One Way or Another

Hells Angel, My Sister

We all sat in silence. I knew that we were all waiting for that antagonizing scream.

Gerard’s POV

And with in a few seconds there it was. Her scream had the hair on the back of my neck standing. I knew someone was going to break down. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be me, but I knew it probably would be me. But I was wrong Mikey broke down beside me.

He wailed, like a baby. I tried my best to sooth him. “It’s okay. ―Shh… Its okay.. Shh.”

“GET TO BED YOU SPOILED BRAT!” My mom screamed at Jess.

I heard Jess trample down the stairs, sniffling the whole way down. “Sorry you guys had to hear that.” She said as she passed us. She looked at Mikey. “Oh god Mikey.” She ran over to us, and got on her knees. “Mikey it’s okay! ―” She kissed his head. “Are you okay?”

He sniffled. “Are you?”

“Don’t worry about me. ― And that goes for all of you guys.” She said as she looked behind her shoulder. “Night guys.” She kissed my cheek and Mikey’s too. She breezed over to Frank. “Night Franklin.” She opened up her arms and embraced him in a big bear hug.

“Night Jess.”

Then she walked over to Bob, and hugged him. “Night Bobert.”

“See ya Jess.”

“Ray?” Jess grabbed his hand.

I realized that I hadn’t looked at Ray during the time I was soothing Mikey. He had tears on the brim of his eyes. “What?” He choked back a sob.

“Honey are you okay.” She asked him.

“Did I have anything to do with that?” He asked her.

“Don’t worry about it R-“

“I did.” He gasped.

“Don’t worry about it Ray. It doesn’t matter! ―She doesn’t like to see me happier than her.”

“But I-I-I-I-I I caused you pain!”

“Shh.” She put her finger on his lips. “Don’t worry about it. I’m okay. Just don’t think about it.” She kissed him. “Don’t worry about okay?”

“Okay.” He choked back another sob.

I looked at the back of her shirt. “Umm Jess you’re umm bleeding…”

“Ya I know.” She chocked back a sob. “Don’t come into my room with out knocking okay?”

“Umm why?” Frank asked.

“How do you think the lacerations heal?”

“Umm I don’t know?”

“I have no covers on my bed. And!” She sighed. “I have to sleep with out a shirt on. So they heal clean.”

“Oh ― Sorry I asked.”

“No it’s okay Frank.” She kissed Ray’s forehead. “So long and good night guys.” She walked off past us to here room. As soon as she shut the door we started to talk.

“So Ray where are you going to sleep tonight?” I asked him I was curious.

“I think I’m gonna sl-“ He cut him self off. My mom was coming down the stairs.

“Okay boys there is bedding in the closet over there―” She pointed at the closet by the stairs. “And I’m going to bed so I hope you all sleep well. Gerard, Mikey your beds are made. ―Good night boys.” She came over to Mikey and me. “Love you boys I’m so glad you’re home. Tell me if she sneaks out okay?”

“Ya sure mom love ya too.” Mikey and I both said. She kissed our heads and trudged up the stairs. “So Ray as you were saying?”

“Well I wanna talk to Jess first.” He looked at her door while he talked.

“Donna will kill her if you do!” Mikey exclaimed.

“Shut up Michael.” I got at my brother.

“But you know it’s true.”

I rolled my eyes. “Come on Ray.” I got up from the couch.

“Gerard don’t!” Mikey yelled at me.

“Shut up. You wanna talk to her Ray? ―Then lets go.” I went over to the closet and grabbed a comforter from the closet that matched Jessie’s bedroom. I walked back to Ray who was waiting by her door. “Here give these to her and tell her to stuff it under her bed after she’s done using them.” He nodded.

“Jess?” Ray knocked on her door a few times.

“Ray?” Jess asked from behind the door.

“Yes sweetheart it’s me.”

”Is anyone near the door?” She asked.

“Umm.. Just Gerard.”

“I’m leaving. Night Jess.”

”Night Gerard” She said from behind the door. I walked away from the door. ”Is he gone?”

“Yes honey, he’s gone. Why?”

I got close enough to listen to the conversation though. ”Because I’m not wearing a shirt”

“Okay let me in.”

The door slowly creaked open. Mikey and Frank where in line with her door. “Come in Ray.”

Mikey’s eyes and Frank’s eyes were wide open. Talk about perverted. Ray walked in to her room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay thanks agian for the 11th time :P
