We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

Full Moon

Diana’s P.O.V

Brian and I were currently pacing our small room. In just a few short hours it will be full moon. My first full moon away from home, I just hoped we make it threw. I was alittle really nervous. “As soon as I start changing I want you to turn away” I said suddenly to Brian. “Why?” he asked as he gave me a curious look.

“Because I don’t like it when people see me change” I said as I continued to pace. “Okay but you have to promise me something” he said. I suddenly stopped I had felt him thinking about something for the past few days but just wrote it off about the full moon situation.

“I need you to promise….Dee…..Promise me you wont get scared of me….no matter what you see” he said with a shaky voice. I studied his face and felt that he was waiting for assurance. I smiled at him. “I could never be scared of you” I said as I kept pacing.

Hours of pacing later I felt it. I felt the change coming. I had felt it countless times before to remember what it felt like. My skin would start to tingle and my bones would begin to ache. The same ache you get after working out. My muscles would begin to feel warmer and after a while they would burn.

“Brian….Turn around” I chocked out as I felt my body begin to change. He looked at me with a slight fear in his eyes and then he turned around. Just then I felt small little pricks in my skin and I saw the hair rapidly grow from my arms. My whole body felt like it was on fire, as if it was being torn and reshaped like clay. I closed my eyes and told myself that it was only a little bit more and the pain would be gone.

I stayed still and waited for the pain to end. I soon felt my body fully transformed and the pain go away. I opened my eyes and took in everything ever thing I could see and hear. Just then I smelt an odor. It smelt like an enemy. It was like a hate that was born with me, so natural. I swiftly turned my head and saw him. It was Brian his eyes were so red. Not the friendly brown I’ve grown to know.

I felt so torn. My body and mind said two different things. One said enemy the other said friend. I closed my eyes and shook my head. It took me a second to try and figure it out. Just then it clicked, I felt as if I was in control again.

Brian’s P.O.V

I didn’t need to see her change. I felt it and smelled it. It was as if my body knew a werewolf was around. I immediately felt my fangs grow out and my eyes change. I was afraid to turn around. I wasn’t afraid she’d hurt me but I was afraid I’d loose control. I took a deep breath to try and steady myself to control myself. I had been practicing for days to resist the urge of killing. I slowly turned around and saw her looking at me.

It was as if she was mirroring my emotions. She was confused. A minute later something happened. Something I never expected to happen. She whimpered and ran over to me. She pushed me down to the ground and started licking my face. Every natural emotion of killing and hate towards her disappeared, it was as if it vanished into thin air with out a trace.

I laughed as she licked my face. I ran my hands threw her soft fur, taking note that it was as soft as her human hair. She backed off a little to look at me. I then noticed her eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of purple. So deep and curious, they mirrored the person on the inside.

She had soft black fur. As I studied her I noticed that she was studying me as well. “This is unexpected” I said with a laugh. She barked in reply, “at least we didn’t kill each other” I said softly as I pet her fur. Just then she got up and jumped onto the bed and lay down. “Even as a wolf you get tired early” I said with a chuckle. She growled at this letting me know she understood.

I got up and got onto the bed next to her. She put her head in my lap as I gently stroked it. She was as beautiful as a wolf as she was human. A sort of peaceful feeling passed threw me. As if a burden, a weight was lifted off my shoulders. For the first time in my life, I felt as if everything was as it should be. I felt at peace.
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Sorry i haven't updated in a while! Any way here you go! Please comment! I'm stealing time on the computer to write this so comments are great and help me write faster!

Over and Out Captain!!!