We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You


Dr.Smith’s P.O.V

It’s impossible, I don’t get it. It has never happened before. I had a theory about Vampire and werewolf mates. And even though I doubted it. It was proven last night but only in one of the remaining couples who haven’t mated before the full moon. If a vampire and a werewolf mate before there first full moon their natural instincts towards each other dissipates and they are no longer violent to each other. But last night there was a contradiction.

Z42 and Z56 didn’t mate and naturally being the full moon their hormones were at an all time high, they tore each other to bits. But then there was X6 and X2 more likely known to their peers as Diana and Brian. We had watched all the blood mates for weeks and slowly they each physically mated willingly, therefore they were safe the night of the full moon. But we waited for X6 and X2 to mate and they never did. We know that they don’t have any physical disabilities to keep them from mating since that was one of the first things we checked when they came here.

X2 has shown his interest in his mate and I know this because I studied the night tapes and found that he’s physical with her at night when she is unaware. That’s what has me puzzled the night of the full moon I waited for them to start fighting the moment X6 changed, yet here they both were in one piece. The only couple not to mate and make it threw the night. The board will be very pleased with this finding. Maybe even give me a bonus if I can study them and find what’s holding them back.

Diana’s P.O.V

My head. Why does it feel so heavy? I opened my eyes and gasped at the pain that shot threw my head. I stayed still for a moment trying to breath threw the pain.

“D are you awake?” I head a voice in my head say. I knew automatically that it was Brian. “Yes I’m okay, but my head really hurts” I thought back to Brian.

“Ya, they knocked you out pretty hard baby” said Brian. I slowly stood up and took in my surroundings. A cement room with no windows only a single light bulb that shed some light in the room. There were four cameras one in each corner of the room and a big metal door at looked like it would take 10 Matt’s to move. “Brian where are you?” I asked, noticing for the first time how my heart felt heavy.

It was because Brian was far from me. I knew this for a fact because when they first found out we were mates they tested how far away we can be from each other before it physically hurt us. That's a pain that's hard to forget. And judging by the pain I was feeling. He was very far from me. “They have me in some cemented room that smells weird” said Brian. “Funny, mines doesn’t smell weird” I thought. “Our smelling is different, it could smell like mine but you wouldn’t pick up on it” said Brian. I shrugged as I sat down and waited for something to happen.

Dr. Smith’s P.O.V

“Doctor how long are you going to keep them separated like that?” asked my assistant Chris. “We’re going to leave them like that for a few weeks and see what happens when we finally put them back together. But during this time we will be studying their mental well beings while away from each other” I said as I studied both the monitors that followed X2 and X6’s every move. X2 seemed to be quiet agitated and pacing his cell while X6 just sat on the floor patiently.

“ Isn’t that going to put them threw physical pain?” questioned Chris again. I gave him a sidewards glance. “Perhaps, but then again it’s for the good of our country and man kind. A little pain on their part is a little relief for everyone else” I said as I glanced at him threw my peripheral vision. For the bettering of mankind.
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Okay the bold part mean they are talking in their heads. Sorry if there was confusion. And thanks to afunnylookingkid and jeffjeff21 who reminded me to update this story! This ones for you guys! Please comment! I love comments they give me the urge to write! And any story you want me to update just comment and I'll get to it before the others. Love to all my subscribers and commenters. Be patient with me.

Over and Out Captain!!!!!