Status: INACTIVE. :/

Tonight Will Be The Night, I Will Fall For You

Sympathy Refusals and The Rain

*Lexi's P.O.V

I turned my back on Nick. I didn't want his sympathy. I didn't want anybody's sympathy. Why do you think I'm so annoyed about my arm? I began trudging away from him, towards a darker part of the parking lot.

She was my rock. She knew that. Why would she do this to me, of all people? All because of a stupid popstar! Nick Jonas was just another boy. Why would she pull this stupid shit?

My life sucked enough as it is. Her's was perfect. Her father, that stupid fucking rich lawyer! She had all the god-damn money in the world. And her mother was the most spoiled wife alive. She lounged around all day.

I thought Kaley was different. I thought she wasn't a spoiled rich kid. I thought she wouldn't be like this.

I thought wrong.

I sat against a wall, trying to collect my thoughts, trying to force the tears from springing from my eyes.

My mom and dad had already fucked up my life enough. Why? Because they are cold heartless people and I had learned to accept that. No, I didn't love them like a daughter should, but I accepted who they were.

Now I had to accept this. I had to accept that Kaley wasn't there for me, wasn't going to be, and never really was. She was not a true friend. She never was.

I could hear the approaching footsteps, but I really didn't care.

"Lexi? Come back inside, with me, please." Nick whispered.

I ignored him. I wasn't going back inside. She might be in there. I was afraid of what I might do. I felt him tugging gently at my arm.

"Please." he mumbled.

Why does he care? I'm just another fan girl! Just another person!

"No, Nick, I'm not going inside."

"Lexi, it's getting cold. Please."

I sighed. He didn't give up, did he?

"Fine. I'll go in on one condition."

"What?" he asked cautiously.

What'd he think? I was going to ask him for a million dollars or something?

"Will you give me a ride home?" I asked quietly.

He nodded and stuck out his hand towards me. I declined and lifted myself off the ground. No sympathy remember.

Nick rolled his eyes. I knew I was annoying him, but I wasn't meaning to.

"Nick, I'm sorry, but I just don't want your sympathy. I don't need it."

He looked taken aback. I heard a plopping noise. It had started to rain.

Nick grasped my hand and began leading me back to the building entrance.

"Hold on." I whispered.

He stopped and looked back at me, confused. I stuck my arms out parallel to me and looked up at the sky, rain patting my face. I began humming a tune and spinning in slow circles. I loved the rain.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, but I payed it no mind. Nick just watched me, a small smile on his face.

I forgot about Kaley. I forgot about my car. I forgot about my broken arm.

It was just me and the rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but I wanted to get another part out.
I hope you liked!
