Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

Starbucks Coffee and Breath-Taking Touches

What in the world is he standing here. Here in front of me. On my doorstep?? What happened to a few weeks, I mean, seriously. Why the element of surprise? I don't like surprises when I don't suspect them, or know about them. I mean, gosh, I swear. So, how exactly do I let go of this slight anger?

I smack Nick on the forehead.

He looked pretty flabbergasted after that. I don't think people hit him on the forehead very often. They don't know what they're missing. It's pretty fun. Just for the hell of it, I did it again. That seemed to knock it out of his little trance of dumbfoundedness.

"What'd you do that for?"

I shrugged. I wasn't going to tell him the actual reason. It was stupid, and I'd seem lame.

"So, you just slapped me on the forehead twice for no reason, what-so-ever?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I laughed.

"You are weird."

"I know. So, do you wanna come in?"

He hesitated, though he tried not to show it. I wouldn't blaim him, especially after last time. My parents! Ugh, I hate them!

"On second thought, how about we go somewhere else?"

He sighed and nodded.


I sipped on my double chocolate chip frappucino. Yum. Starbucks was always the perfect place to sit and talk, though not very much talking was going on. Nick was keeping his head down.

"So, Nick, why are you down here, so, early?"

I waited patiently in silence to hear his reply.

"I came to see you."

He came to see me? Why would he do that?

"I see you got your cast off."

I lifted my arm. Well, what do you know? I had. I forgot about that.

"Oh, yeah. Doesn't hurt anymore."

Crap. I should not have said that. He'll feel bad now.

"My head quit hurting too."

I looked up and he was smiling, his big brown eyes peering deeply into mine. No wonder so many girls are "in love" with him. My mind clouded over and I lost trace of my thoughts. We just sat there, staring at one another. No words slipped from out lips, not one breath went unheard.

No movement, no sound, nothing at all. It was just me and him. Him and me.

Then, I blinked and came back to reality. There was no way in hell I could get lost in his eyes so quickly. That never happens to me. Ever.

There was no way I could...not after meeting him for the second time today...could I?

I shook my head in denial. No, no, no.

"Lexi, are you alright?"

I snapped my head up.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I tried to give him a convincing smile, but it probably came out as a grimace.

"There's a park not far from here. Want to go to it?" He asked.

"Um, yeah, sure."

We stood and walked out into the warm air. It was pretty refreshening. Maybe it will help me clear my head. We began making our way towards the park, which was about two blocks away. I began trying to push words out of my mouth, but as I was about to say something, I couldn't. His hand caressed mine, just barely, and I couldn't breath.

This boy had taken my breath away with just the simplest touch.

The denial immediately left my body. As much as I didn't find it possible, even after two days, I realized something.

I was in love with Nicholas Jerry Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short,
but I wanted to get something out,
and I am so freaking tired.
new character in soon.

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