Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Leaving You Behind

Tarra smirked evilly as she neared the 30 Seconds To Mars bus. She had heard that Shannon and Tomo have gone out and got the RockBand game, which mind you she'd wanted to play since it came out.

She just hadn't been able to go out and buy it.

Her mission: was to steal the game, all of its pieces, and make it off the bus alive, and with the game.

Currently the band was on stage making their music, and instead of being in the crowd like she usually was with them, she was going to get the game; her counter part being Cristi.

"I think the big brother Leto is going to kill us for doing this!" Cristi mumbled as they opened the bus door.

Now how the hell did that happen? Yes the Keypad was all engaged, Leto number two, Jared, gave them the code to actually get the game.

Tarra laughed at the memory of it all.


"Tomo and Shannon have been at it all night!"

"You mean all the little fan girls dreams are coming true, Shannon's gay and shagging with Tomo?" Tarra gagged, then laughed at the face that both Bert and Jared had made at the thought. Jared turned and smiled at her.

"Tarra right?"

"Aye cap'n that'd be I!"

"Too much Pirates last night Tarra," Cristi said sitting down with her as they seated them selves next to Bert.

"You can never watch too much Pirates!" Tarra said glaring at her. "What are you two talking about?"

"Tomo and Shannon have RockBand hooked into the TV and have been at it ever since. I'm going to toss it out a window." Jared said looking at her in the eyes.

An evil glint came to Tarra and Cristi's eyes as they both smiled at him.

"We'll steal it!" They said at the same time.

Jared smiled at them and the planning began.


Tarra smiled over at Cristi as they unhooked the game from the TV and began to pack it up, they had thirty minutes to do this, and they were doing it carefully. No need to have Shannon after their lives any more then they would just for taking the game.

Twenty minutes later they had all the pieces gathered, and placed in their boxes. They made their way off of the bus and walked as fast as they could toward their own bus.

"What the hell did you two do?" Keri asked as she seen them placing the boxes on the table in front of her.

"Stole Shannon Leto's RockBand" Cristi smirked as she began to pull the boxes open, and out came everything.

"He's going to kill you." Heaven stated smirking. "I want to play!"

"Sing, Guitar, or drums?"

"Guitar, duh!" She stated as they began to hook everything up. Cristi grabbed the drumsticks, Keri took the mic, and Heaven was going to do the guitar. Tarra was guarding the door, and waiting on Jared to give her a call.

"Pete and Brendon are coming." Tarra stated smiling. "Should we let the Guitar Hero junkie play?"
"Heck yes." Keri smiled as they both walked onto the bus with confused looks on their faces.
"When the hell did you guys get this?" Brendon's eyes had gone wide.

"Today, Jared Leto wants us to hold it for ransom from Shannon." Tarra shrugged.

"I want to play." They both said at the same time.

"Fine, but Cristi and Keri are first."

~ Twenty Minutes Later~

"I suck at this; I can't even play my own songs!" Pete whined as he handed the guitar back over to Brendon and sat down on the couch next to Cristi.

"Awe poor Pete." Tarra said rolling her eyes as she didn't take her eyes of the screen, drumsticks in hand.

"Shut up."


Shannon ended up banging on the outside of the bus until they let him in, and they ended up keeping the game on The Dominant E bus; as long as they didn't harm the game, and Shannon and Tomo could come play it, and get it back before they all left LA, which happened to be in two days. Today was the last day of Warped, then they were off to LA to give up the buses, say goodbye, and get on an airplane to get back home.

Just the thought of the tomorrow made Tarra sick to her stomach.

"Brendon" Tarra whined as she was trying to get him to quit playing the game with Shannon.

"Give up Tarra, he won't quit unless you unplug the damn thing." William said from his position on the couch next to Heaven.
"We have thirty minutes until our set, Brendon is on right after us, and then he's going to be right back here. It's as if he'd rather be dating a video game then me." Tarra huffed as she stood from her spot and went to get her snake out of her tank.

"What are you doing?" Keri's eyes got wide, and she ran to the door and out of the bus, Cristi and Pete both doing the same thing. William was smirking to himself, and Heaven was giggling.

"Pay attention to a video game, huh." Tarra glared as she walked behind Brendon and placed the snake around his neck. His eyes went wide.

"Get it off of me, Tarra." He said with a bit of malice in his voice.

"Quit playing the game Brendon." She said in the same tone.

She crossed her arms under her chest and glared at her so called boyfriend.

"You know, she could just throw the game out the window while you two are still playing it right." Brandon said walking onto the bus.

"What are you doing here little brother?" Heaven asked looking over at him.

"Nap," Was all he said as he walked into the bunks and laid down.

"Fine, I'll stop playing." Brendon said rolling his eyes. Tarra smiled as she unraveled the snake from Brendon's neck and made sure he went through with the deal.

"Now, come on." She said handing the snake off to Heaven.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he followed her off the bus.

"Bert's set is almost over, and I want to watch the end of it. Do you really want me to get stuck in a mosh pit?" She asked smiling at him.

"No, but there was more to this and I know it." He said smiling at her as they entered the crowd in front of the stage.

"Maybe," She said turning to give him a quick kiss.

"Mmhm" Brendon mumbled as they pushed their way to the front. Bert was just about ready to take his leap off of the speakers when he spotted them both in the crowd.

"He wants me to join him, and I'm dragging you with!" Tarra's eyes were wide as she made her way up to the side of the stage and climbed up next to Jeph.

"Hello doll, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Heck yes this is the last show!" She said smiling at him.

Brendon shook his head as you and Bert both began to drag him up onto the speakers. Bert jumped of first, then she made sure that Brendon fallowed. She smirked out at the crowd before she too took the leap off, and made that heart rushing decent to the crowd, just to get tossed around and then sent back up to the stage.

Ten minutes later, and several sweaty Bert hugs Later, Tarra was giggle like a little school girl.

"I so, completely miss doing that all the time."

"What do you mean all the time?" Brendon asked look at her.

"When we just played small venues, I had Brandon play drums, and I'd crowd surf through an entire song. Now because of how hectic the Merch table can get, Brandon doesn't really have all the time he used too, to come play for me." She said shrugging as they both grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the stairs at the back of the stage.

"I've never really done that." He stated looking up at the lightly clouded sky in thought. Tarra couldn't help but move the hair out of his eyes, and give him a soft kiss. He was just too adorable, not to.
"Red Jumpsuit plays next, want to watch them with me?" She asked smiling at him.
"Sure, what time is your set?"

"Right after RJA, then it's yours."

"So, what are you going to do to Ronnie?" Brendon asked smirking at her.

"Nothing" She said innocently. She really didn't have a plan for Ronnie parse; unless you account the fact that the rest of her band had told her to make sure that no one else was going to be on stage with RJA at the time that the set was coming to a close, which meant that it was Heaven that was planning their attack. She so was going to get Ronnie back for stealing one of her favorite pairs of Jeans.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Brendon stated smiling as Ronnie came walking up to them.

"Sure what is nothing?" He asked looking between them.

"Nothing" They both stated shrugging their shoulders in unison.

"Uh-huh, and I'm not afraid of that why?" he asked as the rest of the guys walked up to them waved, and got onto the stage. The crowd roared to life and Ronnie slowly made his way on stage keeping a close eye on both Tarra and Brendon.

Twenty minutes later and Heaven and Cristi came waddling up to them, between the two of them they were carrying a large bucket filled with a gooey substance. Smiling at them both Tarra shook her head and found Keri following behind them with two large feather pillows, ripped open at the top.

"Didn't we do this once before?" Tarra asked looking from one of them to the next.

"Yep, to you at our last little show when we found out we were going to be on warped." Keri stated smiling at her.

"Help Keri with the feathers; Brendon, go in the crowd with the rest of the guys." Heaven said smiling as they made their way up the stairs.

"See you after my set?" Tarra asked kissing Brendon as she stood up to take the second pillow into her hand.

"See you." Brendon said as he walked away from the back of the stage to find Pete and William in the crowd.

"So are we ready to do this?" Tarra asked as they all started toward Ronnie on the stage. The crowd had gone silent, as the watched the four girls making their way toward the singer, that had his eyes closed.

Heaven and Cristi lifter the bucket back as far as they could then watched as all of its contents went flying at Ronnie. Tarra and Keri quickly ran up to him and waved the pillows at him, making sure to cover his entire body.

Ronnie stood there on the stage, covered in feathers, and glared at the four girls. They hadn't pulled any pranks on anyone else, and so far their only target had been Ronnie.

The truce, was still going strong between Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Cute is What We Aim For, and all the other bands. Heaven seen this as the opportunity to get back at Ronnie, and succumb him into giving her back her jeans.

"I'm so going to get you back for this!" Ronnie stated as he wiped heaters from his face.

"Sure you are," Heaven stated rolling her eyes and getting off of the stage. They had twenty minutes for the crew to set up, and check their equipment before they go on stage. Tarra had handed Brandon her drumsticks, because he was setting up her drums for her, this time.

Tarra laughed as she waved Brandon off, and went to find Brendon before the set started. He was waiting by the barricade next to the stage, as where some of the fans, that had just watched what had happened with Ronnie.
"That was hilarious what you guys did to Ronnie!" Some guys said to her as she leaned in to the crowd and gave a girl a hug as she had a friend take their picture. Brendon was shaking his head at her and laughing. He too got into the crowd of kids and started to sign stuff and take pictures.

"Thanks, it was Heaven's plan; I only got into it at the end." Tarra smiled over at him, Brendon reached for her hand and smiled over at her. "What Bren?" She asked turning her attention to him.

"You need to go get ready."

"Stay here after the show guys, and I'll sign more." Tarra said waving to them all; she gave Brendon a quick kiss and ran to get back behind the stage. As soon as she got there se gave Pete a weird look as he ran off the stage. Tarra really didn't know what he had done, or was planning to do, but shrugging it off her got on stage, a smile succumbing on her face as the crowd began to scream.

She delivered her nose wrinkling smile, and took her seat behind her kit, picking up her sticks; she began to tap out a beat waiting for the rest of the band to get their asses on the stage. As soon as Cristi had made it on the stage, the crowd began to scream even more, Tarra had stopped playing the drums and smiled, leaning into her microphone she laughed.

"Now that's what I like to hear." She smiled even wider, when the crowd screamed again. "What do you think Heaven?"

"I think they're ready for some music, Keri?"

"Hell yeah, Cristi, lets start this shit!" Keri stated, placing her fingers on the first cord of Decade in Hell; the rest of them joined in. Soon Cristi had her hand on the microphone and was softly singing to Heartfelt Words, which Keri and her were doing acoustic.

Tarra was trying to get her hands off of her drumsticks, when it hit her. She turned to the side of the stage and glared at where Pete was standing laughing at her.

"Peter I'm going to kill you!" Tarra screamed over at him, she stood up from her stool and made her way toward him, by now Cristi was trying to put down the microphone, and couldn't do it. Keri's fingers were stuck to her pic, and heaven was laughing at the fact that her extra pics were stuck to the microphone stand in front of her, she even felt sorry for whoever picked up the one she had thrown out to the crowd when she first walk onto the stage.

Tarra was beating Pete over the head with her drumsticks.

"I can't believe you, you ass!"

"I couldn't resist, you've got to love that glue that doesn't stick until it makes contact!" He was laughing, even though she was beating him with her drumsticks, to the point where he knew his forehead was going to be bruised, and he was sure to have a knot on the top of his head.

"Well, Tarra's busy beating up Pete, Cristi is stuck to her microphone, and Keri to her guitar pic, the rest of this set, will be acoustic. I love you ALL!" Heaven screamed out in the microphone, than ran off the stage, but not before delivering one solid kick to Pete's side.


It took twenty minutes to get Tarra's drumsticks off of her hands and fingers. She was so ready to get Pete back too. She stood off to the side and watched as the only thing that happened to Panic's set was that Brendon's piano was out of tune, and William had decided to become apart of the carnival.

What did Tarra have planned to do? Well it was simple, her only target was Pete.

"Hey Brendon?"

"Hey Tarra?"

"I love-ed you."

"I love-ed you too, but what do you want?"

"Go to the drug store with me, I have just enough time to do this, before Fall Out Boy's set."

"What are you going to do?" He asked raising an eyebrow, and standing up from his spot at the catering tent.

"Just you wait." He eyes got big as she began to drag him toward the nearest drug store.

As soon as they had gotten into the store, Tarra headed right to the front desk.

"Seriously, what are you doing?"

"You'll see!" She whispered back, and then turned to face the young girl behind the counter. "Hello."

"H-h-hi" she was staring at them both, which caused them to laugh.

"Don't be nervous sweeting." Tarra said smiling, then she leaned on the counter top reading her name tag. "So, Kayla, where are your laxatives? I've got a prank that needs it." A wicked gleam had entered Tarra's eyes and caused Brendon to laugh even harder.

"How are you going to feed Pete laxatives?"

"Well, I'm going to put soap in his water bottle before he goes on stage, and the laxative I'm going to feed him before hand.

"What kind do you want?" Kayla asked smiling at the two.

"Chocolate, would work, and he'd fall for it and Joe would want some, then I could tell Joe what they are, and then he'd be in on it too."

"I think you've got this covered." Brendon stated shaking his head at her. Kayla went off to get the laxatives, and Brendon went off on his own too, but not before yelling back over at Tarra.

"Hey, love?"

"Yes Bden?"

"Go on back without me, I'll meet you by the stage." Tarra rolled her eyes, but agreed to it, figuring that he was off to buy more Red Bull. After buying her purchase, she signed an old receipt for Kayla, wished her a happy day, and was on her way out the door.

As soon as she stepped on the pavement outsider her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out and looking at the screen she realized that it wasn't a phone call, but she was stilled signed into her im.

SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: Tarra!
Ihatemydestiny: Luke, What have you been up to lately?
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: Oh same old 5'11"
Ihatemydestiny: haha smart ass, you totes need to stop talking to me.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: That isn't going to be happening
Ihatemydestiny: I suppose not, you've grown on me, But seriously, what's going on?
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: Same ol' same ol' been practicing my ass of for next summer, and this winter.
Ihatemydestiny: so you are going to do the winter x-games?
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: looks that way, snowboarding is love
Ihatemydestiny: I'm going to have to take time out of recording to come watch then, wouldn't want to miss you possibly winning.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: Ha, I don't think that would be happening, the competition is better than me.
Ihatemydestiny: *smacks Luke* No negative talk, it's bad for your health
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: Says the girl that has more issues than me *rolls eyes*
Ihatemydestiny: no fair young Skywalker, no fair at all! Then again, I am about to go get Pete back, the ass put glue on my drumsticks, and Cristi's microphone, so they had to finish off warped with nothing but acoustic.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: What's your plan?
Ihatemydestiny: soap in the water bottle, and laxatives, wish me luck, I'm back at the venue.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: Like you'll need luck *rolls eyes*
Ihatemydestiny: You never know, it's Wentz we're talking about here.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: True, well luck. I'll let you go so you can go do that, besides, I'm at the skate park now, and Ry is glaring at me. Tell Heaven to message his ass.
Ihatemydestiny: *laughs* I'll do that. Later kiddo.
SkYwAlKeRwAnNaBe: later weirdo.

Tarra laughed as she signed off, and made her way to get the liquid soap then went on toward the stage. Smiling to herself she asked the roadies where they put Pete's water bottles. Finding them on one of his amps she set to work on opening the all and adding in the soap.

Ten minutes passed by before Brendon had met up with her, and they were both waiting for the rest of the guys to make it to the stage.

"What did you do Bratton?" Pete asked look at her funny as he was strapping his bass on.

"I didn't do a damn thing Wentz, I was a good girl. You can even ask Brendon." Tarra said faking a pout and looking as innocent as she could.

"Sure you were." Pete rolled his eyes.

"Fine, be an ass, I won't give you any candy then."


"Yep, see." She held out an unwrapped laxative and showed it to him. Pete smiled then plucked it out of her hand, popped it in his mouth, then ran on the stage.

"Hey, where's my candy?" Joe pouted.

"You don't want any Joe, its laxative." Brendon said laughing, Joe shook his head at the two of them.

"He's going to kill you," He said as he too got onto the stage.

Tarra couldn't help but snicker at this fact, she knew that Pete was going call on another truce, but not until after he realizes that he's going to be stuck in the bathroom at the hotel until they have to leave for the airport. Tarra turned back to Brendon, and took his hand.

"Let's go cuddle for a bit, until everyone's done, and Kevin decides to throw one last bon fire, and drag us all to it." Brendon smiled at her, and agreed. They trudged their way to Panic's bus, because Tarra knew that Shannon and Tomo where going to be on her's playing with RockBand.


"Hey, kids" Ryan said walking onto the bus and smiling at Tarra and Brendon as they were lying on the couch watching Breakfast at Tiffany's, well, more like they was listening to it, considering Tarra wanted to watch it and Brendon just wanted to make out.

"Kevin says in two hours, everyone is to meet out in front of main stage." Spencer reported as soon as he came on to the bus.

"Told you," Tarra stated in a sing-song voice as she sat up on the couch and smiled down at Brendon.

"Yeah, yeah; get back down here." Brendon wound his arms around her, and pulled her toward him. Lips met lips, and Ryan and Spencer both groaned.

"Take it to a bunk!" Jon stated walking in the door.

Brendon just waved his hand at them, and flipped Tarra over so she was on her back. When his hand began to go up Tarra's shirt is when they heard the bunkroom door open and slam shut. Tarra giggled as Brendon's finger glided over her ribcage and under her bra. Moaning into his touch, her hands began to make a journey under his shirt, and pulling it off.

Pulling away from his mouth she began to shake her head.

"Not out here and defiantly not on the bus." She said pulling his hand out from under her bra, and shirt.

"You're right, not here." He nodded his head, and they both sat up and fixed their clothing before heading off of the bus, to meet up with everyone else at the food tent for dinner before the bonfire.
"Finally they show up, get tired of sucking face?" Spencer asked them laughing.

"More or less, things began to get to steamy," Bert said eyeing Tarra's blushing face; he patted the spot between him and Frank indicating that he wanted her next to him.

"I don't know McCracken, you just oh never mind." Tarra smiled and launched herself at him, engulfing him in a big hug. "Imma gonna miss-ed you!"

"I'll miss you too!" He squeezed her causing her to let out a squeal as Frank was pouting next to her.

"Awe, Frank, I'll miss-ed you too!" She stuck out her bottom lip, pouting. Frank smiled and tackled her off of the bench and onto the ground below.
"Frankie, I need air" Tarra yelped as she tried shoving him off of her. Everyone around them was laughing. Frank stood up, with a big grin on his face, and lifted Tarra up off of the ground. They sat back on the bench and she finally noticed who was all sitting at the table with them.



"Where've you been since I seen you that first time?"

"Hiding," he smirked at her.


"Seriously, the wife was here, and I was spending time with her."

"What is it with you married men?" She said rolling her eyes and poking Frank in the side.

"Fine, don't say anything to me."

"Trust me Alex, I wasn't going to." She said smirking and looking over at Heaven. She was sitting cuddled with William. She had this nagging feeling that her best friend was going to wind up getting hurt again, but considering that she was happy right now, she didn't want to say anything to her.

Cristi was sitting with Pete, who by the minute was growing paler and paler. Keri was off at the next table with the res to their nit of friends that didn't fit at this table. Smiling to herself she dug into her food, and kept quiet. She wasn't all that ready to get on a plane to go home, she wished that Warped could have lasted a bit longer, but the thought of being at home in a warm non-moving bed, put a smile on her face. That and the fact that they had decided to sign to DecayDance and they're be seeing Pete in about a month, if not sooner, considering he was just going to be a state away from them.

"Hey, everyone ready?" Kevin asked walking into the tent and smiling at everyone. They all gave a nod or a grunt. Trash went into the bins, and they all filed out of the tent and down to the glow of the fire.

They all found a place to sit, and the conversation grew. Slowly couples began to leave, finding their ways to the buses and waiting for them to start up to get to the hotel for the night.

It was close to midnight before they all reached the hotel, and even later before they all began to fall asleep.

Tarra was lying in her bed, Heaven was in the bathroom taking a shower, and she could help but smile at all the memories that they've had for this past summer, before a rap at the door was pulling her out of her thoughts.

She looked in the peep hole before pulling the door open and smiling at Brendon.

"Hey, I thought you were going to sleep?"

"I can't sleep." He moaned resting his head on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her.

"Why not?"
"They stuffed me in a room by myself, all because Spencer wanted to go room with Ryan, and Jon was rooming with Sisky." He whined.

"So you got lonely and decided to come bug me and Heaven?"

"Mainly I wanted to steal you." He pouted.

Tarra rolled her eyes and went to knock on the bathroom door. The water had just shut off and heaven was opening the door, covered in nothing but a towel.

"Yeah?" She asked stepping out and making her way to her bag on the foot of her bed.

"Well, make Brendon blush." Tarra laughed as she seen the blush just get darker on Brendon's face. Smiling Heaven turned to face them both.

"Awe, poor Brendon. What did you need?" She asked turning back to her bag.

"Brendon's stealing me." She answered shrugging her shoulders.

"Don't forget the rules." Heaven stated smirking at them as Tarra rolled her eyes, grabbed her bag, and left the room with Brendon.

"I'd say you'd get lonely in here." Tarra said ten minutes into the room, with no other sounds around.

Shaking her head she sat down on the bed and smiled at Brendon. He was pulling off his jeans and getting ready to climb into the bed. Tarra smiled over at him then stood up to get changed into her night clothes, which consisted of an oversized t-shirt and shorts... as soon as she pulled her t-shirt over her head and was getting ready to pull the night shirt on she felt Brendon's arms wrap around her and pull her toward him on the bed.

Flipping her on her back, his lips crashed down on to her. His fingers were tracing the underside of her breast, before completely lifting her bra off of it. She gasped and broke away from his mouth to smile, and take her bra off. She pulled Brendon's shirt off of him, and began to kiss his neck. He lightly bit her neck as his hands wondered down to undo her jeans and pull them off of her. Tarra couldn't help but to moan as his hand slid down to the inside of her thigh.

Fingers raced over skin, clothes hit the floor and soon the only thing that entered their minds was becoming one. They only stopped once to make sure that they were protected.

The last thing that had entered her head before she drifted off to sleep was: 'Oh dear gods Heaven's the only one left'
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One more to go...Don't forget, I bulk updated today.