Frank, Be a Man and Kiss Him!

Just because I´m gay doesn`t mean that he wants me

Frank`s P.O.V.

“Mr Iero!” I jump at hearing my name.

“Huh?” I look around to see my teacher walks straight into my direction.

“Mr Iero, hope you had a nice dream?”

“Yeah ... I was in a-“ I stopped.

That wasn`t the right moment to tell my teacher how my dream was ... right? No one should know that my hands were in Gerard`s pants and how loud he moaned my name when I did that and - STOP THAT! Otherwise I will have a woody right now and here... so just stop it Frank Iero! He´s a friend and just because I´m gay doesn`t mean that he wants me too. But sometimes -

The bell rings! YAY! I smile at my teacher and leave the room to meet my friends. I walk down the hallway to find Gerard.

“Hey Frank, what`s up?” Candy asks when she looks at me.

“I´m fine! You?” I tell her in passing. She smiles even brighter.


That is, I think turning around.


“Hey dude!” he smiles at me.

“You wanna hear something that`s ... oh my god it is just so ...”

“Hey guys, what`s up?” Ray joins.

Mikey takes a deep breath – in that moment Bob appears.

“Hey bitches – I´m fuckin` hungry let`s go eat something!”
Everyone nods but Mikey.

“What about my news?” he asks following the others and shaking his head in disbelief that no one is interested in his news.

We sit down at our table of the cafeteria. Yes, you heard right: OUR table. No one is allowed to sit there. Only Bob, Ray, Mikey, Gerard and me sit down there. No one else.

“Where`s Gerard?” I ask turning around. But I can`t see him.

“Dunno.” Bob shrugges his shoulders.

“You`ll never believe me but ...” Mikey begins to tell a story of a girl of our school and how her ex boyfriend took photos of her – naked – and now he gives out all this shit and yeah .. I don`t really listen.

“I`ll search Gerard.” I explain and stand up.

“Okay. Tell him this food isn`t that bad today!” Bob laughs.
I smile and make my way trough our Highschool. There`s just one place he could be ...

“Hey Gerard.” I say opening the door of the last cubicle on the left side.


“What`s up?” I ask him and take the cigarette he gives to me.

“Nothing - got detention.” He sighs.

“Again? Oh come on Gee – what did you do?”

“I was dreaming of you.” He says and takes a drag of his cigarette.

“Oh really? What colour did my boxers have, huh?” I tease him closing the door of our cubicle.

“You had pink hair.” Gerard explain.

Me? With pink hair? I giggle at that thought.

“Did you like that? I mean, dreaming of me.” I ask and look into his eyes.

Gerard smirks but doesn`t say a word. See! Sometimes he seems to know that I`m keen on him.
We`re silent for a while and smoke our cigarettes.

“You will get detention, too if someone would notice us smoking in school.”

“I know. But nobody use this restroom.” I shrug my shoulders.

“Right.” Gerard closes his eyes and leans against the wall.

Come on Frank! Just lean forward and kiss him. KISS HIM!

“We should go.” Gerard says and waits for me to turn around and leave this small cubicle. But I don`t move.

“Frank? We should go now.” Gerard looks at me questioning.

“Right.” I try to concentrate at something that hasn`t to do with Gerard and that he`s only a few inches away from me and the fact that I could kiss him right now.

“Frank?” Gerard whispers.
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Hope you liked it?^^