Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

Heat Lightning and Rapists

I was soaked to the skin and shivering violently, but I stayed seated right in that same exact spot. No movement, no noise, I'm surprised my chest even moved up and down.

I was lying on the sidewalk beside the intersection, and headlights had come and go. Now there was nothing but darkness.

Why was my life so horrible? I mean, I know I didn't have it as bad as most people, but they usually had someone there for them. I had no one. Not a single living soul.

All I had was my diary and my teddy bear.

I'm pitiful. I'm lying in the rain, on a deserted street. I suck.

Heat lightning lit up the sky. What I wouldn't give for a camera at that moment, it was so beautiful.

The empty street screamed with an eery silence. It was frightening. Maybe I should get out of here...

Or I could just continue sitting here, in the rain.

Yeah, I like option two.

Headlights lit up the street. They slowly crept towards me, as I tried to make myself invisible.

It didn't work. The car pulled up beside me. I didn't recognize it. Probably some rapist..

Oh well. Whatever. If he kills me afterwards, I'll be happy.

Nick stepped out onto the pavement. Why wouldn't he just go?

"Come on! I promised you a ride home, that's what you're getting."

I stayed slumped on the ground. He grabbed me around the shoulders and began lifting me up. I tried resisting, but gave up. He helped me into the car and climbed in beside me.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

I didn't answer immediately, but then said.

♠ ♠ ♠
Again short.
But I have a V-Ball Game,
and your comments inspired me.
Thank you so much!

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