We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

More Than Just An Emotional Pain...

WARNING: This is a Mature Chapter, you have been warned.

Diana’s P.O.V

I was sitting in the small room, when Dr. Smith came to the door with the two guards on either side of him. I looked up in surprise, when they opened it and the two guards stepped into the room.

I wished for the first time at that moment I could hear Brian’s voice in my head. I couldn’t do anything; I was too scared to even speak.

There was a look on Dr. Smith’s face that was enough to freeze water, so it definitely froze my thoughts. My eyes widened in surprise when the two guards lifted me off of the ground.

“NO!” I yelled as panic swept through me.

At that moment I couldn’t even think coherent thoughts; it was all too hard, emotions sweeping through me. What are they doing to me? What are they going to do to Brian? Pain, panic, and frustration were sweeping through me, I couldn’t control what was about to happen. As much as I couldn’t control the fact Brian and I were stored so far away from each other there was a physical pain in my body.

The guards were taking me down this long hallway, with Dr. Smith leading them; we got to a door where Dr. Smith used a code to open it. I looked at the door as it slid open and we walked inside, two more guards joined the ones that were already carrying me, trapping me as they strapped me onto a table, one like they would have in a morgue.

“Please,” I cried.

My mind was screaming, but I couldn’t hear his reply.

“Now, since you and X2 have refused to mate, and breed on your own, we thought we’d take it into our own hands,” Dr. Smith said as he filled a syringe with a clear liquid. He filled three more, before moving to the table.

“These are filled with a chemical that will leave your body numb, a sort of muscle relaxer,” Dr. Smith said as he put the first one into my arm, I could feel the needle slide through my skin, my eyes closed against the hatred that was seeping through me. He moved to my other arm, and part of my face, the other needle entered my arm and the chemical took over the other side of my upper body. Before he moved to my legs, and put a needle in each one.

“Please,” I whispered, as he chuckled.

“Your pleas won’t help you,” He said, I could feel the tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. I looked at the four guards who were staring at me with stony faces, and hard eyes.

“Now, a few incisions,” Dr. Smith murmured, as he walked to the table and gathered a scalpel. I understood why this table looked like the one found in a morgue, the blood would seep to the little pipe in the corner, if it were a regular hospital bed, It would all fall to the ground, this way was cleaner, they wouldn’t have to deal with my blood as much.

“Okay now this shouldn’t hurt a bit,” Dr. Smith said with an evil smile, he cut a place just above my wrist, where it wouldn’t bleed as much as if would’ve if it were on my wrist, they couldn’t have me dyeing. Another place higher up on my arm, above my elbow, he moved to my other arm, and made the same cuts there. I felt like crying out in pain, but all I could do was whimper. I had no choice but to sit there and wait for what was to come. He stopped after putting two cuts in each of my legs; he nodded down at me, indicating he liked his own work.

“Take her to her room,” Dr. Smith ordered. The four guards went to the bed, and moved me to a small stretcher, where they wouldn’t have to carry my bleeding form in their own arms. They opened the door to my old room, and laid me down on the bed, before walking back out of the room. I looked around, Brian wasn’t here, but I could guess why I was like this, they were going to bring him in.

Brian’s POV

I had two guards holding my arms behind me as they walked me down a long hallway, the pain of being far away from Diana was slowly starting to ease, which meant that I was getting closer to her.

Her cries swept through my head, before they were silenced, I stopped rigid, only to get hit from behind telling me to keep moving. We walked down the long hallway, and before I knew it we were getting closer to the regular living quarters. As we walked down the hall I thought of Diana, what could she have been so afraid of? I saw four guards that walked by us with a stretcher, which had blood stains all over it as we got closer to my room. The smell of the blood filled all of my senses as my eyes rolled back in my head, it smelled so amazing, and it smelled like Diana.

I was pushed into my room, where the smell filled me again, but stronger this time. It was fresh. I looked toward the bed, to see her lying there. I back up against the wall and tried to clear my senses, but I couldn’t. It smelt so good. I took a step towards the bed, and took a deep breath, I closed my eyes to enjoy it fully, and when I opened them again, it was like seeing through night vision goggles, the eyes of an animal, a beast, a predator. The monster within me started to take over. All reason and judgment was slowly starting to recede to the back of my mind.

I walked slowly towards the bed, as if stalking my prey, she was lying there completely still, and it wouldn’t be hard to take her now. I put a knee on the bed before crawling to where she was, her eyes wide open, and tears were leaking from them.

“Brian,” She whispered, her voice held a pleading note, like everyone that I had taken blood from before. This would be different; she was mine fully, so I would take everything that was mine. Everything!

I looked down at her and smiled, before leaning down and rubbing my lips across hers, she whimpered, which just aroused me more. I kissed her again, only more fully, when I moved away from her I kissed the side of her neck, and down one of her arms, licking the blood away from one of the cuts. I watched as my saliva helped it seal, before moving to the other cut on her arm. Her blood was like a drug, it moved through me and heightened my awareness of her, laying there between my thighs, as I slid down her body. I went to the other arm, and licked away the blood from both of those cuts, before kissing her stomach, there was a shirt there, and it was covering what was rightly mine, so I slid it up her body and over her head, tears fell more quickly from her eyes.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” I whispered in her ear, before taking her earlobe between my teeth, and nibbling on it. I sat up and looked down at her, the creamy skin of her stomach was beautiful, and she was still wearing a bra, that wouldn’t do. I quickly removed it to behold her beautiful naked form. I slipped my own shirt off over my head, and leaned down to kiss her again.

“Brian,” She whimpered against my mouth. I grinned and nibbled on her lower lip, as I slipped her pants down her legs, with her underwear. I moved to her legs and licked and sealed each cut there, my body was becoming more frantic to make her mine, and I could feel myself losing control, I took off my own pants, before moving in between her legs. I slid into her slowly, and heard her whimper, as my body lost all control, my mouth flew over her, and plundered her own mouth as tears fell from her eyes, and she whimpered.

“BRIAN!” She whimpered, I kissed her tears away as I moved towards my own climax. I couldn’t let myself care that I was hurting the one I loved the most. The monster within was the one who controlled my body and my urges. I felt my climax getting closer and closer and when it finally hit me, I sunk my teeth into her neck. She whimpered as the spasms racked my body. I sucked the blood that leaked into my mouth, from where I had bit her, before licking it to heal it back up. I was exhausted, I moved away from her, but tucked her into my side before falling asleep.

Diana’s POV

I was sore everywhere, where I had been cut, where Brian had bit me, and in between my legs. I was lying on the other side of the bed from him, crying into my pillow. He was someone completely different last night, he told me he’d respect that we not do anything to ruin me in my religion, but he broke that promise last night. The man I thought I knew had become a monster. My whole heart was filled with betrayal and hurt. In my mind I kept replaying those most terrifying moments.

“Dee?” His sleepy voice floated over to me, I burrowed into my pillow and curled into a ball as I cried harder.

“Dee?” Brian said I could feel his weight moving across the bed, he seemed to stop a little away from me.

“Oh Dee” He sounded shocked; I looked towards him and saw that his face matched his voice. I cried harder and burrowed back into the pillow. His hand touched my shoulder, and I jerked away from his touch, it felt icy and cruel. I got out of the bed as fast as I could, with him right behind me.

“Please Diana, I’m so sorry,” He reached for me.

“Don’t touch me!” I shrieked, his hands stopped halfway towards me, they just sat there in mid air.

“Diana, please?” He pleaded, I saw tears gathering in his eyes, but his pleads just made me think of my own last night, ones that he never listened to.

“Don’t touch me,” I cried as he took a step towards me, he took a deep breath, and reached for me again, but I shook my head. I wrapped my arms around myself and let my tears run freely.

“No, I don’t want you to touch me. Ever again,” I said as I looked up at him, his eyes filled with hurt, and I felt his pain sweeping through me, but I wasn’t going to stop until he knew how much pain he had caused me.

“Dee, I’m so sorry,” He spoke softly, a tear falling from his eye; I shook my head, and ran towards the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and sitting against it.

“Dee!” His voice sobbed from the other side as he hit the door, I shook my head, and pulled my knees towards my chest, wrapping my arms around them, before laying my head on my knees and crying.

“DIANA!” Brian yelled through the door. I just shook my head, and tried to block his voice out, but even if I did that his thoughts still ran through my head.

“Diana, please, baby. I’m so sorry,” He said against the door, I shook my head again, and tried to block him out completely.

Brian’s POV

I was crying, I can’t remember the last time I had cried. I had never cried this hard ever, especially not for a girl. But Diana wasn’t just a girl. She was my other half; she completed me and my existence. I slid down and sat facing the door, she was on the other side, and I knew that, just as well as I knew her. I felt her heart break and jerk, as mine did the same.

“Dee, please,” I said as I put my forehead against the door. Tears were falling down my face, I tried to get through to her mind, but I couldn’t feel her there anymore, she was blocking me out. I didn’t even know that was possible. I didn’t want to know it was possible.

“Dee,” I said as I put my hand against the wall, she wasn’t there anymore; she was somewhere deep inside herself. I had no one to blame but myself, if only I had never taken that deal. I was so stupid as to think they said what they meant…
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooohhh Cliffhanger!!! Okay so this chapter was written by luvA7X and i. I hope you guy like it. This is the longest update this story has had and i hope it makes up for the past few chapters!! Please comment! And tell me what stories you want me to update! Love to all my readers!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!