We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

Naked showers and Numbers

They grabbed us and began leading us to a huge room that looked like a hospital room. “What are you going to do to us?” asked Scarlet. “Your going to be examined and tested before we put you with the rest of the animals” said the doctor that talked to us earlier. I was pulled to a bed and tied down. I struggled with all my might to get away. I didn’t like being in this position.

I was terrified, what are they going to do? A doctor came to my side and ripped the sleeve off my shirt. I screamed in shock and fear. He looked at me and then motioned to one of the others. They came and put a gag over my mouth again. Great! The doctor tied the upper part of my arm with a band and took out a needle. He took some blood from me and then listens to my heart.

He made notes every once and a while. It scared me the whole ordeal I was being examined against my will. They made me give urine samples. Fortunately I was examined by a female doctor for my lower regions, but that was probably the only kindness I would receive. After examining us from head to toe, we were taken to a room that looked like a huge locker room shower.

“Take off your clothes” said the doctor. We looked at him like he was crazy. “What do you mean take off our clothes?” asked Jamie. We’re all confused and scared as to why they want us to take off our clothes. “Just do it! Or we’ll do it for you” said the doctor harshly.

Page and Rachel started taking off their clothes and I looked around in horror there were 5 men in the room with us. I looked at scarlet and Jamie, they both had looks on their faces that said we better do it. I started taking off my clothes shyly. I kept my eyes to the ground in shame once

I removed my last article of clothing which happened to be my under wear. I tried to cover what dignity I had left with my hands and arms. Just then I heard the sound of a hose. I looked up to see each of the men had hoses and they were going to spray us. Just then I felt the shock of cold pressured water on my skin.

It beat against my skin like a bat. I have never been so humiliated in my whole life. How could they do this to us? After a few minutes of hosing us down. They stopped and threw towels at us. We dried of and covered ourselves. They lead us to another room. They gave each one of us a pair of pants, a shirt, underwear, a toothbrush, tooth paste, toilet paper and a jacket.

The clothes were all the same color of grey except for the underwear which was white. We dressed in them quickly.

“This is your clothes for the next three days. You get two changes of clothes a week. You will each have your own cell and stall. Everyday you will wake up when the alarm sounds at 6 each morning. You will have 15 minutes before your doors open so you can eat breakfast in the mess hall.

You will then go to your classes until lunch unless told other wise. The alarm will sound for you to go to lunch at exactly 11:45 you will have 15 minutes to get to the mess hall and get your lunch. After lunch you will have free time in the yard till 3:00. You will report back to your cells immediately after. Lights out are at 8:00 sharp. You will obey the guards and doctors. If you disobey anyone or try to escape, the consequences will be severe. If you make any trouble the consequence will also be severe.

We do not tolerate fighting. The guards will not hesitate to shoot you. Now you will be taken to your cells for the rest of the day. Tomorrow you will start. Now here are your numbers. Your number will be your identity.

Your letter will determine your group. Your group will be like your family you stay with your group at all times. Diana Zane your number is X6, Page Daniels your number is X7, Scarlet Carter your number is X8, Rachel Marks your number is X9 and lastly Jamie Starks your number is X10” said the doctor and left.

The guards lead us down many hallways to a huge building on the other side. We went in past the other guards with guns and past the security system and took the stairs to the fourth floor. We were lead down two hallways till we reached the first cell. It opened and Page was pushed in. We all had our cells in the same line.

After page was Jamie’s cell then Rachel’s. After Rachel came Scarlet and mine was last. The cell door closed with a loud bang of steel against steel. I looked around the room. It had a small bed with a blanket and pillow. On the other side of the small room there was a stainless steel toilet and sink. I put my tooth brush and tooth paste on the sink. I put the toilet paper on the top of the toilet. I looked around the room sadly.

This was the worst day ever. I dropped onto the small bed and lay down. I looked around the room and was shocked to see something. A small camera in the top corner of the cell, its light was blinking which meant that I was being watched. I closed my eyes trying to disappear. How worse could this possible get? I wonder what my families doing? I wonder if I’ll make it.
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I hope you like it!! PLEASE comment if you like it so i can keep writing.

Over and Out Captain!!!