We're Different in Every Way, but I Still Love You


Brian’s P.O.V

I don’t know what time it was but from how tired I was I guessed it was around 1 o’clock in the morning. I turned to find Diana all the way on the other side of the bed curled up with her back to me. I had another nightmare and like always it would scare the crap out of me. I got closer to Diana to see if she was asleep.

She looked so peaceful; I slowly pulled her closer to me. If I can’t hold her during the day then at least I could hold her at night. I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I took in her natural sent, the scent that has been driving me crazy for the past few hours. I soon started to feel sleepy and I drifted off.

Diana’s P.O.V

I woke up at the sound of a loud ringing and I automatically recognized it as the wake up bell. When I went to move out of bed I found a tattooed arm around me holding me in place. I turned to see it was Brian; apparently someone is a little clingy during their sleep.

“Brian, wake up” I said as I tried to shake him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled. “Good morning” he said with a cracked voice. “hey, you need to wake up” I said. “Oh” he said as he released me and I waked to the closet bathroom. It was only a toilet and a sink, but at least it had a door. Even if there was a camera in here it was still good.

I did my business and left the bathroom s Brian could use it before we went to be studied. I had to admit I was so scared. What if they cut us up or something? Apparently Brian felt my anxiety and came out to check on me. “Are you okay? I felt that your scared” he said with a concerned face.

I just shook my head. “It’s nothing” I told him. He gave me a look that said he didn’t believe me but let it go anyway. The doors opened a second later and we were let out. We looked down the hall and saw that the others were coming out of their cells.

The girls and I immediately made a small group and walked together but were soon joined by the boys. It was an awkward silence in our group; no one had anything to say. “So …..How did you all sleep?” asked Rachel, we all laughed breaking the tension.

After breakfast we all basically knew each other. I found out Scarlet’s mate is named Matt and he was one of Brian’s best friends. Then there was Rachel’s mate he was really tall and his name is Jimmy, he was Brian’s oldest friend. He was really funny and random, he kept making jokes.

Pages mate had the most amazing green eyes and he seemed really nice, he’s name is Zachary but he asked us to call him Zacky. Finally there was Jamie’s mate he was really short just like her, his name is Johnny and he’s another friend of Brian’s. It seemed like we were all friends by the end of breakfast. As the bell rang signaling for us to go to the laboratory we all grew anxious.
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Here's the next chapter! Please comment! and for those of you who didn't hear about A7x. Matt's voice is fucked up and he wont be finishing the UK tour!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!