Sorrow's Love

Don't Cry

Neokanie took a deep breathe and nodded. Nodding to the shinobi they left without another word. As she began walking to where Sasori was standing she began feeling a little better even with tears still in her eyes.

"Whats wrong?" he asked softly.

"M-my father died yesterday," he quickly placed her in his arms without hesitation.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, really I am," he whispered. "Is there anything I can do?"

"N-no not really, don't worry I'll be okay," she said smiling a bit when he let go. He wanted to do something, but what? A day passed and she was heading to her dad's funeral, Sasori and her mom went as well. Heading outside it was raining. He set the umbrella over the both of them.

"Don't cry dad...don't c-cry..." she whispered sadly as a tear strolled down her face. Arriving at the funeral, Neokanie's mom was already crying so hard, they had to pull her away from the casket. She didn't want to look at him. After setting a rose, and praying him well Sasori and her went home. The night was silent. She was in her pajamas, watching tv, by herself.

"Neokanie, are you feeling better?" Sasori asked out of nowhere causing her to jump a bit.

"Umm actually, I am.. my kitten came back!" she uttered as she showed him. The cat was asleep in her arms, like a baby.

"It's cute. You know, I think you're special-not in that bad way, but you're just so...unique," he whispered as he coaxed the kitten and it began to pur.

"Thanks. I think you're really cute," Neokanie said smiling softly as she began to blush. He did too and they both knew it. "This is kinda strange, isn't it. I didn't mean to-"

"I didn't either. I guess we just let it slip."

Neokanie went to bed once Sasori made a small bed for the kitten near the heater. The next day, she woke up with the kitten licking her hand.

"Hey, what are y-you doing up?" she laughed as she picked it up calmly and rubbed her cheek on it's head. It meowed cutely. she hugged him, then let him wander about. After her shower Neokanie made breakfast.