Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Homecoming Pt. 2

Heaven looked around the venue in a considerable better mood. She and William were walking side-by-side but were no longer touching. As soon as they had seen all the media that had come out to see the 'local heroes' or whatever other shit they were going to try to pull William had pulled away.

Heaven was a little confused, but didn't pay it much attention. There had been other times that he'd shied away from her when the press was near. She knew he didn't like having his relationships plastered across magazines and tabloids so she tried to ignore it. Secrets were okay, she kept telling herself.

Every once in a while their arms would brush together and then they would toss each other a secretive glance. Behind her it was the same with Cristi and Pete. Tarra and Brendon were still attached, but Spencer had added himself to the other side of Tarra to play it off as they pulled through the last of the reporters. When they thought they were clear Heaven was suddenly pulled to a stop.

She looked at the reporter and forced a smile.

"I'm with St. Joe News Press," she told Heaven confidently.

Heaven wondered if she was going to wind up in jail before the day was up.

"Hello," Heaven smiled. Benefit of a doubt.

"I was wondering if I could have a few words with you?"

Heaven shot a what-the-fuck do I do look at Tarra. Tarra, helpful as ever shrugged and Heaven was being pulled away from the group.

Heaven was seriously going to have to talk to the bitch about aggression. They were currently huddled behind the port-a-potties and Heaven felt that she was very much having a Harry Potter moment.

She wished Dumbledore would come save her from Rita Skeeter.

She chewed on her pen and Heaven was glad to see that the thing didn't take notes all on it's own.

"So," she began, "Tell me a little about your band, The Dominate E."

"The Dominant E," Heaven corrected automatically.

"Right," she scribbled something out and scratched on her pad with the pen, then looked up, "How's it been touring on Taste of Chaos?"

Pen poised.

"Warped Tour."

"Excuse me?"

"This is Warped Tour. It's run by the same man, but takes place at different times. Warped Tour is the summer tour.

"Oh, right."

She scribbled out Taste of Chaos and wrote in Warped Tour.

"I hear your most popular song is Dance in Hell," she continued without looking up.

"Decade in Hell," Heaven said, looking at the interviewer incredulously.

"Right." More scribbling out and rewriting.

"Look," Heaven said, "Tour has been a lot of fun. The guys have all been really nice to us. Paramore and The Hush Sound have made us feel really welcome. Ryan Ross is the coolest kid ever."

And Heaven left her there, sitting on a milk crate, scribbling furiously.

"The Hush Sound?" she shouted after her, but Heaven just waved and walked faster.

Heaven made it just in time to steal her bass from Brandon and climb on stage. After they played their first song she looked down to be met with the sight of the reporter trying to take photos. She was succeeding in getting trampled instead.
Heaven resisted the urge to call out for a moshpitt. But just barely.

Tarra smiled at Brendon and Spencer after Heaven was dragged off.

"Shouldn't you go help her?" Spencer asked looking at her.

"Pfft, Heaven can handle it, is the reporter is as stupid as she looks maybe she'll deck her one." Spencer began to laugh as they made they're way to MCR's bus.

"GERARD ARTHUR WAY, OPEN THIS DOOR!" She yelled as Brendon Knocked on the door. Mikey opened the door looking at them all funny.

"Gee's currently talking to the media, what do you need?"

"Back stage passes. We as a group were only given three, we need nine more, we are on a hunt, and well I'm stealing their passes too." She said point to Brendon and Spencer.

"So that gives you six and you need ..."

"I need a total of six more, please Mikey!"

"Calm it down short shit here." Frank handed her two passes. "Gerard gave three when we were on stage, so these are all that's left."

"Thanks Frankie-pooh I love-ed you uber much" Tarra said waving as they ran over to The Used's bus. This time they just walked right on to see Quinn sulking and Bert trying to get him to smile.

"We're back, but the only way you're getting off here to get to Keri is if you give us your backstage passes." Brendon said blocking the door, as Tarra held out her hands. Quinn shot up and reached into Bert's pants to get the all access passes and handed three out of the five to her.

"Con the other two out of Bert that's all that was in the pocket." He said racing off the bus.

"No more darling how many more do you need?" Bert asked jumping off the bus with her following them to the gates.

"Who are we getting in?"

"He sister and a team of eleven other girls" Spencer stated before walking off.


"Yup her and her team, they're going to watch us perform." Tarra said nodding to the security guard to open the gate. There they were jumping up and down with excitement.

"Alright Lady Cardinals I'd say fall in, but I'm outta that circle. Get in a line and we got you some all access passes, you're free to roam around knock on bus doors, but mind you, The Used's bus in currently empty and Frank from My Chemical Romance is going to be on the phone with the Wifey, so leave them two busses alone. Also The Dominant E Set starts in twenty minutes, and if I don't see your smiling faces, or if Brendon or Bert don't see them I know where you all live, and we'll come toilet paper, and destroy the houses before we leave Missouri!" Tarra stated as Brendon and Bert began to place the passes into the girls' hands.

"Have fun ladies!" Bert said placing the last pass into Lyssa's hand.

Twenty minutes later found Tarra playing with her drumsticks on the side of the stage as they waited for Heaven. The set began and ended with a bang. Tarra stood up on her stool at the end, with Microphone in hand.

"We're The Dominant E formed in JoeTown, and we'd like to tell you all one thing. We're happy to play this set for you all, but if you think that all things that happened in the past were forgotten you're wrong. If we loved you, we still do, if we hated you, we still do. If you don't truly know us, then come meet us some time at the merch booth. We'll be there for a signing until ten, and then we're packing up and leaving." She tossed the microphone on top of her drums and jumped off and made a run to catch up with the rest of the band to do the signing!
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The chapter was too long for it to be in one part. Sorry.