
Thursday, May 8th

Thursday, May 8th,
Word: Raucous
Definition: Unpleasantly loud; harsh

The past two days in theater, we had pop quizzes. The teacher decided that, since we didn't use our free time to our advantage, it was obviously because we don't take the class seriously.

Of course none of us take the class seriously, it's theater. Olive was late today, though, and had to sit next to me in the only vacant seat.

About twenty minutes into that quiz, she scoffed. "This is really stupid," she whispered to me. I had never heard her say anything in class besides what we had to say in front of the class for projects before last Friday, and now she's talking during a quiz?

I shushed her, "We're taking a quiz."

She laughed, quietly. "You don't strike me as the type to are about the rules. Come on, take a risk."

I laughed, and opened my mouth to reply, when the teacher yelled at the class to be quiet. Well, I guess it's good that we're talking again. I don't remember why we weren't talking in the first place.

Why do I always talk about theater class, anyways? This is English. Shouldn't I be writing about the world of the day? The girl in front of me is chewing her gum raucously. There.

Theater is just the class I have before this, and it's stupid. Monday, I'm going to write about something else.