
So in creative writing, we would get writing assignments, and in real life, I have a reputation of being this sick, disgusting writer. Like, people will talk about my writing, and we'll eventually end up talking about death, or Chuck Palahniuk, or something.

So, anyways, one day I decided I wasn't going to gross people out with gore, or make people sad, that I would write a love story, and I told my teacher, and she didn't believe me, so I wrote this for a free write short story.

The two characters are Olive and Charlie. It's all written from Charlie's point of view in the English journal following the class they have together. He's supposed to write in his English journal every two days.

Olive is shy. If I had to use a music genre to describe Olive: Indie pop.

Charlie is popular. If I had to use a music genre to describe Charlie: ska/punk.


Comments would be greatly appreciated.
  1. Friday, May 2nd
    Meet Olive.
  2. Tuesday, May 6th
    Starbucks fix.
  3. Thursday, May 8th
    Pop quiz!
  4. Monday, May 12th
    Not Olive.
  5. Friday, May 16th
  6. Monday, May 19th
    Word: Idiot. Definition: Me.
  7. Wednesday, May 21st
    Stupid conflict.
  8. Friday, May 23rd
    "I don't want to be friends."