One Way or Another



Gerard’s POV

I was the first one up.. Well I never went to sleep. Well i did.. But all I had was nightmares, all about Jessie of course.

I rolled in my bed to look at the alarm clock once more. 9:34 I guess I could get up… I thought to my self. Frank would most likely be up.. and bugging Bob if anything.. I rolled out of my poor excuse of a bed, but it was better than sleeping in the bunks on the bus. I shivered at the thought. I looked around my room for a clean shirt. I slipped on a plain black tee and some PJ pants, and left my room.

As I had guessed Frank and Bob were bugging each other, Mikey was also up. “Morning boys…” I said in a very groggy tone.

“Morning Gee.” Mikey said.

Frank looked up from poking Bob. “Ya hi.”

Bob, with just being Bob just nodded.

“So where is Ray?”

Mikey pointed to Jess’ room. “He still hasn’t come out yet. ―I think we should get him up now before he gets Jess in trouble..”

I nodded and walked over to Jess’ door. “Hey Toro ― wakey wakey.” Jess moaned. “Morning Jessie.” The sheets shuffled. Jess murmured something then Ray murmured back. “Umm Toro get up..”

“Ten more minutes honey..” Ray said louder.

”No, sorry sweettums.. You have to get up now.. Or umm…” Jess spoke in a concerned voice.

”Ya ya.. I get it.” Ray said to her.

Did they have sex last night?... No I would have heard them.. I thought to my self. The door creaked open.

“Morning Gerard.” Ray rubbed his eyes.

“Sleep okay Toro?”

He shrugged. “Well, we stayed up for a bit.. She wouldn’t stop trying to get laid.”


”Ray!” She playfully screeched from her room.

“Nothing happened Gerard don’t worry..”

“Sure looks like it…” I gestured to his boxers. “Did you just slip them on?”

“Haha funny Way..”

I stuck my chin up [boy was I acting like a little kid], and smiled. “Haha nice try Toro.. Or should I say Mufasa?”

He rolled his eyes. “Haha no.. It’s Simba ―me and Nala confirmed it last night!”

Jess giggled, and skipped up to Ray. “Here are your clothes..” She shoved them into him. “You see Gerard, I am Nala. Just to state the obvious.”

I pretended to be dumb. I opened my eyes in shock. “Really I thought Ray was with Mikey!” I giggled. “Nah Jess of course you’re that slut of a lion.”

“You little!” She yelled at jumped on me. We fell back to the couch.

“Oww Jess!” I yelped.

“Well that’s what you deserve!” She kissed my cheek. “Morning big brother!”

“Hi baby sister.” I chuckled and stroked her hair.

“Hehe.” She giggled and rolled off the couch. “Morning boys.”

“Come here Jess!” Mikey exclaimed, with his arms wide open.

She laughed and ran into his open arms. “Morning Mikeley!”

“You gonna sit down Toro?” I asked Ray.

“I guess so.” He shrugged, and slumped on to the couch.

“So how did you sleep?” I asked Toro.

“Well it was-”

“I WANT A HUG JESSIE!” Frank yelled at Jess.

She looked at him from Mikey’s lap. “Sorry..” She said and looked at Mikey. She stood up and took one step towards me and Ray. And she tackled Frank, while screaming like a toddler. “Fwankielynn!”

“Yay!” Frank screamed back like a toddler.

“Are we baby sitting? ―I thought we were gonna have breakfast?” Bob implied.

Ray and I had a good laugh at that.

“JESSICA!” My mom yelled from her room.

“Yes?!” Jess yelled back.

“Start making breakfast for every one!” My mom shouted in a cheery tone.
“Okay!” Jess giggled. “That was odd… She’s in a good mood I guess…” She smiled. “So what do you guys want? ―There’s pancakes… and waffles… And lots of fruits!”

“Oh can we have fruit on our pancakes and waffles!?” Frank yelled in Jessie’s ear.

“Ya sure!!!” She screamed back to him.

“Dessie dat hwut my eawr.” Frank mumbled like a toddler.

“Well I have to start taking orders.. ―So what’ll you boys have?” She asked in a waitressy voice.

I couldn’t help myself, she was not suited for that type of job. “Umm.. Jess?”

She rolled her eyes. “Ya what?”

“Umm what flavour are the waffles?”

“Plain I think. ―” She put a finger to her lip. “I wouldn’t know…”

“You okay Toro?” Bob asked.

“Um.. ya? ― Why do you ask?”

Bob rolled his eyes. “You look hot..”

“Umm thanks?”

“Haha no Toro, I meant you’re red.” Bob pointed out.

“Oh!” Ray exclaimed.

Jess still had her finger on her lip. “Sorry Ray.. I didn’t mean to like.. turn you on.”

“Fuck you Jess.” Ray in a playful tone. “Oh and Bob, you have to be gay.. I don’t have a different color to my skin since I came into the building yesterday.”

“But Ray… Bob is right you do look hot.. And I don’t mean that from last night. ―You look pale.. But your blushing.. What the fuck is wrong with you? ―Oh and fuck me. Haha.” Jess spoke in a motherly like tone.

“Haha funny slut.” I said to Jess. Ray poked me in the ribs. “Okay okay I’ll stop! Jeez Ray spaz much!” Jess walked up to me and kicked me in the shin. “Jess quit it you tard!” Ray jabbed me in the ribs harder. “Oww Ray quit it you pathetic excuse for a lion!” That did it Jess’ eyes were bulging out. She ran off to my room. “What in the bloody hell do you think you’re doing in my room, Quasy!” Ray shoved me off the couch. “Well fuck you Ray.”

“Erm.. Jess?” Frank said.

“Hey Gerard looky at what I got!” Jess taunted.

I looked at Jess she had my eyeliner. “Drop it!” I squealed.
“Hrmm should I? Or should I break it?” She asked me.

“NO GIVE IT TO ME!” I screeched.

“Ugh you’re no fun.” She chucked my eyeliner at me.

“So Ray.. As I was saying..” Jess decided to pick back up on the conversation before our big scene.

“Haha I’d love to but another time Jess..” Ray teased.

Jess whimpered.

I got up from the floor and sat over with Frank. “Eww Gerard you do smell bad.. Go have a shower!”

I rolled my eyes. “Nah..”

“What do you mean Jess?” Ray asked her.

“I mean let me feel your forehead.”

“No.. ―Come sit on my lap.”

She shrugged.”Okay I guess..” She took two steps and sat on his lap. “Ow Ray what the fuck is th― Oh god Ray, now I bet you wanna take that back huh?”

He shrugged. “No.. Not really…”


“Getting on it!”


“Just come and look in the freezer…” Jess said as she got up from Rays lap.

We all followed Jess into the kitchen. I walked up to the freezer part of the fridge. I looked at the fridge/freezer door, it still had pictures of Mikey and me growing up. There was a picture of my biological family, with me up, as well as Mikey’s biological family with him.. Most of the pictures were Mikey, Mom, Mikey’s dad, and me. Then there was one picture with my dad and some bitch that was apparently nice, who happened to be Jessie’s mom. The picture was the three of them and me when I was eleven, Jess was just a newborn baby.

*Flash Back*
Me and Jess where playing out side on the front lawn. Our moms were watching us. I was thirteen at the time, and Jess was two. We were rolling a big bouncy ball back and forth to each other.

Her mom (Joyce) was talking to me. “Gerard now you be gentle with you’re sister.”

“I know Joyce!” I replied. I still had the ball. “Do you want this Jessica?”

“Wa!” She replied.

“Gerard just give the child the damn ball..” My mom barked while she had a drag.

“Dewawrd!” Jess screamed at me.

“What do you want this? ―Well you can’t.”

“Dewawrd! Dewawrd gimme da bawl!”

“Gerard..” Joyce said.

“Yes Joyce.” And I rolled the ball to Jess and then she threw it at me. “Ow Jessica.”

“Sowwy Dewawrd.” I didn’t respond. “Dewawrd! Dewawrd! Dewawrd! Dewawrd!”(*End Of Flash Back*) Her screaming got clearer. “Gerard!” Jess was screaming in my ear.

“I know Joyce I gave it to her!” I yelled still thinking of my past memories. I opened my eyes.

Jess’ mouth was jacked wide open. “How dare you speak of my mother!”

“Sorry Jess! ―Look at the picture!” I pointed to us playing in the lawn(the flash back). Our dad had taken the picture.

Jess looked at it. “Oh sorry Dewawrd..”

“I’m sorry too…” I enveloped her in a hug. “Now why where you yelling at me?”

Jess rolled her eyes. “Move outta the was bawl hog.”

“Oh okay.” I shoved off to the side.

Mikey came up to me. “Where was I that day?”

“Do you remember that time when you were ten and Dad took you fishing?”

“Oh that was the day huh?”

I nodded.

“Okay.. There’s blueberry, chocolate chip, and plain waffles.. And you can have…” Jess shut the freezer door, and opened up the fridge door. “Grapefruit, Blueberries, Strawberries, or Honeydew melon with it… Oh and looky here.” Jess said as she pulled out a big can of aerosol whipped cream. “And then there is a box of pancake batter in the pantry… ―So that means your options are… Fruit salad, Waffles or Pancakes.” She sighed. “So who wants what?”

“I WANNA FWUIT SAWAD!” Frank bounced.

“Waffles…” Bob, Mikey, and I all said at the same time.

“And you honey?” Jess asked Toro.

“What ever your having..” He smiled.

“I am really hungry so… Waffles and fruit.. ―You up for that Toro?”

“I am if you are.” Ray boasted.

She smiled. “Oh I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” Ray asked in a clingy tone. I shrivelled my face.

“I’m asking Donna what she wants for Breaky.” He nodded and she was off.

“What was that all about?” Bob asked Toro.

“I don’t know what you mean..”

“You’re getting clingy Toro.” Frank told Ray.

“I am not.. There is nothing to get clingy too.” Ray looked at the floor.

“Okay Toro.. We know you like her no big deal..” I said.

“Ya , well you wanna know why I didn’t want her to see Donna?” Ray snapped.

“Sure what.” Bob, Frank, Mikey, and I said.

“I’ll have to show you when Jess gets back..”

We all heard Jess bounding down the stairs. “Kay well Donna’s going out.. So she’s not eating..“ We all where starring at Jess. “What?”

“Jess come here.” Ray motioned Jess forward.

“What's going on!?” Jess spoke firmly.

“Honey,” Jess looked at his eyes. I could see what she saw in them, lots of sorrow. Jess walked into him. He bent down and whispered something to her, too low for our hears.

“No!” She gasped. “Why would to bring that up! ―I told you not to worry!”

“Jess?” He pleaded.

“Fine.” She chocked back a sob. “I’m sorry you guys have to see this..” Jess put all of us in a line. She walked forward so she was in a clear view in front of all of s. She slowly turned around. She inhaled and took off her shirt and covered her self.

I looked over at Ray. He was silently crying, and looking at the floor. “What I don’t..” I looked over at Jess the scars and fresh cuts that where on her back were red. I managed to maintain my focus. Mikey started to walk backwards I looked over at him. Horror was all across his face. He started to stutter something. I looked around at all of my friends. Bob’s eyes were wide open and so was his mouth. I heard Frank sobbing beside me. I tried to focus again. I walked up closer to my sister. I could now see why everyone was acting up. The cuts on Jessie's back spelt Ray. I gasped in shock.

“Am I done being examined?”

Ray was the one to answer. “Yes sweetheart, you can put you shirt back on now..”

Jess slipped her shirt back on. “Okay, so lets get ready for Breaky fast!” Jess turned around with a big smile on her face. After she turned the smile disappeared. “Oh get over it you guys… Just cause Ray’s name-”

“Mine too…” Bob, Frank, and Mikey all said.

“Wha?” Jess’ voice jumped through and octave. “Hmph.. What ever.” Jess walked to the fridge. “Okay, so we need…” She opened the door, and pulled out half a Honeydew melon, one Grapefruit, a box of Strawberries, and Blueberries. “What type of waffles do you guys want?” Jess asked us. After she set the fruit on the table.

My mind was still thinking if my name was also tattooed on her back. I snapped out of it. “Oh just plain for me Jess..”

“I wawnt chocowate.” Frank shyly mumbled.

Jess broke into laughter. “Okay Fwankie!” Jess looked at all of us. None of us had moved. “Oh Frank I thought you where having fruit salad?”

“Oh ya?!” Frank yelled.

“Mikey, Gerard, Bob? You guys okay?” Jess asked us. “What do you want Bob, Mikey?”

“Chocolate please Jess.” Bob asked.

“Plain like Gerard.” Mikey said.

“Okay one or two.. or if you guys want three.”

I gave Jess the peace sign. “Okay Gerard wants two, and is the only one snapped out of it.”

“I didn’t see my name that’s why Jess.” I admitted.

“It’s up there Bro.” Mikey informed me, as Jess got a pack of waffles from the freezer.

“OH SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY BACK!” Jess screamed at all of us. “Look at what you did Ray.” Ray’s head bowed lower.

“Jess don’t blame him.” I pleaded.

“Don’t boss me around!” Jess shrieked, as she threw the pack of waffles at me. Tears were streaming down her face. She ran off to the living room.

Ray looked up. “Don’t defend me Gerard it is my fault, she’s right.” He ran off to Jess, I followed behind him. I stopped a fair distance from the living room. “Jess I’m sorry.” Ray apologized to Jess.

“No, I’m sorry for yelling at you like that, baby I’m really sorry.” Jess stood up from the love seat. She embraced him in a hug.

“Well I’m sorry too.” Ray mumbled into her hair. “―Breakfast?”

“Ya hang on..” Jess looked at me. “I’m sorry Gerard.” She said as she ran over to me.

“I wouldn’t blame you Jess. ―I’m hungry.” My stomach rumbled, and a few seconds after mine did Ray’s stomach rumbled too.

“Haha okay I’ll get started on it come on boys.” Jess walked toward the kitchen.

When we entered Mikey looked at us from the toaster. Frank looked up from the fruit he was cutting. All of the sudden there was a fooshing sound, we all looked over at Bob who was helping him self to whipped cream. “BOB!” We all out bursted at him.

“What?!” Bob said with a mouthful of whipped cream.

Jess shook her head. “Save some for the rest of us Bobert.”

“Kay, fwee fwuit sawads done.”Frank exclaimed.

“Yay Fwankie thank woo.” Jess shouted at Frank. “I’m sorry for spazing like that guys.”

“It’s not your fault.” Mikey mumbled.

“I know.. ―Can you guys- ” Jess was cut off by all of us.


“Well if you love the person then yes.” Jess boasted.

“You taught us that ya know.” Mikey and I informed.

“Well then you taught them it too?” I nodded, and Mikey grinned hugely.

Then the toaster popped. “Here Bob.”

“Sweet!” Bob ran over to Mikey. Mikey handed him a plate with four waffles on it. Bob being himself just poured on the whipped cream.

Mikey popped another four waffles into the toaster. “Kay you’re next Gee. And my self of course.”

“Thanks Mikey.” I said.

He smiled. “No problem.”

Bob started spraying more whipped cream on his waffles. “Bob, calm down on the whipped cream!” Jess yelled as she ran over to Bob and took the whipped cream from Bob. “We all need some… And uh―” She looked over at Ray.

“Okay I get it.” Bob said as he walked over to the dining room.

The toaster popped. “Kay Gee.” Mikey informed me.

“Jess where are the bowls?” Frank asked Jess.

“In the cupboard.” Jess pointed to the one closest to Mikey

“Oh okay. ―Mikey can you get me thr-” Mikey handed Frank three bowls, before Frank finished his sentence. “Thanks..?”

Ray’s tummy rumbled. Jess got closer to him, and slung her arms around his waist. “It’s okay. We’ll have the fruit first.” She smiled up at him.

He smiled too. “Okay.” He bend down and kissed her lips.

I couldn’t help but smile. I walked over to my little brother who passed me a plate with two waffles on it. “Thanks Mikes.”

“Here.” Frank set down two bowls of fruit on the table.

Jess let go of Ray and walked over to Frank. “Thanks Frankie.” She said then kissed his cheek. She skipped over to the table and plunked the whipped cream down onto the table.

Ray started to walk up to Frank. “Thanks Frankie.” He bent down to kiss his cheek.

“NOOO! Help me I’ll suffocate under his hair Jessie!” Frank had a girly fit.

Ray smiled. “I wouldn’t kiss you Frank jeez..” Ray went and sat down beside Jess. I sat across from Ray.

“Should we get Bob?” Mikey asked.

”Hello Robert.” I heard my mom talk to Bob in a seductive tone. I shivered at the thought.

“Nah. ―Mom is talking to him.” I hesitated.

“Oh okay.” Mikey shrugged and leaned against the counter with his waffles.

Ray took a whiff of the fruit that was in front of him. “Umm…” Jess was already chowing down the fruit.

She rolled her eyes. “What is it Simba?” She asked after she swallowed.

“Well uh.. I think this stuff has gone bad..?” He looked at her.

“How would you know?”

He looked down. “I guess I wouldn’t.”

Jess smiled and grabbed the whipped cream. “This will make it better.” He grabbed the whipped cream, and smiled back at her.

“Awh guys quit with the mushy stuff!” Frank exclaimed as he sat down.

“Ya.” Mikey managed to say with a full mouth.

“Michael that’s not polite.” Jess got at him.

“Wha?” Mikey opened his full mouth.

She shook her head, “Don’t talk with your mouth full, it’s rude.”

He nodded, and swallowed. “Sorry I forgot that I can’t act like a pig at home.” He said sarcastically.

Foosh Ray put whipped cream on his fruit and ate it with out a word. Jess was already done before Ray was even half way through his bowl. She got up and grabbed two waffles. “Ray you want two or one?”

“Jeez Nala I’m full.” He leaned back in his chair.

“Oh okay.” She shoved three waffles into the toaster. “I haven’t eaten in like two days I’m really hungry. ―You guys should come over more often.” Jess joked.

An awkward moment popped up after Jess had spoke none of us talked. ―The toaster popped two minutes after. Jess ripped one of the waffles in half and shoved it into her mouth. “Mmmmm.” She finished that half and shoved the other into her mouth as well. She ate the others like that too. She sat by Ray. “Now I’m stuffed.” She eyed the whipped cream. “Hmm..”

“What is it Jess?” I asked.

“Well I want whipped cream.” She pondered.

Ray grabbed it. “Open your mouth.” Jess flew her head back. “Kay you ready?”

“Yahuh.” He smiled and made a mountain in her mouth. She gagged. She tilted her head up, and tried to close her mouth.

He opened his mouth. “Wait Jess.” He warned her as she got closer. “This will prolly be mushy guys.”

“Eww.” Mikey and Frank said at the same time.

I just nodded. It made me very happy to see them so happy.

Ray opened his mouth wide. Jess put the whipped cream pile into his mouth. He bit off the whipped cream that was protruding from her mouth. They both swallowed.

“Yummy Jess.”

Jess giggled. “Ya it was..” She looked at him. “More mushy shtuff boys.” She caressed Ray’s face.

They leaned into each other, and kissed tenderly. “Mmmm.” Ray moaned. Their lips parted. “Jess you taste like waffles!”

I smiled. Then wiped out on my waffles.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the fuckin' huge wait guys, please don't hate me.
Love ya Ang.
Love you subscribers!
Hope you all got the hunor of the chapter.
The next chapter will be posted in a while..
