We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You


Brian’s P.O.V

I was on my way to the next ‘class’ with all the guys. This was the only class we didn’t have with the girls. I had been deep in thought all day. My mind was thinking over the full moon. It was next week and I ad no clue what to expect. I didn’t know what I would do if my vampiric instincts kicked in.

I only got to experience them once before but nobody knew. I didn’t want to tell anyone what happened. It was about three years ago and I was coming out of a bar to get some fresh air. When I caught a whiff of something, my whole body tensed and changed, like right before a fight. It happened so fast I’m still trying to remember what happened. I whipped my neck towards the smell and saw a guy about early 30’s.

Before I knew it we had both lunged at each other. He had changed so fast. It took about 30 seconds fro me to snap his neck and an hour trying to hide the body. A few days later the cops found his body. The guys name was Mark Cole, he was married for 10 years and had kids.

I felt horrible for killing the guy, but I didn’t have any control over what I was doing. Out f this whole thing, I’m not afraid for my life, but for Diana’s. I was pulled from my thoughts when Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the guys. “What’s going on with you? You haven’t said a word all day?” he said in a hushed tone.

“I’m worried about the full moon, that’s all” I said as I kept walking. “Ya well so is everyone else, but what happens happens we can’t do anything about it” he said as he gave me a look. I huffed, he was right there was nothing I can do.

Diana’s P.O.V

I was currently clutching my ears trying not to hear about what happened between Rachel and Jimmy. She was going on about how long they went last night. Keep in mind I don’t need to hear about others sex lives.

It seemed that Scarlet and Rachel were the only two that mated so far. Just the thought of being with Brian made me scared and embarrassed. Plus…it would be impossible. I wasn’t going to do anything before marriage, until I really had to. Class had just ended and it was time for lunch. Half way there we saw the guys. Some of the girls jumped into there arms and some gave kisses. It was really weird. I just smiled at Brian and he took my hand.

Brian’s P.O.V

I felt Diana, and she was a little confused and embarrassed. I feel everything she feels as if it were my feelings. I know she was embarrassed about everyone kissing. I had to admit I was a little jealous that all the guys got to kiss and touch their girls how ever they wished, but it was fine with me. They all got to kiss during the day, while I kissed her during the night.

Every night it would become routine to wake up and pull her closer to me. I would give her small kisses on her cheek and head. I would smell her scent ad take it in. It made my heart skip a beat every time I took a deep breath of it. I would fall back asleep watching her. I wonder when our first times going to be. I hope she changes her mind.
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Sorry for not updating in a while. I had been working on a short story and school is getting to me. I'll try and update again soon. Comments?What do you think about the story? Is the pairing too weird?

Over and Out Captain!