Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

Beautiful Sunsets and Late-Appointments

A slow breeze began tossing around the once still air. I shivered. It wasn't everyday that it would become chilly in Florida, and I didn't have my jacket. Now, I would freeze. I love the cold weather. It's so calming, but I hate it when I'm not prepared for it.

In love with Nick? It's such a huge concept. And this is really the first time I'm actually hanging out with him. I'm must be losing my mind, to actually think I'm in love with this boy.

But I am.

Agg! I cannot believe this! I'm in love with a popstar! I shivered again, but this time, not for the cold. These feelings scared me. You're not supposed to fall for someone so easily. It's not right. Love at first sight?

"Are you cold?" Nick asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, just a little."

He stepped closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulder's. I felt all tingly inside.

No! This feeling needs to go away. Right now! Feeling, go away. Go away right now or I will hurt you.

Tingle, tingle, tingle.

You see, now it's just mocking me! Gah! Nick turned and we walked through the gate entrance to the park. The sun was drifting away in the horizon, painting the sky with different blue's, oranges, and pinks. The clouds reflected the sun's dimming glow. The moon was rising towards it's peak. Tree's were swaying the breeze. It was a beautiful sight.

Nick led us over to a bench and we sat down. I shivered, once again. The tingly feeling wasn't going away, though I was dying for it to. Nick must have noticed because he pulled me closer to his oh-so-warm body. I could've just melted. Actually, I think I did melt.

I wanted to pull away so badly, but I couldn't. I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to leave his arms. I felt safe. I felt protected. It was like my own little sanctuary.

"So, is the rest of your family in town?"

He sighed. "Yeah, they are. Joe and Kevin tried to get me to not come over, but it didn't work."

"Ah, they still hate me don't they?"

He didn't reply. That's all he had to say. It no longer made me angry that they didn't like me, because they don't even know me. It hurt though. It hurt alot. Kaley was able to forgive and forget. Why were they being so stubborn?

I let out a quiet sob, hoping Nick wouldn't notice. Without thinking, I stood, breaking free of those warm arms, and I began walking away from him. Walking away from him once again.

This time, I wasn't trying to get away. I was seeing if he'd follow, just like he did that night. I sat on one of the empty swings, facing the sunset. I heard chains rattle as he occupied the swing next to me.

"How are things at home?"

I sighed, not looking him in the eye.

"Remember when you asked me where I lived? And I told you hell." I asked.

He nodded.

"Well, can you get any worse than that?" Tears filled my eyes as I began letting my walls crumble and all my feelings began pouring out. I slid off the swing a lay on the ground.

"Things suck. I wish I could just leave. Runaway and never come back. But I can't, they would find me. My father wouldn't be able to live without his little fuck toy."

Nick stooped down and pulled me into his arms. I suddenly felt safe again as I sobbed into his shoulder. He lifted me up and carried me back towards the bench we had previously been sitting on.

"I'm listening. What'd you mean by 'fuck toy'?"

I sighed. I had to tell him now, though I probably would've anyways.

"My dad has raped me three times this past month. Every Saturday."

Then it hit me. He had me on a schedule. Every Saturday. Today was Saturday! If I didn't get home, I was going to be in so much trouble.

"No!" I screamed. I jumped up. "I have to get home!"

Nick quickly grabbed my arm. "I won't let you go back there."

"Nick! I have to. Please let me go. I'll take care of myself. I promise."

He hesitated. Please let me go.


His hand released my arm. I began running in the opposite direction.

"Lexi! Wait."

I stopped without thinking. Nick ran up beside me.

"Can I see you tomorrow?"

I screamed inside. "Yeah, sure."

He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked the other way. I layed my hand on my cheek.

I was the happiest girl alive.


I slowly closed the front door behind me and tip-toed towards the stairs. A loud creak echoed through-out the house.

"Alexia Faith Lavetti! Is that you?" My father yelled.

I cringed. He sounded cantankerous. I heard his resounding footsteps heading towards me.

"Yes sir, it's me." I whimpered.

He stormed around the corner and glared at me.

"You are late for our...appointment." A sick smile enveloped his face.

"I am sorry father. It will not happen again. I promise." For some weird reason, he always makes me talk so properly. It creeps me out.

"Well, that is okay. Now, head upstair's to your room. I will be there in a minute."

I nodded obediently and walked up the stairs, with as much elegance as possible, knowing he was watching me. I opened the door to my room and rushed inside. I wanted to scream so badly. There was nothing I could do to stop this.

"Knock, knock." My father opened the door and stepped into my room, that sick smile still on his face.

"Are you ready, my sweetheart?"

I threw up in my mouth alittle.

"I am always ready for you, my king."

He's really into all this english stuff, and I always have to reply to him like that. I have to keep my face calm at all times, because if I show that I am against this, he hurts me even more.

He likes to live by the phrase "You can't rape the willing".

He laughed and locked the door behind him.

"You may approach me." He said.

I slowly stepped forward until I was face-to-face with him.

"I am all yours." I whispered.

It was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
longer one.
new character in next chapter.
you guys rock!

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