Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

The Cookie Crumbles

Heaven was sitting at a table in the food tent, defeated. Tarra had eaten her last cookies and now Heaven had nothing sugary sweet to eat and she was extremely upset that she had met two of the members of Panic at the Disco and they had turned out to be dicks.

She sighed unhappily, her chin resting on her hand. Her eyes finally settled on the only other person in the tent. It was a boy with nearly shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes.
She did a double take. Holy shit...Spencer Smith.
She was watching him now. She would have gone and talked to him, but Panic at the Disco was forbidden. And it was all Brendon Urie and that stupid, icky Ryan Ross' fault. So instead she sat watching the boy as he sat alone eating Oreos.
Heaven's stomach rumbled at the sight of the cookies, and she groaned, just keeping herself from attacking him and stealing his.
She played with the condensation on her bottle of cran-raspberry juice and watched him from under the fringe of her bangs.

He was methodically peeling the chocolate cookie apart and licking all the creme out. His tongue would dart out, once, twice, three times, until the crisp cookie was clean. He would then set it aside atop the Oreo bag and move on to the next cookie.
Spencer Smith was her new fucking god!
He finally looked up, as if sensing someone's eyes on him. The cookie paused halfway to his lips, tongue resting on his bottom lip. A blush spread quickly up his cheeks.

"Can I help you?" he asked and she smiled. Then frowned. Enemy.

"I like how you eat your cookies."

Oh look, that pretty blush is back!

"Umm, thanks. You're not hitting on me right, cause I sorta have a girlfriend..."

"Nope, I'm admiring your Oreos. Cause my drummer ate my last cookies, not the Oreos though, we ate those on the road with peanut butter and gummy worms."

"Eww! All together?"

"Hey! It's good, you should try it!"

He made a motion for her to come sit at his table and she hopped over to it gratefully.

"Hi, I'm Heaven. I'm the bassist for The Dominant E. I'm not supposed to talk to you cause I have a vendetta against Brendon Urie and that stupid fucking Ross kid. But they started it."

"Right. Umm. Oreo?"

"You are a god among men!" she squealed and she split the oreo in half and set to work licking all the creme out of the shell.

They sat there in companionable silence eating oreos (dipping in little cartons of milk that reminded the two of elementary school).
Heaven had managed to smear creme on her nose. He laughed.

"You've got creme on your nose," he said, and she was almost sure he was mocking her. In a friendly way. She laughed and swiped at it.

"So, you said you were in The Dominant E?"


"I saw your myspace a few weeks ago," he said then whispered, "I voted for you guys to come on tour."

Laughing he waved at her, leaving her the rest of his oreos.

"Oh my god Spencer Smith!" she shouted after him, "I love you!"

His response was to wave without turning around.

'Band Tally,' Heaven thought in her head, 'Panic at the Disco- Two jerks, one sweet whore and an invisible bassist.'

Heaven was still bemoaning the loss of her green hoodie. Bert had curled into her lap like a cat and she was a little freaked out about it.

He started to giggle in that high pitched way of his, singing, "If you want my body and you think I'm sexxxy, just reach out and...touch me--what I had to edit it for the young viewer's ears."
"Shuddup Bert McCracken," Heaven said in a hissy fit.

"Come on, darling, tell us what Urie did to you," Jepha said sweetly.
She folded her arms across her chest, which was a hard feat with Bert sitting on her and told them.
"Well, first he gave me an autograph..."
"How dare that fucker!" Bert said, anger in his voice. It was fake anger and Heaven found herself wanting to laugh. But she refused to. So she finished her story with Bert picking at the B on her shirt.
The three of the guys laughed at her while she talked and she could tell that Tarra was holding back a smirk.
"And that fucking Ryan Ross," Heaven continued to seethe, "Jerk face."

Just then Heaven's little brother walked past the table hurriedly and Heaven jumped up, launching Bert into Frank's lap. She jumped the merch table and had him in a headlock before anyone could utter a warning.

"Alright, fucker," she began, "Where is my hoodie?"

"At the merch table you weirdo, get off me!" Brandon protested.

"Nuh-uh!" Heaven denied dramatically, "It's not there!"

"It was when I left!" Brandon denied when Heaven began to give him a noogie. "Besides, I have my own The Dominant E hoodie, why would I want yours? It's green."

Heaven paused, that was true. See all The members of The Dominant E had special hoodies. Heaven's was green, Tarra's was red, Cristi had black and Keri's was pink. Brandon had opted for a sky blue, though Heaven had tried to convince him that lavender was the new black.

The actual merch hoodies for sale ranged in colors such as tan, white, lavender and camo. Their friend Jarrett had jokingly suggested it. Heaven had them made because she thought it would be funny.

"Well," Brandon yelped as Heaven once again rubbed her fist into his hair, "Attack the first person you see with a green hoodie. Now get off!"

"NO!" Heaven responded, "Now...tell me why you told Tarra to eat my cookies!"
Brandon flushed red.

"Tarra! You told Heaven it was my idea? I thought we're friends!"

"I love you little brother!" Tarra said affectionately, "But Heaven scares me. And I don't want her to hit me with her bass again."

"That was a fucking accident!" Heaven shouted, letting go of Brandon to look at Tarra, hands on her hips.

The three guys were sitting there amused while Frank pocketed one of their cds.

"I saw that, Iero!" Heaven pointed an accusing finger at him.

He blushed and pointed at Tarra.

"She said I could have it!"

Brandon took the opportunity to run away as Heaven was distracted and she threw herself back into her chair.

"I got jacked for my hoodie," she said sadly, "Kinda like that time I played ghetto ball and lost my shoes."

"I warned you about playing with those kids," Tarra said kindly, patting Heaven's shoulder.

"Nuh-uh," Heaven denied, "I believe I said, "Don't play ghetto ball Tarrs" and you said "Oh, it'll be fine". And then you were bleeding and I was shoeless."

Tarra thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Yep, that is how it happened."

Heaven climbed to her feet.

"I still have to find Brad. And kill him...Cover for me?"

Heaven left before Tarra could agree. Tarra glanced at the boys still sitting at her table and shrugged.

"Guess I'm pulling double shifts today. Knew I shouldn't have ate her cookies. So, who wants to play poker?" And she proceeded to pull a deck of cards from her pocket.
Eyes glinting she said, "Five dollar buy in."

"Is this the strip poker kind?" Bert asked, and Tarra shook her head.

"I'm not getting naked without dinner, but you're more than welcome to strip if you want."

Bert dug through his pockets before pulling out a bag of flight nuts. He tossed them at Tarra and winked.

"Mmm, food," he said with a giggle. Tarra rolled her eyes to Jepha, who shrugged.

"Where the hell is Brad?" Heaven muttered to herself. And just like that he appeared. Talking to Ryan Ross. Stupid Panic! At the Disco!. She marched up to Brad and kicked him in the shin.

"I've been looking for you all day asshat!"

Bradley grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, I got distracted."

Heaven leaned in and sniffed him.

"Eww, you smell like a cheap whore? Who the hell did you fuck?"

Brad began glowing red and Heaven started to sing the Rudolph song in her head. Shaking it to clear her head Bradley introduced her to Ryan Ross.

"Meh," Heaven responded as Ryan said that they had already met.

"Bitch," Heaven muttered under her breath before shooting a glare at Brad. "You need to come to the van, cause everyone is looking for you."

Brad sighed before leading her away. She ignored the very confused Ryan Ross as she left.

Approaching the van she decided that she couldn't take the heat with the black shirt anymore. Even if it did match Tarra's red Breast shirt. Deciding that she was going to change she marched up to the van. Tarra was leaning against it talking to Frank, Gerard and Ray. Heaven rolled her eyes. Tarra made new friends and didn't love her anymore...

Wait, that wasn't true...Heaven decided that she was going to buy Tarra more brownies the minute she got a chance. Because then Tarra would love her again.

Brad was already talking to Cristi and Keri, who had been the ones looking for him to begin with, and Tarra waved her over.

"Heaven, come meet Gerard and Ray!" she said with a fan girl squee. Then she cleared her throat, "Sorry, sounded like a teenie didn't I?"

"I love teenies!" Heaven said, in their defense as she marched two inches in front of Gerard Way. He looked down at her in surprise. She grinned up at him before reaching around him and pulling Ray into a kiss. It wasn't very long, and was innocent, but he blushed none the less.

She let go of him and stepped out of Gerard's personal bubble. Then she grinned again.

"Had to see if your lips were as kissable as Gerard looks fuckable," she said with a laugh,
before yanking her shirt off and throwing it into the van.

Her back was to them as she dug around in her backpack. On her right shoulder blade her tattoo stood out against her pale skin. It was a fire phoenix and Gerard gasped, attacking her to get a closer look as she grabbed a new shirt. She whirled, slamming him into the side of the van. Then she grinned at him sheepishly.

"Well, geez, Gerard, if you wanted to compare your fucking to Ray's kissing, all you had to do was ask."

She pulled her shirt on and walked off.

"That," Tarra said with a laugh, "Is the resident virgin."

"Of course," Gerard said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, I mean, I'm a virgin too. But Heaven is completely virginal. She teases, but she never means anything by it. Most of the time I don't think she notices. It's cute."

"Uh huh," Frank said, thinking that there was nothing cute about a girl giving a guy blue balls.

"That tattoo had words in it!" Gerard said, suddenly, "What did it say?"

Tarra laughed, "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

"Dude, all I saw was fire..." Frank muttered.

Tarra laughed again.

Heaven headed back to the merch table to finish her shift before the band had to play. She knew that a few others had already played. They were a few non-signed bands that were touring in vans like The Dominant E.

Laughing to herself she ruffled her hair as she relieved Brandon. How Tarra managed to get Lil' Brother to fill for her was a mystery. Brandon ran off, grateful as Heaven sat down.
A few people stopped to buy cds as she heard Panic! At the Disco start their set. Unable to stop herself she sang along to Time to Dance. Okay, as soon as she got back to the van she was unlocking that effing glove compartment so she could listen to the cd. She just wasn't telling Tarra.
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The song Bert is (sorta) referencing is Do Ya Think I'm Sexy by Rod Stewart.