Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

A Joke About the Devil

Heaven tapped her fingers on the table impatiently. She was due to be onstage in ten minutes. My Chemical Romance's last song drifted through the venue and settled in her ears. She had wanted to watch, but she was the only one available to handle the merch tent. Damn Bryan's sexy ass for not being here yet.

She tapped her fingers again. She had The Used running through her head as she sat there, waiting for Brandon to show up again. The kid had an innocent man crush on My Chemical Romance. He was probably still at their concert.
She sold a few more cds and a couple of shirts, which she wound up signing. Then, just as she thought her little brother wasn't going to show up he launched himself over the table.
"Hallo brother, darlin'!"

"Tarra said to tell you to haul ass."

Muttering to herself she walked quickly to the stage. There Tarra was, directing the stage crew with her drum set. Heaven could tell that she would rather be setting them up herself, but she was letting them do her job.
Heaven cringed as one of the crew dropped Tarra's bass drum. Tarra started yelling. You couldn't hear what she was saying over the crowd, but Heaven could tell her friend was pissed.

Sighing she walked up to her and whispered in her ear, "It's fine, Lyn. Let it go."

"But! But he..!"

"Lyn," the warning in Heaven's voice made her friend flush. Pouting Tarra crossed her arms and waited for them to finish setting up her drums.

"Go amuse the crowd," Cristi said, and pushed Heaven forward.

Heaven groaned. She hated talking on stage. She hated talking period. She didn't like being the center of attention.

Leaning into the mic she said, "So, I'm supposed to entertain you until they're done. Here. I have a joke. Anyone want to hear it?"

As the crowd cheered Heaven grinned.

One day a guy dies and finds himself in hell as he is wallowing in despair he has his first meeting with the devil. Devil says "Why so glum, chum?"

Guy says, "What do you think? I'm in hell."

Devil replies, "Hell's not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here, you a drinking man?"

Well, Sure I love to drink.

Devil laughs. "Well you're gone love Mondays than. On Mondays that's all we do is drink. Whiskey, Tequila, Guinness, Wine coolers, Diet tab, and Fresca. We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more."

Guy says, "Gee that sounds great."

Do you smoke?

Guy says, "You better believe it."

Devil says, "Alright you're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer, no biggie. You're already dead."

Wow that's awesome.

Devil asked the man, "Do you like to gamble?"

Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.

"Wednesday you can gamble all you want. Craps, Black Jack, Roulette, Poker,Slots. If you go bankrupt, well your dead anyhow."
Devil says, "You do drugs?"

"Are you kidding. I love drugs. "

Devil says, "Thursday is drug day. Help your self to a bowl of crack, or Smack. You can do all the drugs you want, and if you over-dose that's all right you're dead who cares?"
The guy laughed, "Wow, I never realized hell was such a swinging place."

Devil looks at the guy. "You Gay?"

Guy says, "No. Oh, god no!"

Heaven paused here, turning to check on the progress of the rest of the band she laughed when she saw Cristi plug in her guitar.

Then she said, "Devil grimaces. Well then, You're gonna Hate Fridays."

The crowd broke into laughter and cheers.

"And if I just insulted somebody...sorry bout that, cause I don't have a damn problem with anybody!"

The crowd chuckled again.

Cristi led them into the first song with her guitar. Turning Heaven ran to the side of the stage and collected her bass from one of the stage hands.
The next forty minutes involved Cristi singing, with Tarra and Keri as back up vocals. Every once in a while, when the song called for it, Heaven would run up to Keri's mic and scream into it. This brought screams from the crowd.

During their last song Heaven was mid-strum when she glanced in the crowd. Mikey Way and Pete Wentz were standing three feet from the stage. And Pete was holding Heaven's green hoodie. Before anyone realized what had happened Heaven had tossed her bass to the stage and launched herself into the crowd.

You could hear her shout, "Mother fucking Pete Wentz!" as she flew past Cristi's mic.

The rest of the band stopped playing and the crowd went silent. Heaven was busy wrestling with Pete Wentz on the ground.

"Give me my hoodie!" she shouted, tugging at it, "Damn klepto!"

"Heaven, get back up here!" Cristi shouted, as Pete ran through the crowd, laughing.

"Pete Wentz is going down!" Heaven muttered to Tarra, as she climbed back onto the stage and picked the song up right where she left off.

Laughing as she climbed off the stage, stroking her bass, Heaven shook her head.

"That's it, prank war," she said evilly, her green hoodie making her sweat in the hundred degree weather.
Then she stroked her bass again.

"Sorry I threw you down, darlin'. Didn't mean to hurt ya."
Frank ran up, laughing.

"You guys are awesome!" he said with a squee.

"Whoa, now who sounds like a teenie!" Heaven laughed at Tarra.

"You said you liked teenies!" Frank said, sticking his tongue out at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story gets so much better, I swear.
When we first started writing it we were kinda ridiculous. Tarra had surgery and was on pain medication, and well, I'm like an emotional sponge, and spent too much time sitting on Tarra's couch eating Beef Stew, tater tots and making faces at her.