
Monday, May 12th

Monday, May 12th,
Word: Coruscate
Definition: To glitter or sparkle; to be intelligent; to be brilliant

So last period, I showed up right before the bell rang and sat next to Olive. Only, today she wasn't Olive. She wasn't smiling shyly at me. She wasn't wearing seventy necklaces. She didn't look like Olive. Instead, she wore a dark blue sweatshirt that was way too big for her. It was a school sweatshirt. That was worn in. Obviously, this meant it wasn't hers. That's when I remembered: Friday she went over to Luke's house.

And I was having a good day.

"Hey. How was your weekend?" She asked. There was her shy smile.

"Boring. Yours? Oh, you, uh, went over to Luke's, right?"

"Yeah. Well, Friday we went to every store in the mall," she over-exaggerated, "and we didn't find anything. But it was fun. So Saturday, we went to his house. His sister, Helen, was the exact same size as me when she was a senior, so I just sort of stole her dress." She laughed.

I forced a laugh. "So it was fun?"

She rolled her eyes. "I hated trying dress after dress. But we went out for dinner on Friday. That was fun. Oh, and we went laser tagging on Saturday. Have you ever been?"

I laughed. "Um, yeah. I spent every birthday from when I was nine to fourteen laser tagging."

She proceeded to tell me about how she failed miserably at it, but found it fun anyways. Then we worked some more on our project. Well, we looked at what work we've done so far.

We started planning out the plot line. We have half days on Wednesday and Thursday this week. We're going to meet after school at my house on Thursday to work on the project. I made sure we weren't going to Starbucks this time.

Alright, so I wasn't going to talk about 4th period. Whatever. I forgot. My weekend wasn't interesting, so I had nothing else to write about. We're not even supposed to write today. Fuck English.