‹ Prequel: Changes

Making the Album

Heart to Heart.

"Robert! Robert, wait up!"

The singer turned around to watch as Tre huffed and puffed his way down the hall. Somehow, the sight did not make Robert smile.

"What do you want, Tre?"
"You need...to come back." The drummer gasped in between breaths.

Robert slammed his back against the wall and slid down to the rug. Tre collapsed next to him.

"Come on. You don't really wanna leave, do you?"
"Naw... It's just..."

Robert kneaded his forehead with his fists. Tre was silent, watching him.

"Tre... He's better than me. I tried, really I did. But when I was in there... In the booth, I just couldn't hit the damn notes the right way. I couldn't do it. And then he comes in, telling me what to do... Embarassing me right in front of the entire damn band..."
"He didn't mean anything by it."
"But that's just the point. I can't compete... He's got Tony... You guys... Even my own band likes him better. Don't try to deny it. I know."
"Robert, they want you to come back."
"Doesn't matter. They're better off without me."

Tre looked stern. Which threw Robert, because it was the first time he'd ever seen Tre without a smile.

"Without you, they don't even have a record deal. You're probably the main reason they're here. You've got the perfect voice for this music, Robert. And if you leave, Aerosmith and Def Leppard will probably take back their okay to do their songs. The Dolls will go down."

Robert smiled. The weirdest reaction Tre had seen in a while, but it relieved him that he wasn't pissed off anymore.

"Would I lie to you?"
"Yes... But for some crazy reason, I believe you."

And Robert tugged Tre onto his feet.

"Let's get back."