Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Listen to Mikey Way

Heaven was staring at her laptop wide eyed, mouth slightly open. This is how her friends found her ten minutes later.

"What's up?" Tarra asked, sitting across from her friend.

Heaven pointed at the computer screen.

"Lovely. Elaborate maybe?"

"I googled myself," Heaven said.

"Uh-oh," Pete called and flopped down next to her, "What did you find?"

"You mean besides the three half naked pictures of me and one that looks alot like it came from my fifth birthday party?" Heaven said, "Oh, you know, just a ton of slash. Tarra, if you ever decide you love me, and I turn you down, please please, don't put me in a hot tub full of boiling oil."

"You're kidding," Pete squealed grabbing at the laptop, "Lemme see that!"

Ten minutes later Pete was leaning over the toilet in the bathroom. Wiping his mouth he wrinkled his nose and sat down next to Cristi.

"...And then she ate her!" he ranted for the 676,498,575,685 time since he'd tossed the laptop on the counter.

"We know Pete," Tarra said, rolling her eyes for the 676,498,575,686 time.

"And you know, the whole bondage-rape thing...that's so wrong. If anyone would tie someone up it would be Heaven tying you up. She seems like someone who would be into kink."

All eyes turned to William. He shrugged, "Oh please, we're talking about the girl who took a shower with me in a bathing suit. Real kinky."

Heaven laughed picking the laptop back up.

"Where you going?" Tarra asked as she started for the back room.

Heaven shot her a duh look, "To write good kinky slash about us. Not the disturbing femme shit. I am about to make it known that you are a vegetarian. I wonder how I can squeeze a carrot in..."

"You're hopeless!" Tarra called after her, chosing to ignore the obvious double meaning. She picked at a muffin and smiled at every one, "So...where the hell are we?"

"Does it matter?" Brendon asked smartly.

"Guess not, Jackass." She stuck her tongue out at him. He grinned back.

"Hey Beckett!" Heaven called, "You should come cuddle while I write chick sex!"

"Is that really what she's doing?"

"Probably," Tarra shrugged, "She writes Rydon shit all the time."

Brendon spluttered and Tarra patted his should nicely, "Its okay Bren, she write Treckett too."

"What!" William gasps, "I better go talk to my...Heaven."

"Right," Tarra smiled sweetly up at him, "You go do that darling."

He heard her mutter 'denial' as he pushed the bunk door open.

"Treckett!" he quirked an eyebrow.

"Maybe you shouldn't let Traviee hang all over you," she said, waving her hand around sagely.

He climbed into the bunk behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. She stopped typing and he could see her smile reflected in the computer screen.

"Hi," he mumbled into her neck and she shivered. Smiled.

"Hey," she whispered back, turning to kiss him, "Now, tell me, what's kinkier, an egg beater or a big wooden spoon?"

"The beater, obviously," William murmered, "I mean, c'mon, power settings."

"That's why I keep you around," she grinned at him over her shoulder before she began typing again.


Heaven cracked an eye open. She was warm, and just a little squished. William's chest was pressed against her face, his body draped over her. She wrinkled her nose, dragging in a deep breath.

"You're smothering me, Beckett," she hissed, poking him in the, well she couldn't see where she poked him. But it was soft and squishy.

He sat up blinking and she yawned, "What the hell?"

"You fell asleep writing porn?"

"And you fell asleep raping me?"

"You were comfortable?"

"Are we really going to play the question conversation?"


"Ahhh!" she launched herself at him, knocking him over in the small bunk.

She snaked her hands up his shirt, pushing it up to just under his armpits. She kissed him right over his heart. She could feel it beat under her lips and she smiled. She trailed down to his belly button. She nipped at the skin and his head pressed back into the mattress. His gasp echoed through the room before it turned into a squeak.

She pulled off, licking her lips, looking down at the purpling bite mark on his hip.

"Harpy," he gasped.

"Guess you'll just have to leave your shirt on for a few shows, huh?" she grinned at him, "Or answer a ton of awkward questions about who did it. You know how many Treckett stories that would fuel?"

He laughed at that, rolling them over. Looking down at her he grinned, "You realize I'm going to do it back, right?"

She twisted the hem of her shirt, before grinning. She pointed at a spot on her lower stomach, eyes twinkling, "Do it there."

When he sunk his teeth into flesh she groaned under him, back arching and he thought I can work with that.


"Hello Seattle!" Heaven called into the microphone, "Your mission, if you so chose it, is to find me a muthafuckin' snow globe!"

She jumped back from her mic, waved and then smashed her guitar in something that sorta sounded like the first few chords of Does Barry Manilow Know. She was back to her hyper self on stage. As their first song came to a close she ran to the edge of the stage. She skid to a stop at the very edge, windmilling with her bass before finding purchase again. She dropped the guitar, screaming the last few lines with the crowd, grinning.

As they started into Heartfelt Words Heaven turned suddenly and skipped over to Keri, screaming her parts into Keri's mic, while Keri did her back up parts. She played back to back with her friend for a few lines before striding back across the stage to her mic. Since they were on one of the smaller stages the crowd wasn't partitioned off as well as with the main stage. Heaven dropped her guitar, climbed on one of the tall speakers and fell twenty feet to a waiting crowd.

She just hoped the crowd caught her.


"That fall was rad!" someone was patting her shoulder as she walked past.

Heaven grinned shyly, "Thanks, it was alot of fun."

"I would love to jump from that high up," the kid was grinning.

"Are you in a band?" Heaven aked as she signed the kid's shirt.

"Nah, no musical ability what-so-ever."

"Truth?" Heaven laughed, "Me neither."

"Oh come on," the kid laughed, "You guys are great."

Heaven blushed, waved goodbye and went to find food. She was hungry. When she got to the food tent she shoved a plate full of food at a table with Ryan, William, Pete and Travis.

"I'm fucking pregnant" she complained.

They made choking noises. Three faces turned to William and he held up both hands quickly.

"Don't look at me! I--we--and..." William flushed.

"I'm a virgin kids. Same as at the beginning of the tour. I just meant that it was like I'm eating for two," she smacked Pete on the back of the head for thinking that she was a slut and bit into her sandwhich.


Heaven kissed William, hidden on The Academy Is...'s tour bus. They never kissed in public, and Heaven was starting to think there was a reason for it. She knew that William was pretty private when it came to relationships. And since they weren't dating that made even more sense.

She wouldn't kiss her either, if there was a chance she could find someone better.

William pulled back, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," Heaven sighed, she hated insecurity, "I better go. Tarra texted me ten minutes ago. Apparently I have like, twenty snow globes waiting for me at the merch booth. Poor lil' brother has no idea what to do with them all. And Brian keeps tripping over them."

She smiled softly, kissed him again to soothe herself. Show that she still could and then jogged off the bus.


"That is the last time I ask for snow globes," Heaven mutters as she shoves the last of them into the already jam packed cargo area under the bus.

There were thirteen total under the bus, ten in the van with the equipment and merch, one stuffed on the counter in the bus and Gerard had stolen two.

She tipped the one on the counter upside down and watched the fake snow sift. She smiled happily and then went to hide in her bunk.

HonestEyes101: How's the bus ride?
ashotofheaven:Delightful. How's naked Sisky?
HonestEyes101: still bitching about the half-body sunburn
ashotofheaven: aww poor baby
HonestEyes101: he wants me to aloe him
ashotofheaven: ::snicker:: beckett'll fix fix him up real good
HonestEyes101: no teasing or I'm hanging up
ashotofheaven: we were talking?
HonestEyes101: I really hate you
ashotofheaven: ditto betch
HonestEyes101: please tell me you haven't been watching text message breakup
ashotofheaven: be afraid beckett...very afraid
HonestEyes101: I'm so not hanging out with you if you break into Shoes again
ashotofheaven: I'm trying to convince the others to do a cover of Let Me Borrow that Top
HonestEyes101: The World save us!
ashotofheaven: I am GODDAMN LOVE, william beckett. so is kyle sullivan
HonestEyes101: whatever you say. betch
ashotofheaven: ::giggles::
HonestEyes101: that's right, giggle. we'll work on moaning later
ashotofheaven: ::stunned::
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Um. I cannot explain my love of referencing slash. Just happens, dude.