Status: New chapter is slow in coming, because the joint author is having computer issues

Hounds in the Night

Take Me to Your Leader

"Isn't it funny-" Riley began.

"-That he keeps those dresses in your size," River finished. They were holding back laughter. They watched their friend as she trudged up the stairs most likely to get a shower and get out of the dress that William had given to her.

Pete wrinkled his nose as he entered the room after Joe.

“I take it Raine is back,” Joe stated sitting next to River on the couch before stealing her bowl of ice cream, laying his gun in her lap, along with the box of bullets.

“That’s mine,” she growled at him making a lunge for him as he jumped off the couch. Rive quickly followed only to crumple on the floor getting ready to pounce on him.

“There’s more in the kitchen,” Joe teased her.

“That’s mine,” Raine flew over the coffee table and landed on top of Joe causing him to go falling to the floor, the only thing not going with him, being the bowl of ice cream that was now back in Rivers hands as she made her way back to the couch.

She glared at the sliver case bullets that now littered the couch. She took the last few bites of the ice cream that was in the bowl before turning to glare at Joe.

“You do know that sliver does nothing to vampires right?”

“It’ll slow us down,” Pete shrugs smirking a bit, “Are the legends true about were’s then? Are you allergic to silver?”

“Wipe that smirk off your face Suckhead before I do it for you.” River growled out at him, the bones in her right hand quickly shifting into their animal like claws.

River sit the bowl on the table before swiping up a .33 caliber and held it in her hand for exactly five seconds before the smell of burning flesh could be smelt throughout the room. Opening her hand and dropping the bullet on the floor, she kept her gaze on Pete the entire time, never flinching.

“I will not go back out there with any of you if you’re shooting rounds like that out.” She turned toward the stairs and headed into the bathroom right as Raine walked out. She slammed the door shut not even letting the unanswered question on her violet eyed friend’s lips to escape.

Glaring at her reflection in the mirror she pulled the medicine cabinet open and snatched the rubbing alcohol out of it. She didn’t really need the rubbing alcohol for the wound parse, but it did help with helping it close. As she unscrewed the bottle she cursed her temper, and her keen sense of hearing. She could hear the blender in the kitchen, and the fact that it was Patrick behind it. She knew that Raine was cursing not only herself but William under her breath in her room three doors down, Andy was working up a sweat pounding into a punching bag, and Riley was arguing with Pete about the fact that he had pissed her off.

Sighing to herself, she opened the top of the rubbing alcohol and poured a few capfuls on the scalded flesh just to yell out in pain, and watch as the hurt skin mended itself quicker than it would have. Without the dose of rubbing alcohol on it, it would have mended human slow, and left a scar behind, until the next full moon, that is.

She glared at her reflection in the mirror, she hated how quick her temper came, hated the fact that she wanted to rip out Pete and Joe’s throats when she smelled the spilt silver bullets on the floor of the common room. What she hated even more right now was the pull in her gut and the whisper of Brendon’s voice in her head calling for her to come to him. It was a soft tug, but she knew that as his will and thoughts of her grew stronger that she would eventually either kill him or go to him.

She quickly placed the rubbing alcohol back in the cabinet before making her way out of the small bathroom and stormed into her room. She could hear a strange music in her ears and knew that it was what Brendon was listening to, for it was inside her head rather than outside of her room. She was starting to get pissed off. She closed her eyes and started to concentrate on closing down her mental walls, trying to block out the soft sounds of music before it gave her a headache. Night was already here and everything that had been going on, including the music that somehow was still playing in her head even with her blocks up, had a dull throb in her head. Her stomach wasn’t the only thing that was tugging her toward Brendon’s soft music and voice, it had moved up into her chest.

The headache was annoying; the pulling on her body to follow his call was pissing her off. Grinding her teeth she fell into a fitful rest, hoping that the music, whispering, and headache would be gone when she awoke.

Though that wasn’t how it happened, the dreams began. They shifted through her memories as fast as it seemed possible, until the same dream that she’d had since the night she first transformed. That’s when Brendon stepped in again. His chocolate brown eyes stared into hers as she glared at him.

“Why the hell won’t you stay out!?” River snarled out at him as he just shrugged his shoulders.

“All I have to do is simply think of you, and it happens when you sleep I can’t help it!”

“Yes. You. Can!” she glared at him as he advanced her slowly.

“Do I have a power over you River? Or am I just that sexy to you that you are thinking of me to, and that is why I can get in?” At that statement River shut down her walls as tight as Raine had taught her how and woke up with a growl rumbling from her chest. Now not only was the asshole invading her mind as he wanted to, and having her body begging her to be close to his, but he was invading her sleep.

She could feel Brendon sighing on the back of her neck as she sat up in her bed to look at her clock that she’d placed on her dresser. Noticing that she’d only gotten about an hour of sleep, she grumbled and plopped back into her pillows hoping that this time as she slept that Brendon would stay out of her dreams and leave her alone. She was still fighting his call to her, and she needed to sleep if that was going to happen, otherwise when the sun raised in three hours she would be helpless to his calls as they were always the worst in the morning and afternoon as he was about to die for the day and when he awoke.

Without enough sleep she would have to go to him, or live in pain and curled up until he came to her. Sighing to herself she closed her eyes and tried to get sleep to come, but every time she closed her eyes she couldn’t help but have Brendon’s smug smile flash in front of her eyes. He was sitting in what must have been his private room, listening to a record softly and humming along to it. She was getting mad at him, for invading her mind. She knew he could since her just as well as she was doing him right this minute.

Groaning to herself she tossed the blankets off of her legs and climbed out of the comfy bed. She needed a spell to keep him out and the only person that could do it in the house would need a day and a night to get it done right. Meaning that River would have to not only beg Raine to make one but to wait about two days until she can actually use it.

She swiftly made her way to Raine’s room to get her begging done with.


Riley ended up arguing with Pete until the sun began to make its way in the horizon, at that time he made his way to his coffin and she to her room, grumbling the entire time about his stupidity and Joe’s lack of apology, then again when he did go to apologize to River after she had come down the stairs with Raine, she had shoved him away from her shaking her head and glaring at Pete.

Joe was pouting for the rest of the night as he went out with Patrick to hunt.

The three girls sat in the kitchen eating what River called breakfast, Eggs, bacon, sausages, fried potatoes, orange juice, and toast. And yes each girl had a bit of everything on their plate, though River had more meat on her plate than anything else, she was tired, and new that if she didn’t get a shit ton of protein in her than she’d feel Brendon’s pull even more so when he woke up for the day than she did when he was dying at dawn.

She was hoping that if her ate enough protein that it would help, even though after all the years of being a vegetarian and having to abandon that as she turned into a wereleopard the thought of what she was eating made her want to yack, she had been doing it for the past couple of years to warn off the change.
“So, why does River need this warding spell?” Riley finally asked as Raine was pushing her plate away from her.

“Brendon is trying to call her to him, and she doesn’t want to go.”

“You mean to tell me that he’s animal to call is leopard, and he’s infatuation to you is making that show up even more!?!” Riley’s eyes popped open with that statement. River just rolled her eyes and finished eating before stepping out of the room, hoping that she would be able to go back to sleep for a few more hours.

River got comfortable into her bed for the second time that day, and slowly drifted off to sleep. Her dreams once again being plagued with her past, something that she was quite used to. Though that was ruined as Brendon floated back in and she was waking once again to try and stop it, only to find that the pull on her body was worse than what it had been before he had died for the day.

Not even five minutes later and she was quickly changing out of her pajamas into her black jeans and a tee shirt, and heading out the door. She could faintly hear Andy’s voice asking her where she was going as she shut the door.

She couldn’t believe that she was actually going to him, but the only thing that was flooding through her mind was that she was not only going to try and kill him in his own territory but she was going to come damn near close to doing what she wanted.

She followed that pull all the way to where she knew they stayed during the day, what she didn’t understand was why there was a seven foot man, dressed in khakis and a button up yellow shirt that made his olive complexion and black hair pop, standing outside of the building, she stopped to give him a once over.

“Uhm,” he started, his deep rich voice floating over her skin, she could feel his power breathe over her skin as she was pulling the door open. “Take me to you leader.”

Seriously, take me to your leader what the hell is he, an alien!?! she couldn’t help the eye roll as she stepped into the building and shut the door behind her, she also couldn’t help but to laugh as she made her way to where Brendon was sitting in his room.

He was sitting on his bed and staring at her as she opened the door.

“I fucking hate you!” She pointed her finger at him then turned to glare at William as he was approaching her. “There’s a weird wanna be alien outside your building.”

She shut the door in William’s face as she walked further into Brendon’s room.

“Stop, calling me to you, stop thinking about me, and god damn it stop playing that god awful music from the eighteen hundreds!”

Brendon laughed at her as he stood up from his bed, completely comfortable in the fact that he was naked in front of her. He noticed the blush rise to her face, and couldn’t help but smirk at her.

“I’m not old enough for the music to be from the eighteen hundreds, it’s from the nineteen twenties.” He wrapped his arms around her waist causing her blush to deepen. That’s when he felt it; her hands had transformed into claws and were slashing down his back. He did the only thing that he knew would stop her; opened his mouth and biting into her neck, taking her blood as his, and making her his in the way that he only knew how.


William was glaring at the door that River had slammed into his face before he opened his mind to search the outside of his grounds and found what she was talking about before she so kindly slammed the door in his face. The power that rolled off of the creature was dulled, but it was still big enough to have him worried for when night came. He did what he thought was best. He began trying to get a hold of Raine and Riley.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry that it took SO long to get this out ... I seriously am .. I hope that you all liked this chapter .. and I hope that I will never take this long to update this again!