Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

All For the Brownies

"Where the hell did Heaven go?" Brandon asked as he shoved the last of the band's shit into the trailer. Tarra shrugged.

"I haven't the slightest idea. I haven't seen her since our set ended."
Brandon looked worried as he looked at the rest of the band.

"That was three hours ago," he said sharply.

Muttering to himself he walked off to their empty merch tent. Heaven was no where in sight. Sighing he headed toward the bands that had yet to finish packing to move on to the next venue.
He asked around at a few places before he stopped at the My Chemical Romance bus. Knocking on their door he shifted back and forth on his toes. Gerard Way pushed the door open, cigarette between his lips and shot the boy a small smile.

"Who is it?" someone called from behind him. Gerard shrugged.

"Dunno, a fan or something."

Three heads popped out from around Gerard's body to stare at Brandon. Red ran up his neck, his ears flushing.

"We're getting ready to leave," Gerard said, "But you can step in for a minute." He flagged Brandon in the door, flopping down on a couch across from a table. Brandon shyly shot him a grin.

"I'm not a fan...well, I mean, I am a fan, but..." Brandon trailed off as they stared at him. He was rambling, words slurred together, hyper.

"Shit." He said, trying to calm down and slow his speech. "Actually, I'm looking for my sister. She's kinda gone missing."

The band looked at him sympathetically, and Brandon realized they thought he was looking for a fan girl. He shook his head, realizing that someone was missing. He frowned.

"Where's Frank?" he asked, hoping the short guy would remember him from earlier.
Gerard raised his eyebrows. "He's in the back, probably sleeping. Hey Frank!"
Frank stumbled into the front of the bus, in a pair of jeans, shirt in hand. He looked at the four of them in interest.

" look familiar," he said with a shrug. Brandon sighed. He was always with the band and he was still fucking invisible. Shaking his head he shot Frank a half smile.

"I kinda met you earlier. I'm looking for my sister."

Frank looked like he was trying to remember him. "Earlier," he muttered, looking at the boy with a frown.

"Oh! Holy shit! At The Dominant E's merch tent. You're little brother, right?"

"So everyone says," Brandon muttered unhappily, he wasn't sure he could go through another tour of being called Little Brother.

"Name's Brandon," he said with a wave, "Heaven disappeared. No one's seen her since the show. I've checked all the other band's buses but no one has seen her."

"I'm sure she's fine," Gerard said, patting the boy on his shoulder.

"I don't know," Brandon choked out, "She never does things like this. She knows better than that. Damn it! Now I sound like her fucking babysitter. Don't run off Brandon, don't throw shit at the me while I get my stupid ass kidnapped in California!"

"Whoa! Relax kid," Mikey said softly, patting Brandon's shoulder as the boy dropped down onto the couch next to Gerard. He rubbed his eyes furiously. Then his phone began to ring.
-Why don't you kiss, kiss this, and I don't mean on my rosy red lips...-Brandon gave a half laugh as he pulled it from his pocket.

"Hello? Where the hell did you go?"

Heaven's voice came back heavy and muffled, "Hi Bran," she said. It echoed through the suddenly quiet bus, "I'm at the hospital."

"What! Why are you at the hospital?" Gerard frowned at Brandon as he yelled into the silence.

"Well," Heaven started, "I wanted to get Tarra brownies so she would like me more than Frank..." Frank spluttered at this.

"But on our way there some dumb ass side swiped the car. No, don't make that face! Everyone is fine, he didn't hit us hard. We slid into a phone pole. They took us to the hospital to get looked at. Routine...I swear!"

"We'll come get you, make sure you're ready when we get there."

Brandon looked at the group sitting there. "Umm, thanks for your help. Sorry I bothered you...Don't suppose I could bum a cigarette from you?"

Gerard passed him one, along with the lighter. Brandon lit the cancer stick, tossing the lighter back.


The drive to find Heaven was filled with cursing and a large map. When they finally found the right hospital there Heaven was, sitting out front with two other people. She smiled and waved as she walked over. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she walked a little stiffly.

"This is Greg and Ashley," she said, waving at the two, "They're the coolest fans ever."
Greg smiled bashfully, "Sorry I almost got you killed."

"Shit happens, besides, it wasn't your fault."

Brandon sighed. "We have to go, we're running late."

"Bye," Heaven mumbled, climbing into the van. She curled up around her brother and fell asleep as they drove to site of the next show. Brandon was running his hands through her hair. There was a small cut on her forehead. He sighed again.

"Do you think it was really nothing?" he asked Keri and Tarra, looking out the window, "Or do you think she down played what happened?"

"That kid did say he almost got her killed."

"Knowing Heaven, she down played it so you wouldn't worry."

He let out a harsh breath, "I guess I'll just have to watch her."

"Don't Brandon," Tarra warned, "You know she'll get all defensive and pissed if you start to treat her like she's the younger sibling."

"Well then explain why the hell she would just get into a car with two strangers with out telling anyone!" Brandon roared.

"Brownies," Heaven mumbled in her sleep.

Brandon shook his head, setting up the merch table. Heaven was still sleeping in the van. She had slept through the whole drive and most of the day. No one wanted to wake her up.

"Hey there, little brother!" Brandon sighed. He was nameless. He waved at who ever it was that called to him and went back to what he was doing. Pete Wentz walked up and Brandon shot him a look.

"Brandon, right?" Pete asked, pulling himself up to sit on the table. Brandon knew he wasn't supposed to be talking to Pete Wentz while Heaven had a vendetta against him. But since he was the first person to remember his name Brandon shot him a smile.

"Hey Wentz," Brandon said, "Sorry my sister attacked you. It's kinda a special hoodie. If you want one though, you're free to steal a different one." Pete clapped his hands.

"Really?!" laughing he dug through the boxes until he found a light green hoodie with white pigeons on it.

"How about this one?"

Brandon shrugged. "We only had five of those made," he said, "We sold them at the shows last year right before easter. We did this whole easter colored thing..."

"Hey, you know what would be cool?" Pete said suddenly, "If you and I stole that Breast shirt that your sister wears all the time."

Brandon laughed, "You really want her to not like you, huh?"

Pete laughed, "Opposite, I swear. I want to sign the band."

Brandon laughed, "I offer you tons of luck in that endeavor."

"Oh, you slay me with your big words." Pete clutched at his heart.

"Seriously," Brandon said, then pushed Pete off the table, "Heaven's coming! Hide!"
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Sorry that this hasn't been updated in so long.