We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You

I had a Mate

When the door closed I found myself immediately pinned to the wall. The guy was all over me, kissing the length of my neck and running his hands up and down my sides. Touching any part of me he could get. I was scared I didn’t know anything about this man and chances were I was going to get raped. Tears began to form in my eyes and the guy immediately backed away with shock.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did I do something?” he asked as searched my face for the truth. “Who are you?” I asked, it was stupid but it has been on my mind since I saw him. He smiled and grabbed both my hands in his. “I’m Brian or known here as X2” he said. I nodded, “And who are you? You are my mate now” he asked, “I’m Diana Zane, X6” I said as I turned to see my new cell.

It was small with one big bed and a door I’m assuming was the bathroom. I looked up and saw not one but two cameras. His hand wouldn’t leave mine, I know I felt a connection too but it was just too uncomfortable. “So my love why were you crying?” he asked in a caring tone.

I looked down and avoided his eyes. “I didn’t like you touching me like that” I said truthfully. I regretted the way I said it once I saw his face. He let go of my hand and his face grew sad. “Nit like that I said hurriedly. “I liked it but you can’t touch me like that” I said, he looked up in confusion. “Why not? You’re my mate and you said you liked it” he said, “It’s against my religion” I said simply.

“It’s against your religion to touch guys?” he asked confused. “I’m Muslim; we’re not aloud to have sexual contact before marriage” I said, trying to explain the best I could why we can’t kiss or touch like that. “So, I cant kiss you or touch you” he asked shocked and hurt.

I nodded my head, “I’m sorry” I said to him apologetically. I felt him get really upset as if it was me feeling the sadness. “You feel it don’t you?” he asked as I sat down on the bed they provided. I nodded, “Then that means were meant to be together, it’s basically a marriage you don’t have to worry about me leaving you or something” he said as he sat down next to me.

He was sitting very close and I liked it. “Look Brian, I do feel the connection and I enjoy being close to you, but the thing is…. I’ve never actually been alone in a room with a guy ever. So you can see why I’m hesitant, plus I was raised in a religious family where your suppose to wait till the wedding night” I said.

He looked at me in shock, “So you’re a virgin?” he asked; I immediately turned red and looked away. He chuckled and put a hand on my face and turned my face to his. “I promise that I won’t do anything with you until we get out of here” he said sincerely. “Thank you” I said as I gazed into his eyes, they were so beautiful, and they were dark brown just like mine which made me feel safe in a way.

Something familiar in a place so…. Unfamiliar. “Is it okay if I could at least hold your hand and hug you?” he asked cautiously. I nodded, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him in a hug. It was weird how I believed him. I knew that he wasn’t lying to me and it made me feel safe to have someone to rely on.

Brian’s P.O.V

It was weird how she made me feel like this. Its weird how she made me act so different than I normally would act. If it was my choice, like I normally would do with any other girl I could have been fucking her senseless by now.

I haven’t even known her for a day and she’s already making me all romantic and shit, but I couldn’t deny that when she looked at me it made shivers run down my spine. If she wants us to wait, then I guess I could at least do that much. It fucking kills me that I can’t touch her though. I looked at her snuggled into my chest and I smiled. I had a mate.
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Hope you like it! Please comment!Oh and Thanks to luvA7X for advertising my story! I love her and her stories so if you haven't seen her stories check them out! cause their cool!

Over and Out Captain!!!