‹ Prequel: Changes

Making the Album

The Future Past.

The following years could only be described in snapshots, in moments captured quietly and beautifully in the black and white of the groups' memory.

Tre's wedding. Chrissy, resplendant in a flowing white gown, her eyes sparkling with tears. Tre, in his suit with the purple bow tie, blushing as he took her hands in his and slipped on the ring.

Mike as best man. Tony as the maid of honor. The twins gurgling happily as the bouquet landed in their play pen. Jay and Mike, dancing close, fingers intertwined. Rabbit's impromptu guitar solo. Billie kissing Tony as she held Anika and he cradled Barry against his chest.

Tre and Chrissy's first dance to the Goo Goo Dolls' 'Iris'. The way Tre held her close, dancing cheek to cheek. How happy they looked...


Anika's first steps, her chubby little legs propelling her unsteadily across the floor into her daddy's arms. How Barry had refused to walk until, a few days later, when Billie had brought out Blue and begun playing (Good Riddence) Time Of Your Life for Tony and the baby boy had come scampering across the floor to get a better look at this magical object his father held.

Their first day of school. Barry's first guitar. Anika punching the school bully after he'd insulted her father's band. All the children's 'uncles' crowding into the house during the holidays to shower the babies with presents...


Jay and Mike exchanging gold wedding bands in a small, private ceremony at Tre's house. Chrissy, pregnant and glowing, serving cake. Saving the one peice to smear across her husband's surprised face.

Her water breaking about five seconds later. The frantic drive to the hospital. The new baby, Meria, being born in the parking lot. Tre singing her lullabies and decorating her room.


Tre standing in the hallway in faded flannel pajama bottoms on Christmas morning, face glowing as he carried Meria into the room. Chrissy in an oversized T-shirt and ripped jeans getting up to kiss him on the cheek and smile down at their daughter.


Blondie fell in love with Lisa, which was an amazing story in and of itself.

Blondie had come strolling out of a New York pub, drunk and happily bellowing out a filthy song, and promptly collided with Lisa. Her purse exploded, strewing its contents across the sidewalk.

Both had dropped to their knees and began trying to gather the items together. But then Blondie collapsed onto his stomach, curled into the fetal position and tried to keep himself from vomiting all over Lisa's various eyeliners and lipsticks.

She'd taken him home and nursed him through the drunken night, and the vicious hangover that had followed. She'd returned him home to his apartment, expecting to never hear from him again.

Until he nearly landed on her during a stage dive at their next concert.


They had thier own apartment now, Lisa and Blondie. He was a good foot taller than she, but somehow she held her own. Lisa was bubbly and outgoing, a fast talker with sparkling eyes. Blondie loved her, although he didn't say it in nearly as many words as Lisa did.

Tre suspected that Blondie would eventually propose, but the young couple seemed happy enough in their living arrangement. Every so often, there would be a fight, where Blondie would storm off and Lisa would throw his recently aquired stereo out the window.

But she'd always manage to replace it the next morning, when Blondie returned to the apartment with flowers and a mix tape. They were meant to be together, those two, and they didn't need any sort of wedding band to prove that.

In fact, Blondie tattooed her name on his right shoulder while she held his hand and babbled away about something that only the two of them understood. It was the best and purest kind of love...


Rabbit met a young writer named Ali, who interviwed him for the Rolling Stone. She wrote a scathing interview, calling him several nasty names and comparing him to multiple male models in the most deragatory manner.

They got married two weeks later.

It was obvious to anyone that they were made for each other. They bickered almost daily, about trivial things, only to kiss and make up moments later. They adopted a little boy named Ryan, with white-blond hair and shining eyes, who practically grew up beneath his father's soundboard, learning to mix songs perfectly, while his mother taught him how to tell stories.

Their family pictures were beautiful...


Keri was a bartender with a brilliant smile and sure hands. And Tom fell for her, fell hard. He fell for her winks and quick wit.

Soon, he was flying out to Chicago at least once a week to sit at the bar and watch her work, glancing quickly at her over the rim of his glass. He had a crush, and she knew it.

But Keri wasn't ready to settle down, wasn't ready just yet. So she and Tom had a one-night stand, and became close friends. He called her from the road, brought her presents, coached her through her night classes.

And when he proposed, she agreed to the engagement without batting an eyelid. Granted, it was quite possibly the longest engagement anyone had ever seen [three years and seven months] but when the big day arrived, and they stood toe to toe at the altar, it just seemed right.

Tom bought Keri a bar for a wedding present, and it was a regular stop for the bands. All sorts of musicians played there, from big stars, to grizzled, aging hippies, to fresh-faced newcomers who barely had calluses on their soft hands.

Their love was gentle; they were more like best friends than anything. And when Keri got pregnant, everyone celebrated.

But she miscarried, and for a little, the bar was closed. For a little while, Tom didn't laugh, didn't smile, didn't play his music. But gradually, Keri started bartending again, and Tom perched on the bar and played his bass lines for her, making her smile with his soft jokes.

And they healed...


It was a golden time, and no one noticed the passing years.

But before they knew it, their children had grown up, into blossoming young men and women.

Their children formed bands, broke up with lovers, snuck out, and got grounded. And through it all, the music was there.

And the years sped past unnoticed...