Status: New chapter is slow in coming, because the joint author is having computer issues

Hounds in the Night

Screaming Theater in a Crowded Fire

Raine rubbed at her chapped wrists. William stood next to her, ancient key in hand. He'd taken the chains off and held a hand to her shoulder, leading her through the stone corridors. She followed quietly, when he moved in front of her to lead, head down. It was pointless to try to escape, she could feel it. They were everywhere.
Suddenly some thing reached out and grabbed her. She was pressed against the stone of the wall, strangled breath caught in her throat. She made a small sound of surprise. Of fear. Lips pressed to her throat, grazing.

"Scream," whispered through her mind.

She did.

The weight was lifted off easily. Where fingers had grasped at her her skin was torn. Blood was flowing freely down her elbow, on to the floor. William grabbed her arm, twisting and yanking her down the corridor. He snarled at the limp form lying in a pile on the ground. Raine had later found out this was a vampire that went by Brandon. It was a newer name, what he had been called before that no one really knew. She made a hurt sound in the back of her throat.

He tossed the door open, shoving her through, and slamming it shut after them. When he was sure they were alone he dropped her arm. She rubbed at her shoulder, hand smearing copper red every where. When he stepped toward her she flinched back. Fire sprang up, pitiful though it was.

"A little late for that, isn't it?" he snapped.

He waved his hand at it and it fizzled out. She backed up against the bed, stumbled so she toppled on it. He grabbed her shirt at the neck, shredding it off. She whimpered, tried to become smaller. He pressed the torn shirt to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"That was foolish of me," he whispered thoughtfully, "I didn't think anyone would try anything so soon."

"What's happening?" Raine asked, "Why aren't I in the cell?"

"These are my personal chambers," William said, "Since you are mine to do with as I choose you are to stay here with me. Do not leave these rooms without me, or something like this might happen again. You are only mine for as long as I can keep you."


"Protect, if you will. You've healed already."

"It wasn't that bad," she shrugged down at slowly closing wound, "Might scar a little, though."

Raine blinked in daylight. She struggled to pull herself out of her memories completely. She could re-live that anytime. She sat up and looked around her. Her eyes fell on the box Brendon had given to her from William a week earlier. She had yet to open it and she looked at it curiously. Striding over to her dresser she picked it up before folding herself back on the bed cross legged. She peeled the bow back and flipped the lid, praying that William hadn't sent her the heart of an enemy. Again.

"Oh," she said, looking down at it, "Oh."

The word was playing in her head, over and over. Oh. Oh. ohohohohohohohohohohohohoh.

She pulled the silver cross from the box gently. Studying it she flipped it over gently. Inscribed on the back were the initials M.E.B. Considering it for a second she shook her head and then closed the clasp over her neck. The cross nestled down the front of her shirt. She played with the chain for a few moments before standing to go take a shower.

When she paused at the bottom of the steps it was infront of Pete.

"Well don't you look all flushed and pretty," she said with a grin, "You're gonna be riding River's power for quite some time."

"Shut up," Pete huffed, still embarrassed about the whole situation.

"What ever, Peter Pan," Raine moved to the front door, hand out for the knob.

"Where are you going?" Pete hissed.

"None of your business," Raine said blithely.

"No, it is my business!" Pete shouted, "Where are you going?"

There was a crowd growing in front of the door. Riley and River stood next to Patrick and Andy. Joe was still puttering around the kitchen.

"Follow me and find out, you souless fuck," she said heatedly. She wrenched the door open and Pete shot back out of the way of the invading light.

"Leave her alone," Riley said, looking at Pete, "She's a big girl."


Contrary to popular belief only weak vampires and the newly risen have to sleep all day. Master vampires could sleep all day but some chose to awake and conduct business during the day. This was William. He didn't seem surprised to see Raine stride purposefully into his personal chamber.

"This is where you began," he smirked.

"And where I'll no doubt end," she said back.

Her eyes held a glint reserved for him and him alone. Three steps and she planted her fist in his oh so beautiful face. His head snapped back with the force of the blow. Surprise registered for a second before his face became a perfect mask of indifference. When he hit her back she was sent reeling into a bedside table three feet away. She was on her feet just as quickly as he moved, hitting him again.

"A choice would have been nice!" she hissed, voice full of venom.

"Look around you, Witch, this is your choice," he hit her again, sent her to one knee.

She was bleeding, she could taste the copper in her mouth. She spit on the floor as he grabbed the back of her pants, yanked her up. She was airborne for a second before she was pinned to the bed. Tangled limbs. She jolted when he entered her, before she'd realized her jeans were lying in shreds.

"Tell me this wasn't your choice," he whispered into her neck, "Say it and I'll stop."

Raine didn't say anything. Because William was right. This is where she began.


Raine was expertly holding the skirt of the old fashioned dress and pushing the door of the warehouse open with the other. When she'd closed the door behind her she looked up, coming face to face with River and Riley.

"Isn't it funny-" Riley began.

"-That he keeps those dresses in your size," River finished. They were holding back laughter.

Raine sighed at them and headed for the stairs. There was weakness in her, and it was his fault. Half of what she was was his fault. And maybe her own. She shook her head and headed for the shower. No sense in listening to Pete bitch about smelling William on her if she didn't have to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update.