Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

Pounding Fists and Sorrowful Good-Byes

Another pebble hit my window. I opened it. I could hear sobs.

"What the hell do you want?!" I whisper-yelled. I didn't want to wake my parents. They'd gotten pretty mean lately, and waking them at 2 in the morning wouldn't help make them stop.

Kaley looked up at me, tears streaming down her eyes.

"My parents...they're...they're.." she cut off.

"They're...???" I asked.

"They're dead...!" she wailed.

Oh. My. God. WHAT!!!


"They're gone."

I climbed into the tree that was beside my window and made my way towards the ground. When I got there, Kaley was lying on the ground, and was pounding her fists and screaming. I crouched over her and rubbed her back soothingly. I didn't know what to say. Her parents..dead? It seemed impossible.

"Kaley, tell me what happened..."

She looked up at me with puffy red eyes, and snot all over her face.

"Ca...Car...Cr..Crash..." I gasped. No, no, no, no, no!

This wasn't right. She didn't have anyone else. No one...kind of like me.

I immediately pulled her in my arms. We weren't friends anymore, and we would never be as close as we once were, but she still has this special place in my heart, and she always will. Losing her all my fault.

I jinxed them, by saying how perfect they were and how much I hated them.

"I'm sorry Kaley. I'm so, so sorry." I began rocking her back and forth as I began to cry as well. What was she going to do?


"May they rest in peace." The pastor stepped down and I stood. It was my turn to speak.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kingsford were like my second parents. I was always welcome at their house, always took me wherever Kaley went if she wanted, and let me eat all the food in the refridgerator."

Everybody laughed.

"It's hard to imagine they're gone. To me, they were family. I will always miss them, but I know that if I ever need them, I'll always have them right here." I pointed to my heart.

Everyone applauded as I got down from the podium. I glanced at Kaley and she smiled slightly at me. This was going to be one of the last times I was going to see her for a while. Her aunt had come down from Seattle, which is like, on the other side of the country, and Kaley had to go live with her.

It pained me inside to know she was leaving. After everything that happened, she was still the closet person to me.

When the ceremony was over, and the casket was buried, I walked up to Kaley.

"I'm really gonna miss you.." I whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

I began fighting back the tears that were about to spill from my eyes. I dove towards her and pulled her into a tight hug, which she gladly returned.

"I'm sorry, for everything." she mumbled.

"I am too." I sighed.

"Kaley, sweetie? It's time to leave." her aunt yelled.

We let go of eachother.

"Stay outta trouble Killer." I laughed.

"You're the one I'm worried about." She replied.

We both smiled and pulled eachother into another hug.

"Bye." We both whispered.

Then, she turned, and walked out of my life, again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another part will be up right after this.
