We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

The Escape Part 1

Diana’s P.O.V

As the sirens blared through the cafeteria and red lights blinked from every visible corner. Everyone began to run and scream as I heard shots that sounded much like a machine gun going off. I was so afraid and confused. I suddenly felt a warm familiar hand gently grab mine and I knew who it was. Before I could say anything we were moving through the screaming and running mob of people. I couldn’t see his face but I knew it was him. After a few moments we finally began making our way out of the cafeteria and down the forbidden zones. The forbidden zones were where people like us weren’t allowed to go.

Only the psychotic doctors were allowed down here. Dread began creeping into my stomach but I remained quiet. “Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe” said Brian as he gave my hand a small squeeze, and I believed him just like that. We traveled down for a few seconds in silence just the sounds of our feet echoing off the cemented walls. I finally couldn’t take not knowing where we were going anymore. “Where are we going?” I said daring for the first time to say something to him. He must have heard the hesitance in my voice because he gave me a sideways glance filled with sadness before answering me.

“All of this was planned. We’re escaping Dee. I’m getting you out of here” said Brian as he moved faster dragging me along. How was this planned? What did Brian do? “How?” I said managing to muster that small word while a dozen questions flickered through my mind. Brian chuckled as he tugged me past a small corner. “How I got into this? Or how did I know?” he questioned. And for the first time in a long time I saw a shadow of a smirk that was constantly visible on Brian’s face before the incident. “Both” I replied with a small smile.

“After the….thing. I knew that we couldn’t stay here any longer. Those fucked up scientists just like pain and it’s our pain they take pleasure from. I won’t let anything happen to you ever again. So that’s why I got a few people together and for the past week we’ve been planning. We said we’d wait till the right moment and go so I guess it’s now” said Brian as we continued on. “You did this for me?” I asked in disbelief. Suddenly Brian came to a halt and gave me a serious look. “I’d do anything for you” he said

Because I love you.

Oh my god, I can hear his voice in my head again. Brian’s face broke out into the most gorgeous smile at that moment. “You forgive me?” he questioned. I stared at him and smiled.

I love you too.

Brian laughed and picked me and held me close. “God you will never know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that baby” said Brian as he buried his face in my hair. I gently held on to him and enjoyed the first physical contact I’ve had with him in a long while. No matter how many times I smell Brian his scent always manages to grip me with emotion. Brian put me down and kissed my forehead. “Come on we have to hurry” and with that Brian led me down the hall and to a dingy looking door and just as he was about to open it. The door swung open and there stood a man with long black hair and lip piercing. “Hey Max. Where’s the hole?” asked Brian as we walked into the room.

“I thought you guys weren’t coming” said Max as he closed the door and slid the bolt into place. “We’re here now and that’s all that matters” said Brian. He looked around the small room. “Where’s the hole? How are we getting out?” questioned Brian. I looked around myself trying to look for the hole. “What do you mean we?” asked Max sarcastically as he stood in front of the locked door smirking at us with an evil glint in his eye. This doesn’t look good…
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Hey all! Sorry again for not updating but this took me two days to do so i hope you like it! And yes Max is Max Green from escape the fate and yes he's..................... Ha Ha Ha i'll let you guys fill in the rest of that sentence! But between work and home i've been busy, but thanks to those special few who have been hounding me to update! HERE IT IS!!!! Now that schools out i'll have more time to write so i expect more comments to encourage me to do it! Thanks to everyone who commented! I hope you like this! Please comment and subscribe! By the way Brian is Purple from now on and Diana is Blue!

Over and Out Captain!!!