We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

I can feel her Emotions

I was shaking, I was shaking in fear. They took all of us into this huge laboratory. The guy who was wearing the jogging outfit turned out to be our ‘instructor’. They had guards hold all of us. The doctor that talked to us yesterday came into the room with an evil smile. “Well, finally some progress” he said as he looked at all of us. I felt so uncomfortable, like I was feeling someone else’s emotions in me.

It was far yet near, familiar yet strange. “Finally we found blood mates” he said. “What the hell are you talking about?” asked Scarlet as she snapped at him. Just then one of the guards dropped onto the ground still holding the guy that jumped scarlet. He tried to escape the guards grasp and get to Scarlet before he was held down by two huge guards. “Well it seems that you like her snippy, don’t you Matt?” the doctor asked the guy.

“Well X8, Blood mates are the soul mates, the life mates of Vampires and werewolf’s. It seems that X1 over here is yours. From the one other group of mates we found out that you’re linked at first sight and bite” he said. “Linked how?” I asked, trying to be brave. “Emotionally, physically, and spiritually” he said simple.

“Well since today is your first day with your mates we’ll go easy on you” he said. He motioned to one of the other doctors and then said. “You will be taken to your new rooms today, and tomorrow you will begin your examinations” he said as he walked out of the room. I was shocked, new rooms? What new rooms? I looked over to the guy that jumped me. He was staring at me intensely.

Brian’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe it. Before I came here, I knew what I was and searched for weeks in the libraries and the internet for information about vampires. I came across stories of soul mates, but I never really thought anything about it. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. When she talked my heart beat faster, I was barley listening to what was going on around me. I just kept staring at her for fear she’ll disappear. I could feel her emotions. She was scared and confused and all I wanted to do was to hold her and make her feel better. All of a sudden more guards came in and we were taken out of the laboratory.

Diana’s P.O.V

They started taking us back to our cells. The assistant doctor that was with us said that we should get our stuff and then follow him, I was afraid. Why are they changing our rooms? We followed him to another building with more guards. What the hell how many guards were in this place? They took us all the way to the last floor.

He led us all down a hall and then stopped in front of the door. “X9 and X4 this is your new cell” he said as it opened. Just then it hit me, we were going to be living in the same cells as these boys. My heart beat faster. Rachel stepped in with the tall man who attacked her earlier.

We came to the next door, “X8 and X1 this will be your new cell” he said as Scarlet and the muscular man went in. We came to another door that opened and Paige and a guy with amazing green eyes disappeared threw. Finally we came to a door, “X6 and X2 this is your cell” he said as we walked in.
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Comments = A7x love!!!!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!!