One Way or Another

Calming an Angry Lion Once More

Calming an Angry Lion Once More

Gerard’s POV

Jess had come back technically empty handed. She didn’t find Ray but he had found her apparently. He was very mad at her, she felt terrible about it. You could tell because of the look in her eyes. She now sat on Mikey’s lap.

We well I had asked her if she liked Mikey and she said that she liked me more. Then I asked her who she would get with more out of the two of us. Then she said ‘Mikey hello you’re more of my biological brother.’ Then I had to change the question again. I asked her if she was Bob’s sister and she said Mikey again. When she saw the disappointment in my eyes she explained her self. I apparently wasn’t her height type. Then I asked her how Frank worked, the most reasonable thing she had said was, “Frank would get laid no matter who it was. He is so damn adorable!” Then she insisted that I stop interrogating her.

“So Mikey,” She puppy eyed him while she was playing with his hair.


She got this desperate look in her eyes. “Could you show me how to straighten my hair properly?”

“Oh ya sure! ―Do you have a st-“

“Nope. Donna doesn’t let me have any things that help my appearance.”

“Awh give me a hug.” I was sitting on the couch beside them. I heard him whisper. “Go sit with Ray on the love seat.”

“Kay.” She whispered back. She skipped of to the love seat. “Ray can I sit here?”


“Cause, Mikey’s legs are numb.”

“Go sit beside Gerard.” Ray insisted.

“No he smells bad.”

“Well go sit with Frank.”

Jess skipped off to Frank. “Fuck off Jess.”

She stuck her tongue out at Frank. She walked over to Ray. “That’s not working Ray.”

“Go sit with Bob.”

“Hell no, sorry Bob.”

“Well you can’t sit here!”

Jess knelt at Ray’s feet. She put her hands on his knees. “Look Ray. I’m sorry, I feel like shit.” She placed her head on his knees. “I am a jackass , can you forgive a jackass like me?”

“Awh Jess.” Ray stroked her head. “I love you I will always forgive you. ―” She looked up. I could imagine there where tears in her eyes. “And Jess you’re not a jackass I am. ―I’m sorry I made you cry. Can you for-“

Jess must have mumbled something. He lifted her head and kissed her. They broke the kiss. “Haha, awesome.” Ya Jess was so my sister.

“Sit here Jess.” Ray patted his lap.

She plunked down, and grabbed the collar of his shirt. Ray looked at me I nodded. They started to kiss once more. The both tended to smile. Mikey couldn’t handle it he was fidgeting. I cleared my throat. They stopped. Jess looked at me and started to whimper.

Ray hugged her. “What's the matter Jess?”

“Err nothing… Well… You, me, and my brothers.”

“Huh? What about them?” Ray asked her.

“Mikey doesn’t like ‘this’” She kissed him for a brief moment.”Then now cause Gerard doesn’t like the fact that Mikey doesn’t like ‘this’” She kissed him again. “Gerard won’t let ‘this’” Another kiss. “Happen.”

“Oh. ―Okay.” Ray smiled. “So Mikey doesn’t like ‘this’” Another fricking kiss like don’t get me wrong I was happy for them but bugging Mikey like that was low for Jess. “So we can’t do thi-“

“STOP!” Frankie Mikey and I all yelled at once.

“Come with me Ray let’s take this to my room where we can to this all we want.” She pecked his lips.

“Okay.. See you guys.” Jess got up and pulled on Ray’s hand. “Ya I’m coming.”

“Ray you watch what you’re doing. Remember that’s my sister.” I pointed at him.

“Ya I know!”

“Jeez Gerard watch what your saying!” She pulled on Ray’s arm once more. “Come on!”

“But Jess Gerard is right.”

“JESSICA!!!” My mother yelled at Jess from her room.

“Umm be back okay… ―― Just ignore my screaming… I’ll try not to make a sound… So you guys don’t have to deal with it,”

“JESSICA!!!!!” Donna screamed once more.

And with that Jess was gone.

“I hate mom I hate her I hate her I hate her.” Mikey stated.

“No you don’t Mikey. She gave you life and, she took care of us.”

“Well why does she have to beat on Jessie, I love her you love her. Both ways and I know it hurts like ― a lot. How do you-“

“Ya I get your point.” I snapped.

We all sat in silence. I knew that we were all waiting for that antagonizing scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one was all mushy but, they needed to make up :P.
Thanks for reading and commenting and what ever else you do!

**Note to all subscribers**
There won't be a chapter tomorrow. But there will posibly one for the 15th.