Frank, Be a Man and Kiss Him!


“Frank?” Gerard whispers.

I realize that I closed my eyes and leaned forward. I look at him shocked.

“Everything okay with you?” he asks.

“Yeah, of course.” I shrug my shoulders as if nothing had happened.

What the fuck? Oh Well done Frank Iero! You nearly kissed Gerard! He is NOT gay!

Of course I come too late to math anyway.
“I´m sorry Mrs Light.” I say. Who gave her that terrible name? Mrs Light! I can`t suppress a smile.

“I don`t understand what`s so funny!” She crosses her arms.

“I´m really sorry. I won`t do it again.” I promise but she shakes her head.

“No, Mr Iero. Detention!”

“No, come on, that isn`t fair!” I pout but I know I have no chance.

I make my way to detention. From afar I see Gerard closing the door of the detetion room behind him. Detention with Gerard Way! Like always.
I sigh and open the door.

“Frank? What are you doing here? Oh let me guess ... You came too late?” He smiles and blinks at me.

“yep.” I try to look innocent and sit down next to him.

I begin to doodle at my paper. I draw a tiger and a dog who eats the tiger. Gerard laughs at my drawings and takes my paper away.

“Look. This is a tiger.” He says drawing his animal. Gerard will be a comicbook artist when he`s grown up, I swear. He`s so talented!

“Your tiger looks like a Hot Dog and your dog looks like an ... elephant!”

“What? Don`t be so horrid!” I pout crossing my arms like a five-year-old.

“Come on Frankie, you know I´m just kidding!”

Frankie? Okay, why did he come up with that name? He called me like that when we were younger.

“Frankie?” I ask actings as if I hate it.

“Yeah! I think it`s ... cute.”

“Cute?” CUTE? What is wrong with him? My Gerard was kidnapped by some aliens and now ... Where`s my Gerard?

“Yeah. Like you.” Gerard mumbles and in that moment Mr Jones appears.

Gerard said that I´m cute!
I sit there beaming with joy.
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Oh please comment! I really wanna know if you like my story ;)