One Way or Another

Breaking The News

Gerard’s POV

GW: Hey baby

JW: quit calling me that I’m nineteen!

MW: Hey lil’ sis

JW: Mikey! I missed you!

GW: :(

JW: I missed you too big brother!

*-Bob, Frank, and Ray have signed in-*

FI: hey! Oh who’s that?

JW: :(

GW: sorry Jess

JW: *sniffles*

MW: This is Jessie; she’s my quarter sister, and Gerard’s half sister.

JW: I told you who cares how much blood related we are I still love you all the same!

FI: oh ―hey! Last time I saw you was like when you were 13…?

RT: oh hi Jess :)

JW: yay you remember me!

BB: how could we forget, you’re like the most annoying person I’ve ever met!

JW: Hi Bob!

GW: so Jess where are you at?

JW: your mom’s place

FI: haha cool that’s where we’re going!

GW/MW: why are you there?

JW: do you really want to know?

GW: ya sure why not?

JW: you may not like it…

GW: shoot

JW: well… dad and my mom died in a car crash… ― now Donna is my legal guardian…

GW: oh jeez Jess I’m sorry

JW: dad gave you every thing in the will…

GW: oh…

MW: fuck that sucks, sorry Jess

FI: ya…

BB: when did they leave?

JW: when I was fifteen…

GW: and nobody tells me until now!

RT: oh wow…

JW: umm ya… Sorry, I would have sooner if I had contact of you!

GW: that’s my fault sorry..

JW: hey Mikey, Gee…

MW: what Jess?

JW: did your mom beat on you guys?

GW: no why do you ask?

JW: no particular reason ― just wondering…

FI: well we gotta go play a show before we stop over at Donna’s so ttyl Jess

JW: ya bi Frankie

RT: see ya

BB: bye

JW: ttyl guys

GW: see ya in an hour or so okay Jess?

MW: Love you Jess

JW: ya okay go play your show!

JW: love you guys!

[End of MSN]

Wow. They died four years ago, and no one tells me until now… My mom should have called or something! So I could say good bye to my father and comfort Jess! Frank came up from behind me.

“Hey Gerard are you okay?”

I snapped out of my thoughts. “Huh? ― Oh ya I’m fine, just concerned… That’s all”

“Kay bud, if you need me you know where I am.”

“Ya thanks Frank.” He smiled and left.

I trudged off to backstage where every one was sitting on the couches the venue had provided for us. I saw Mikey looking at me. “Come and get your high fives now boys, I’m not up to it…” Mikey came right up to me, I assumed he was going to give me a high five but he hugged me instead.

“Hey Gerard,” He whispered in my ear. “I think Mom is beating on Jess.”

Now every thing that Jess had tried to say about child abuse slid into place. “You think so?” I whispered back.

“Ya doesn’t it make sense, that’s why we had no contact of her in the first place.”

“You smart little bastard.” I nagged in his ear.

Mikey pulled away. “I try to use my brain…”

Frank eavesdropped in our conversation. “Don’t worry you guys.. Remember we’re going to your mom’s place after the show.”

“Thanks for caring Frank.” I snapped.

“Gerard” Mikey rubbed my back. “lets just play the show so we can go see our sister.”

“Kay.” And we went off to play our show.
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Thanks you guys!