We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You


Imaging having your heart ripped out repeatedly and then stuffed into a blender. Then imagine your nails being ripped out. Now times that pain by ten, because that’s how I felt right about now. All day we had tests and experiments done on us. They checked if we physically changed since finding our mates and then did all these experiments involving how far they can keep us apart without causing physical injury.

I found out today that if Brain and I are more than a few miles apart we start experiencing physical pain. The same was done to the others. Brian and I were currently being dragged to our cell because we physically couldn’t move ourselves. They opened the door and threw us in. I landed with a painful Thud on the cold hard ground. I heard Brian moan and turn over. I looked at him, he looked horrible.

They took him away for a few hours and I didn’t know what they did to him but I know it hurt. I felt his pain as if it was my own. Brian turned and looked me in the eyes. We both crawled to each other and I hugged him. I never knew that being away from him could hurt so much. My heart still stung a little, but felt better hen I was next to Brian. We both managed to get to the bed and collapse.

“Brian?” I managed to say in a hoarse voice. I had screamed so much today. He turned to me and pulled me with what strength he had closer. “Hmm?” he said as he closed his eyes again. “What did they do to you?” I asked. His eyes opened and he looked at me. “Nothing…it was nothing” he said before closing his eyes again. I sighed; I had a feeling he wasn’t going to tell me so I just closed my eyes.

A few minutes later I felt Brian shift beside me. He turned onto his back and stare at the ceiling. “Dee?” he said. I looked at him, “I don’t know what we’re going to do” he said. I looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?” I said. He took a deep breath before starting, “I heard those scientists talking….did you know the others including our selves are the first ever mates to be paired Vampire and werewolf? I heard them say that we are the first ever heard of. They said it only happened twice ever in history. I…..heard what happened to them” he said in a small voice at the end.

I took in a shaky breath, “What happened to them?” I asked, Brian turned to me and pulled me even closer if possible. He looked into my eyes with fear and worry. “The first full moon, the werewolf would change and…they’d kill their mate. They’d be so heart broken and ridden with grief that they’d die the next day” he said.

“It would happen every time” he continued. I looked away, “that can’t happen to us” I said as I imagined myself turning into that monster and killing Brian. “But I think the werewolf would be the guy so…. I don’t know” he said in a defeated voice. I closed my eyes and snuggled into Brian’s chest. I was so tired that I fell asleep a few seconds later.
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Sorry i haven't updated this in a while! Here's a chapter hope you like and comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!