We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

The Beginning

Diana’s P.O.V

We sat at our usual table with our friends eating our breakfast. Since the incident I had taken to sitting next to Page. I was as far away from Brian as humanly possible considering the circumstances. After we had mated I learned that the distance we can be away from each other without feeling pain was a great deal shorter than before, so I’ve decided to dance along the edge of pain and relief when it came to the distance I kept between us. I looked up from the slop they call food when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I glanced up to see a pair of warm brown eyes filled with pain barring into my skin.

He wasn’t just staring at me; he was searching my very soul. I knew he had stopped hearing my thoughts and that drove him insane but it’s the only thing that’s kept my sanity. I know cutting myself off from him just hurts the both of us, but it’s the way it has to be….for now. Although I hate to admit it, I do miss his arms around me in the morning; at least I think I do. I could just miss the feeling of safety I use to have with him, now it’s just constant vigilance. I can’t let down my guard for one minute. I broke the eye contact with Brian and went back to my food.

“Hey Dee, how are you doing today?” whispered Scarlet, I know everyone’s been wondering what’s happened between Brian and I since that night, but we both refused to acknowledge it, so the others were just left wondering. I do know that the girls still try to get me to talk each morning and each morning I just give them a dead tight smile and go back to staring at my food. I looked at Scarlet and studied her, she looked different since the last time I saw her, or it could just be me. I haven’t been the most observant person lately.

“I’m okay” I said with a smile genuine smile, suddenly the whole table turned quiet and everyone turned their eyes to me. This was the first time I actually talked to them. Page shifted in her seat next to me and grabbed my hand in hers. I looked up at her to see she was giving me a small smile. I don’t know why but it sort of lifted my spirit a little. Page’s smiles were like the Mona Lisa’s it held mystery as well as the silent whisper of new beginnings.

I looked around the table to study everyone, they all gave me sympathetic smiles when I looked at them but when I turned to see the last person I noticed tears slowly and silently make their way down his face as he stared right back at me. I broke away from his face when suddenly everything turned as dark as night and silent. Out of nowhere red lights and sirens began to go off. Then…..chaos.
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Ha Ha Ha yes i know I'm evil for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger but i had to do it because i just noticed i have 91 subscribers, now I'm not asking all of the 91 to comment but at least give me 10!!! I will be updating again soon! When? you'll just have to hope soon! I am starting to update some stories, recently (including this one) three this week which is pretty darn good! So i hope you guys like how the story is going so far and trust me when i say i don't believe in sad endings. A lot of stuff is going to be happening in the coming chapters (i'm not going to say what exactly, but i predict within the next few chapters your going to try and hunt me down and kill me) so stay tuned!!!! Again, i love you all, please comment!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!