Dancing Bruises.

Pete only wanted to know what makes Frankie dance like an insane marionette every night.
He just wanted to know.
  1. Hold Your Guts.
    First chapter.
  2. The Saint With the Used Boys.
    Second Chapter.
  3. Lucky Number.
    Third chapter.
  4. The Boy In the Dark.
    Fourth chapter.
  5. Doormat Body.
    Fifth chapter.
  6. The Cat Affect.
    Sixth chapter.
  7. Rollercoaster Life.
    Chapter seven.
  8. Schytzophrenic Santa.
    Eight chapter.
  9. Magnetic Pulls.
    Ninth chapter.
  10. Eat Up the Reel, the Movie's Done For.
    Tenth chapter.
  11. Second Dimension Boy.
    Eleventh chapter.
  12. Witch-sex.
    Twelfth chapter.
  13. Melting Your Telephone Wires.
    Thirteenth chapter.
  14. Cracking Questions.
    Fourteenth chapter.
  15. The Truth's Naked Now.
    Fifteenth chapter.