We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

Arriving in Hell

I woke up a little later. I looked to the window to see that the sun was up. I must have slept for hours. I was still tied up and gagged and we were still on the plane. I tried to say something but it came out muffled. “I wouldn’t try anything if I were you” said a voice I turned and saw a heavily built man with a shaved head. “Give her some more juice until we get to BC” said another voice. The man stood up and stuck another needle into me. My vision became blurry and I passed out.

The next time I woke up I was in a car. I was in the back lying on my stomach. I looked out of the window and saw that we were driving past trees. Somewhere in the woods, “we’re here” said a voice. I looked to the other side of the car and I gasped there stood a huge building. It looked like a prison. We drove up to the huge cement was covered with barbed wires and a guard tower. It looked like we had just entered hell.

My heart started pounding. What the hell is this place? Why the hell am I here? All of a sudden the van stopped and I was being dragged out. I was taken threw many doors and finally they stopped dragging me and stood me up straight. I was being watched by many people. Some looked like guards while others wore doctor’s coats. The whole place looked like a medical facility. They untied me and took the gag out f my mouth. I rubbed my wrists, and stretched my mouth.

It felt weird and my wrists were aching from being tied up so long. I suddenly noticed that I wasn’t the only one being untied. I looked around and saw 4 other girls being untied. Before I could say a word “All of you get in there” said a gruff voice. The man who was with me on the plane earlier was next to a door holding a gun. We all shuffled past him, Afraid to get shot. When we entered the room we were greeted by an old man wearing a doctor’s coat.

He looked like he was a doctor or a scientist or something. “Ladies, your probably wondering why you’re here” he started but was cut off by one of the girls. “You’re damn straight! Why the hell are we here?” she said. She had long black hair and amazing blue eyes. “Ahh, miss Carter is it?” he questioned while he looked at the clipboard he had. “Ya” she said. “Let me explain everything to you” he said with a smile.

“You’re here because we know who you really are… all of you. For the past few years the government has been aware of a new species of human. Well not completely new, but none the less, we discovered the existence of as you most likely now Vampires and werewolf’s. We have been following you girls and many others. You are here to be studied.” He said, “Like animals?” I asked before even thinking.

He looked at me curiously, “Yes. Now when I call your name you will come forward” he said. “Page Daniels” a girl with short wavy red hair and glasses stepped forward looking scarred out of her wits. “Scarlet Carter” the same girl from earlier stepped forward she looked like she was trying to be brave. “Diana Zane” I stepped forward with them. We looked at each other and it was like I knew these girls.

They smiled a little at me and I smiled back. “Jamie Starks” a girl with blond hair and blue eyes stepped forward; she had purple streaks in her hair that made it look cool. “And Rachel Marks” he said finally, a girl with long electric red hair stepped up next to us looking just as afraid as we were. He nodded and stepped out of the room locking us in.

“So, you guys are werewolf’s too?” asked Scarlet. “Ya, I’ve never met anyone else who was a werewolf” I said with curiosity. “Well apparently I’m not the only one who’s a freak” said Page. “Ha, we’re not freaks we’re just special” said Jamie. She sounded like a very hyper person. Just then the door opened and several men walked in. I had a very bad feeling.
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Please please please update!!! you'll get to see the a7x guys soon!!!

Over and Out Captain