Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

That Girl Has Issues

>Nick's P.O.V.

What was this girl's problem? I mean, yeah, I broke her arm, and that makes me feel completely horrible, but why is she being such a bitch?

I never did anything to make her mad. Falling on her was an accident! I even payed for her food, and she can eat. I've never met a girl who isn't afraid to stuff her face.

Wait, no! I'm mad at her. She's a bitch. She's stuck-up. She cares about no one but herself. She's just a really mean girl. Right?

I glanced at her as we pulled into the parking lot. She was staring out the window, scanning it with her eyes. What's she looking for anyways?

Suddenly, her eyes bulged and anger immediately overtook her once-calm expression. I scooted closer to her, as inconspicuously as possible. Her gaze never left the window; she sat there staring, not blinking.

The van had pulled into it's parking spot now, not moving any longer.

I followed her gaze out the window. She had her eyes locked on a car about thirty feet away from the van. I did a once-over of the car.

"Damn." I accidentally said out-loud.

*Lexi's P.O.V.

I felt my blood began to boil as I looked at my car. I heard Nick scoot closer, but I knew he was wondering what I was staring at so intently.

"Damn" he muttered.

Damn can't even explain this!

I hopped out of the van and paced over to my car. I didn't pay attention to Big Rob's confused look. I didn't pay attention to the fact that Nick was following me. I payed attention only to the car in front of me.

Who in their right mind would do this anyways?

My car looked like a train-wreck, as I began inspecting it. Then, it turned into a whole lot more. Someone had keyed the sides. The tires were slashed. Paint was chipped off here and there. The front windshield looked like someone had attacked it with a baseball bat. The driver's side window was completely busted out!

I began scanning the inside. My steering wheel was gone! The leather was torn here and there. The carpet had been ripped up in different spots. Writing in black sharpie marker was all over the dashboard. I recognized the handwriting, but I couldn't penpoint where I had seen it before. Certain things stuck out to me.

"You are a horrible person! I hope you die." was written on the left side of the dashboard.

"I hope you like your new re-decorated car. =]" was written on the right side of the dashboard. These two things were nothing compared to what was written in big, bold letters in the middle of the dashboard.

"You are such a horrible friend! I will get you back for screwing me over."

Something clicked inside my head. Kaley...she wouldn't.

I can't believe her!

"Um, Lexi? Is this your car?"

>Nick's P.O.V

I stared at the car in disbelief. Someone had fucked this car up, bad. I saw tears forming in Lexi's eyes, though I don't think she realized it.

"Um, Lexi? Is this your car?" I asked.

She looked up at me with a pained expression and nodded her head. One tear slid down her face. Then another, and another.

I wanted to comfort her, that's just who I am, but something held me back. Maybe it was the fact that she had been a total bitch earlier.

"Everything will be okay, Lexi. The car..." She cut me off before I could finish.

"It's not the car. I don't really care about the car. We were going to sell it anyways." she whispered.

I took a cautious step closer. "What's wrong then?"

More tears spewed from her eyes and she looked down.

"Beca..cause I..I know..wh..who did th..this." she sobbed.

I couldn't resist any longer and I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Who did this? We'll call the police...We'll..."

She ripped away from me. "No! No, we ca..n't call the pol..police."

I looked at her, confused. "Why?"

"I can't call the police on her. She's my best friend!" A fresh set of tears spilled down her face.

Huh? Best friend? What?

I thought about this for a second. Her best friend?

"Kaley?" I asked.

She simply nodded.

Okay, this Kaley girl, she has issues.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of short.
But I hope you liked it anywayz.

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