Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

Blood and Seperate Rooms

The temperature had to be thirty below inside the building, because right now, I have lost feeling in every inch of my body. Seriously, I can't feel a thing. Why is it so damn cold?

Oh yeah! I just got done standing in the rain for five minutes. I'm sopping wet.


Nick directed me into the same room I had my arm bandaged up, until I can get the stupid cast. When we walked in, Joe and Kevin were facing away from us. Across from them sat an all to familiar petite figure with curly brown hair.

"She is such a bad friend." she muttered.

Oh hell no. I lunged forward to try to get to her, but Nick held me back. Kaley looked up and smirked at me as Joe and Kevin glared. So they were on her side? Whatever.

I wiggled in Nick's grasp, struggling to get out of it with only one arm, but he was much stronger than me. Damn. I heard Kaley. I really didn't want to do this.

"I'm sorry Nick." I whispered.

Before he could reply, I slammed the elbow of my unbroken arm into his ribs and stomped my foot onto his. The pressure of his arms around my waist was gone immediately. I dove over the sofa and landed on Kaley.

Using my unhurt arm, I began pretty much pounding her face in. When I paused for a breath, someone wrapped their arms around me and pulled me off of her. I was content. I made her bleed.


Kevin was the one who pulled me off of her. Then he rushed to her aid, as did every other person in the room. Whatever.

Now I'm in another room, far away from Kaley, or anyone for that matter, but I don't care. I like being alone. The silence is calming. I enjoy it.

I lifted my head when I heard the click of the door opening. Nick stood in the doorway.

This was the part I dreaded most, confronting him.

Here goes nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm terribly sorry I've taken so long and it's so short,
but I've been trying to get used to going to school again.
More soon, promise.