boy painted by the door next to A.F.I and Panic! At The Disco.

"More like four o'clock in the fucking morning boredom and drunken New Years." Heaven scoffed out.

"Byron did Panic! and Heaven got Fall Out Boy" Tarra shrugged.

"And what did you do?"

"The Used and 30Seconds To Mars"

"Thanks for the love boost there" Brendon said rolling his eyes.

"Yep, any time."


"And that house right there is where I helped steal a bike once," Heaven said, pointing, "We painted it and sold it on the St. Joe black market."

William laughed, "Thief extraordinaire Heaven? I highly doubt it."

"Haha, hell no. I have morals. I was the lookout."

"How'd that go?" William chuckled.

"I saw a lot of cops that night," she said as they crossed the street back into the park where the rest of the group was waiting.

"Where's the next stop?" Tarra asked as they all climbed into the van.

"Hall School!" Heaven cheered, making Tarra laugh.

Cristi threw the van into reverse (Heaven had refused to get back in if Pete was going to drive again) and off they went, for the very short drive.

Tarra and Heaven pointed at where there used to be a hole in the back of the fence where kids would cut school during recess.

They walked around to the front of the play ground and through the open fence.

"Gods," Tarra breathed, "They really did change a lot of things. They completely replaced the equipment."

"Yeah," Heaven said, "They did that the summer after we left. I was working with the pre-k remember?"


They laughed and Heaven pointed with a squeal, "Look Tarra! It's our corner!"

They grabbed each other's hand and ran off leaving the others behind.

"When we went here we used to sit in that corner with the lunchboxes," Keri filled in as the others walked slowly to the corner, "The other kids called us the Corner Club."

Tarra and Heaven had leaned against the brick wall and slid slowly down. They had their eyes closed and were laughing at seemingly nothing.

"This feels so familiar," Heaven sighed happily.

"I know."

Punctuated by more giggles.

Then Heaven opened her eyes and pulled Tarra to her feet. Running to the end of the wall they had been leaning on she turned the corner into the shade and pointed.

"I totally spit right there."

"Eww!" Keri said, "I remember that! It froze there because it was freezing and we had to look at it all winter."

Tarra pulled Heaven toward the kickball diamond. She let go to wander over to the second base plate and Heaven walked to home plate.

She grinned wickedly, "Does anyone wanna see how Heaven and Tarra became friends?"

"No!" Tarra shouted, holding a finger up in Heaven's direction.

Heaven panto-mimed kicking a ball. She rounded first base and ran straight for Tarra, who stood there like a deer caught in the head lights.

"Don't you dare!" Tarra shrieked.

And then Tarra was lying on the ground, Heaven on top of her, grinning. She climbed to her feet, knees scratched and stinging, and stuck one finger in her friends face.

Wiggling her ass around she chirped, "Haaaa! You're my new best friend!"

"You stayed friends with her after that!?" Spencer asked, "Ryan would have fucking killed me!"

Heaven laughed, "Yeah, but I'm more special than you, Spenny-poo."

"You call me that again and I will destroy you."

"With what, your stolen Backstreet Boy dances?" Heaven chuckled evilly.

"That's just mean," Spencer pouted.

"I'll share my Beckett," Heaven offered.

"You should give me your Star Crunch," he said instead.

"I'd rather just give you all of Beckett," Heaven complained, "My star crunch."

"Nice to know that I rate after the star crunch," William muttered, mock offended.

"Actually," Heaven said, "It goes Star Crunch, Tarra, Strawberry jam, little brother, my American Eagle boot cut jeans, my seventeen pairs of vans, my mom, the pencil in the van, the oil in the car, Pete Wentz, Winterfresh chewing gum, then William Beckett."

"But you hate Pete!" William shouted.

"Why would I hate Pete," Heaven said mock shocked that he would say something like that.

"Because he smears soot under his eyes like a prostitute!?!"

"Haha, I did say that didn't I? Okay, fine, I like you more than Pete."

"No one likes me most," Pete complained.

Heaven patted his shoulder, "That's okay. It's just an awkward phase. You'll grow out of it."

"But..." Pete pouted, "You're supposed to say 'that's not true...every one is just jealous of you'."

"Think I can actually say that to you without laughing?" Heaven asked.

"No," Pete sighed, defeated.


From Hall School, they ventured to Wal-Mart. Now why oh why do you ask did they go to Wal-Mart. Well my darling dears, they did that to see how long it could take to find one another in a mean game of hide and seek.

"I can't believe that we lost Pete and Tarra!" Spencer said for the fifth time.

"Spence, you say that one more time, and I am going to hit you." Keri said glaring at him. Considering that they were paired together. Why were they paired up? Well they were the odd balls out. When running off to hide; Heaven grabbed Brendon, and Pete had grabbed Tarra, so William grabbed Cristi; leaving Spencer and Keri to find them all.

"Do you think they'll ever realize that we're hiding in the dressing room?"

"Considering they looked under the doors and saw no one "



"Who do you think will find us?"

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third if you don't shut up they will find us!" Tarra said smacking him in the head four times.

Ten minutes later found Tarra and Pete meeting up with William and Cristi.

"We found you!" William said picking Tarra and then Pete up and spinning them in a circle.
"Actually Billiam, we found you, considering that we came out of hiding. Now, TAG YOUR IT!" Tarra screeched as she smacked him in the arm and ran away. Cristi and Pete looked at one another and took off in different directions.

Heaven and Brendon saw Tarra running toward them and looked at her like she was going insane.

"What are you doing?" Brendon asked as she neared them.

"Running away from William, He's it."

"TAG YOUR IT" They heard him scream from the next aisle over.

"Son of a bitch!" This came from Spencer.

"RUN!" Keri called as soon as she came into view, Spencer hot on her trail. The three looked at each other and took off to different parts of the store.

Not even three minutes later Brendon was tagged and chasing after Tarra.

"Fuck off Boyd I don't love you right now." She laughed as she ran straight on into a worker. "Oh shit."

He shook his head at her and Brendon and then looked at Tarra.

"You again. Get the rest, and get out." With that he stayed with Tarra and Brendon as they walked to the doors, and between the two of them, called the rest of the group.

"Now what?" William asked as they got to the van.

"Benton!" Heaven rang out nodding her head.


They were currently walking through Tarra and Heaven's old high school.

"You promised to show me the popular make out spot," William whispered in her ear.

Heaven grinned, "I did, didn't I? Hey Tarra, William and I are gonna--well--we'll just be up on third floor."

Tarra laughed, "Use contraceptive. We don't need any more little Heaven's running around."

Heaven gasped her hand flying to her mouth, "No one had sex on the third floor! You know everyone did that in the ROTC room!"

Tarra chuckled, "True enough. Have fun groping Beckett."

"You're just jealous cause Brendon's hips lie," Heaven snickered back.

And then she was pulling Beckett up the stairs, his hand firmly in hers. They reached the top floor panting and stopped for a second to gasp for breath. Heaven laughed.

"I can be as hyper active on stage as I up a couple of sets of stairs and I'm dying."

She was silenced from making any more stupid comments about how just being in high school sucks the energy out of a person as William attacked her.

She crashed backwards into the row of lockers, her hips pinned with his. He ran his hands up her sides before pushing his fingertips up under her t-shirt. Said t-shirt rode up and she shivered at the cold metal behind her back.

Probation echoed through her mind and she had one second to wonder why the fuck her conscience sounded like Tarra.

Fuck probation she thought, as she opened her mouth to William.

He pulled her shirt clean off to get at the skin underneath and then paused to look around. He tugged her into the first room they saw.

"If Spencer catches us in the hall like that we'll end up on Brendon's youtube with Dan Angel," William shot her a grin.

He picked her up by her hips and nearly slammed her onto the first black hexagonal table in the room, attaching his lips back to her mouth.

Heaven tugged at the hem of William's shirt, pulling it off and tossing it behind her. She pulled him back to her and nipped at his lips. They ignored the sound of the door creaking open.

"What the hell?" a voice asked and they paused, that was definitely not Spencer, "Don't you know the popular spot for sex is the RO room?"

Heaven glanced over at her old teacher, who was holding her t-shirt in-between two fingers.

"Heaven!?" He looked at her incredulously, "Guess I don't have to ask where this came from, huh?"

"Hi Mr. Nash," Heaven's face grew hot, red flushing her skin from her chest to the very tips of her ears.

Sean Nash, one of the school's science teachers laughed and launched the shirt at her. It hit her in the face. As she pulled it on she could see Bill from the corner of her eye, leaning against the table, nude from the waist up and making no move to fix it.

"So," Mr. Nash started teasingly, "Being in a band has really made you come out of your shell."

Heaven laughed, "What shell? You know I was annoying as hell in your class."

"You were a sophomore in honors science classes with seniors. You were an honor student and a know it all. You were pretty damn annoying," he admitted with a grin.

"You loved it," Heaven smirked, feeling completely comfortable with him. He had, after all, been one of the most laid back teachers at the school.

He looked at William suddenly before laughing, "Didn't you used to carry a folder with that kid on it?"

Heaven blushed, finding the posters on the wall suddenly very interesting.

"That's nothing," Bill teased, looking at her, "You should see her room. She's got a pillow case with my face on it."

"Really?" Mr. Nash laughed, "Did you kiss it every night before bed?"

Heaven glared at her old teacher and flipped Bill off in the same movement.

Shuddup Tarra Heaven snickered at her conscience, and then wondered if her and Tarra had some sort of psychic twin thing going on.

Come save me she thought fiercely, In Nash's room. Pictures are involved.

"You're lucky," Nash said, "I had Heaven for four classes. I have a ton of pictures of her."

Stupid guys and their stupid male bonding! but she was definitely hiding a smile as Nash played a video of her and her sister fist fighting in EBC II.

Tarra didn't find them for another forty-five minutes, while Nash sorted through old photos he'd taken of Heaven's botany and zoology class.


After Heaven and William had ran off to the third floor Tarra was stuck with the rest of the group. Perfect.

"So, they're off to the make-out spot. And we're going to the RO room."

"Why, want to go have sex?"

"Fuck no; Sergeant Rivera should be in there with Lyssa's Team."

"Your sister has a team?"

"She's the Captain of the Lady Cardinal Honor Guard Without Weapons team. I was on that team," her eyes went a bit glossy as she led the way; remembering all those nights that she spent staying awake for forty-eight hours and then hitting that drill floor on no sleep.

As soon as they walked in the room, all heads turned their way. Several of the girl's mouths dropped, and Lyssa rolled her eyes.

"Did you have to bring the famous 'emo' rock stars with you?"

"Yes, I go they come." She stated looking at her sister. Brendon's arm wrapped around her as Pete did the same with Cristi. Pete began to laugh.

"No hating the girlfriends. That's not a pretty thing to do." Tarra kicked him in the shin.

"What are you guys doing here so late?"

"Nothing better to do?" Brendon asked looking at them all.

"Actually we're getting ready to have a sleep over at our house. We're going to Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun."

"Noted, you could remember going to theme parks, but you couldn't remember to go see your sister play on a main stage."

"Don't you need to go back and do that?"

"I knew I should have waited until Bert was off stage and bring him and Frank."

"Why?" Pete asked looking at her.

"They would have attacked Lyssa"


"Stop yelling!" Came from the back. Tarra's eyes went wide as Sergeant Riviera came out of the office and smiled at them. Tarra moved Brendon's arm from around her and smack Pete's off Cristi.

"What the hell was that for?" He asked as he moved to do it again. This time Sergeant spoke up.

"No PDA." He smiled and shook his head taking in Tarra's appearance. "Lip ring?"


"No, girl, what are you doing here?" He asked looking at all of them for the first time.

"Showing these weirdos around, then we have to head back to the arena to play our set." He nodded his head then began to look around.

"Where's Mexican bassist?" Tarra began to laugh then pointed at all the girls.

"Come to the back entrance at the arena and I'll let you all in with passes I'll go steal form Gerard, Bert, Ronnie, and Aaron." She winked at everyone and then made her way to go fetch Heaven so they could leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a joint chapter, where I wrote a section, Tarra wrote a section, we made fun of each other and did it again.
Kinda like shampooing your hair. Lather, rinse and repeat.