We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

Getting Kidnapped

Diana’s P.O.V

It was another normal day in the Zane family. I was sitting in the living room with my grandpa. He was sitting in his recliner watching TV. My brothers were currently fighting, because their idiots and they always fight. My grandma was paying the bills and my mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

We’re just a regular Muslim family. I soon got bored of sitting downstairs with my family and made my way upstairs to the seclusion of my bedroom the only place where I can be who I really am. See I’m not like the rest of my family. They listen to rap, I listen to rock. They say pink, I say black. I guess you could call me the odd ball of the family. See if I had my way I’d be pierced and tattooed, my parents think I’m weird for finding stuff like that cool.

I don’t really have any friends because I never leave the house. I only leave it for school and when I go out with my parents, but that is the life of every Muslim girl. It was currently evening time, and I was extremely bored. So I decided to read for a while. “Diana?” called my mother. “Yes mama” I called back. “Sweaty we’re all going down the street to visit your aunt she has big news do you want to come?” she called. “No, I want stay here. I’m tired”.

“Okay, we wont be long, remember don’t open for strangers. Just pretend like your not at home. Okay?” she yelled. “FINE” I yelled back. What? We yell a lot in our family. I rarely get the house to my self but when I do its complete silence and I enjoyed not having orders shouted at me. ‘clean this, help your brother, get that” that’s it ever was, but I discovered long ago if you just shut up and do it. It’s easier, and that’s all I wanted.

I walked downstairs to get something to eat before switching the TV on and seeing what was on tonight. Family guy was on so I started watching that. It was my favorite show. Ten minutes later half way threw the episode the electricity went out. Just great! I’m at home alone and the lights went out.

How much worse can this get? Suddenly the door is busted open and five men dressed in black clothing carrying guns run in. I scream and they see me. I try to run up the stairs to try and get away, but they grabbed me and gagged my mouth. I was scarred out of my fucking mind. Who the hell are these people? What do they want?

They dragged me out of the house and into a big white van. I was thrown in, and just as fast as they came, they left taking me with them. I don’t know how long we drove but we finally reached the airport. I could hear the sounds of the plane engines. Finally they stopped the car and opened up the door to drag me out.

I tried to struggle but they were stronger and had guns. They lead me to a small white plane and dragged me on to it. I was tied down to a chair and before I knew it. They had stuck a needle into my arm. Not soon after I felt my head spin and my eyes grow heavy. The last thing I could remember was thinking. I’m going to die.
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Please comment if you want me to write!!!

Over and out Captain!!!!!!