One Way or Another

Could It Get Any Hotter In Here?

Franks POV

So Mikes and I had just finished a puzzle. Ray and Jess where heavily into a discussion. I missed all of it. Then Gerard being as nosy as he is he got into the conversation then he ran up after Bob came down from fucking Mikey’s and Gerard’s mom.

“Do you guys really care?” Jess asked the lot of us.

“What do you mean Jess?” Mikey asked from looking at the squirrel on the puzzle that we did. “Ima gonna call him.. Theodore.”

I giggled. “His nickname is Teddy then!”

Mikey rolled his eyes. “Sure Frank.. ―So Jess what did you mean by that?”

“The negotiation.. I want to abolish it.” She hesitated.

“Oh okay sure, I’m fine with it.. But thank Bob for it.”

“Hehe yay! ―Thanks Bob for knocking sense into Mikey, and loosening up Donna.”

Bob looked around the room. “Um you’re welcome?”

Jess looked over at Ray. They smiled at each other. They almost kissed when Ray looked over at me.

“Frank what's the matter?” He asked me.

“Huh what?” I was dumbfounded.

“You’re bright red.” He stated.

Fuck exactly what I need! “Oh thanks Humpalumpafus.”

Jess turned around. “Awh Frankie do you have a lil’ gween monstewr on youwr back?”

Envious she thinks I’m envious!? ― that depends on who she’s talking about.. “What the fuck is that?”

“Are you jealous of a certain guy.?” She implied

Not of a certain guy.. “Nope.” I grinned.

“Then why are you red?” She asked with her head tilted to the side.

Should I tell every one that I’m bi and kinda have a teenage crush on him…? ― Hell no!”No reason..” I rubbed the back of my head. I could feel my self getting hotter.

“Frank spill it.” Bob was annoyed.

“Oh shut up you mother fucker.” I shouted at him.

“That’s no insult. ―You know that..” He smiled.

“It’s not my fault that I-!” I caught my self quick. Fuck that was close.. Too close. ―I can’t take this anymore!

“That you what Frank?” Jess said concerned.

“Nothin..” I hesitated.

Ray looked at me, straight into my eyes. I looked away real quick. I was sweating now. “Frank you alright?” Ray asked me.

I nodded.


I looked up for a quick second.

Mikey cleared his throat, every one tells Mikey every thing.. and when I say every thing I literarily mean every one and every thing! Mikey knew why I was acting up.

I had just discovered these feelings for Ray after he and Jess made love. I had cried when Ray moaned to Jessie's name and not mine. “It’s nothing Ray..”

“You sure bud?”

He called me bud.. ―Get over it! He’s called you bud since like forever! Frank get over it! He has Jessie! I yelled at my self. “One hundred percent fine.” I smiled up at him. Jess was giving me an awkward look. I sniffled. My face was getting hotter and hotter. I tried my best to smile at Jess.

“Hey Frank let’s go for a walk.” Mikey suggested.

“Okay.” I choked. It’s okay, they’ll still love you no matter what happens. Toughen up Frank. I soothed my self. “See you out side Mikey.” I quickly ran out side, I waited outside the door.

“Hey Mikes what was that all about?” Ray asked Mikey.

“I have no clue.. ―that’s why we’re goin’ for a walk..” Mikey defended.

“Oh okay. Bye I guess then.”

“Ya talk to you guys later..”

The door knob turned. I backed away as fast as I possibly could. Mikey slowly came through.

I burst into tears, as soon as we got to the side walk.

He pulled me into a hug. “It’s okay Frank.” He started to rub my back.

I wanted to talk but I just sobbed. ― After at least ten minutes of crying I stopped. “I am so happy for the two of them! ―It’s so awkward liking both of them!” We stopped at a bus stop bench two blocks away from The Way household.

“It’s okay Frank.”

“No it really isn’t.” I sniffled.

“Yes it is. Let’s go back.” He suggested.

I sniffled again. “Okay..” I quivered.

“Okay, you really have a crush on that ball of fluff?”

I nodded. “And Jess.. ―Every one knows that..” I attempted to grin my ear to ear smile.

Mikey rolled his eyes. “Lets go.”

We started the walk back. It had taken ten minutes to get there, but two to get back. God Mikey must hate me right now.. “Mikey do you hate me?” I asked.

“No.” Mikey said as he opened the door.

I nodded, and walked in. Jessie tackled me to the floor and kissed my cheek. “Fwankwynn!”

I giggled. “Hey Princess!” The floor wasn’t the most comfortable thing out there..

“You okay Fwank? ―Don’t scare me like that ever again.. Please?”

“Fineee!” I said like a toddler. There was this odd connection between me and Jess, talking like toddlers. I loved it to death though.

“Way!” She yelled.

Ray came from her room. “Yes Nala?”

She looked up at him. “Oh nothing. I wasn’t calling you haha.”

“Oh. ―” He looked down at us. “Getting a little cozy guys?”

Jess giggled. “Nooo.”

“Oh.. ― Jess I need to speak with Frank.”

Jess got off of me. “Kay.” She stood up and brought his head to her mouth. “Do what ever you need to. And don’t take too long.”

“Don’t worry Jessie Boo.”

Jess crossed her arms. “That’s Gerard’s nickname for me not you My Lion.”

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

I loved it when he didn’t care what she was saying. He was soo adorable. Frank he’s taken!!

Ray looked down at me. “You want help up bud?”

I nodded. “Ya huh..” I agreed very shyly.

He smiled that amazing smile that all of his fans love. “Okay.” He offered me his hand.

I gladly took it. When I was up I thanked him. “Thanks Torfro.”

He smiled once again. “Ya no prob. “ He opened up the outside door. “Lets go for a walk.”

Enough with the walks already!. I shrugged. “Okay.”

He smiled again. We walked out the door and he closed it behind us.

What a gentlemen..

“So Frank..” Ray shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants, and we started walking.

I looked at him. Does he find this awkward.. ―I wouldn’t blame him..[i/] “Yes Ray?”

“May I ask you a few questions?” He looked at me.

I quickly looked at the pavement.. “Um.. Just as long as I can stop when it gets to hard..”

“Ha ha ha.. Sure” Ray giggled his airy laugh.

We walked down half a block. I had assumed that Ray was thinking about some questions…

“Do you have a problem with me?” He asked out of the blue.

My eyes bulged. “NO I DON’T HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM WITH YOU I HAVE ONE WITH ME!!!” I exclaimed with great force.

“Haha okay I feel better about that now..” He smiled down at the pavement. “So why did you run out?”

Tell him or not… “Umm I don’t know if I should tell you…” I stammered.

“Oh c’mon!” He pleaded as we came up to a park.

I looked up and saw a jungle gym. “Race you Ray!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran for it. I looked back. He was gaining on me.

“Frank I’m gonna get you!” He smiled and screamed.

Of course I got there first a) because I am more aerodynamic and b) I started first. “Haha Ray! ―Beat you!”

Ray finally ran up to me winded. “Wow Frank that was fast.”

I grinned proud of the complement. “Thanks man.” I started to climb up on the half dome structure.

Ray followed me. “You can trust me.”

“I know. But I think you’d treat me different. ―And I don’t wanna be treated differently.” I admitted as I got to the top, I sat down.

“I won’t treat you different..” Ray plunked down beside me.

I looked down at my feet. “Ya you would.. Mikey does..”

“Well I’m not Mikey.” He stated firmly.

“Can I show you instead of tell you?” I hesitated. Yay! ―That is if he says yes..

He looked at me. “Sure I guess?”

I swallowed. “One hundred percent sure?”

He rolled his eyes. “Yes Frank.”

“Okay.. ― Look at me Ray.” He turned to face me. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his. This won’t be pretty.. His eyes franticly looked into mine switching back and forth, one eye to another. I started to lean into him. He relaxed. Okay at least he’ll let me show him. I stared into his eyes. “Are you okay?”

He nodded.

I continued. I scooted closer too him. His body heat was making me anxious. I put my left hand on the right side of his face. I pulled his face closer to mine. I kept looking into his eyes just in case he was going to freak out on me. I continued to inch closer to him. I shut my eyes. Our lips met. I attempted to kiss him passionately, he wasn’t co-operating as much as I liked. His lips where cold, it was making me frisky.

We kissed passionately. He licked my bottom lip which surprised me in every way possible. I opened my mouth instantly. Ray caressed my head, and I caressed his. Our tongues battled for dominance. His won because I was in utter and complete shock. He shoved his tongue down my throat, it felt good. Ray took control over all of it. He pinned me to the jungle gym, and started to suck on my neck.

“Oh god Ray don’t stop!” I moaned. He bit where he was sucking. “Mmmm..”

“Is that Ray Toro?” A female voiced asked.

“I think so…”[/I ]Another female responded to the question.

Ray stopped giving me a hickey. “I forgot sorry Frank.”

“You forgot what?” I grabbed a lock of his fro.

“Oh my god it’s Frank Iero and Ray Toro!” The two squealed.

I looked over at them, and winked. They ran away screaming. “So Ray what did you forget?”

“Jess..” He looked down, and released me.

“Oh ya Jess..” I was now glum.

“I thought you liked Jess.. Not me..” Ray looked at me.

I shook my head. “I like the two of you. ―And I am one hundred percent happy for you two.. It’s just odd being the one liking both of the people in a couple.. If it was with Lesbians then that wouldn’t be odd.. But it’s you and Jess..” I admitted.

“Oh I get it.” He agreed. “You wanna head back?”

I nodded and started to climb off the jungle gym. “We tell no one about this.. If anyone asks we talked.”

“Agreed. ―No that I didn’t like it or anything……” He started to climb off too.

“Oh same here. ―If you don’t mind me asking.. On a scale of one to ten how much did you like it?” I smiled as I reached the ground.

“Umm I’d have to say a seven.. ―You?” He jumped to the ground.

“Well… Like 9.9…” I blushed.

He put his arm around my shoulders. “Oh that’s good to hear. Am I a good kisser?”

“Why don’t you ask your girl friend that..?” I asked.

“I would, but you’re a guy so it’s kinda different..” We started walking back. to the Ways house.

“Oh.. I guess. ―I’ve never kissed any other guy than Gerard. And I don’t like him that way..” I shrugged.

He nodded thoughtfully. “Oh. Okay..”

We didn’t talk for the first little bit of our walk, but I decided that the silence was annoying. “Do you now regret?”

He looked at me then back into nowhere. “No.. It’s just that I think that Jess knew this was going to happen..”

The house was no in view. “Oh I guess this never happened..”

Ray looked at me. “What?”

I pointed at the house.

“Oh.. Ya I guess this never happened.” He smiled and kissed me on cheek. “You’ll get one of those from time to time on the various occasion.”

I smiled. “YAY!” I screamed and kissed his cheek.

Some one stepped out side of the Way house. “Who is that?” Ray asked me.

“How in the hell do you think I know?”

“I don’t know.. I was talking to my self!”

“Ima gonna find out first!” I shouted and ran up to the mystery person. “Oh Ray it’s Mikey.”

“Well who in the fuck do you think I was?!” Mikey exclaimed as he had a cigarette.

“Since when did you smoke?” I asked.

“What up Mikes?” Ray asked as he came into hearing/speaking range.

“Oh nothing much Toro, ―Mommy, Bob, Gee, and Jess are talking..” Mikey answered Ray first. “Oh Frank it’s pretty intense in there so I just grabbed one of Gerard's.”

I nodded. “Oh okay.”

“What are they talking about?” Ray asked concerned.

“Oh Mom wants to marry Bob, so does he.. That by it’s self is pretty fucked up.. ―Then Jess is … Jess is… Jess is… getting.. ― Gerard’s help with the whole abuse thing, and the moving out thing.. ―Oh! And before I forget.. Mommy didn’t know that you two got intimate.. She’s pissed at that…” Mikey made a sour face. “So I left.. I had no importance in there anyways..”

I looked up at the man that I recently fell in love with. “Ray you okay man?”

Ray’s eye brows were furrowed. He looked down at me. “Mmhmm…”

Damn I’m short! “You sure Toro?”

His eye brows loosened. “Ya, ― I was just thinking.”

“Oh.” I looked over at Mikey.

His eye brows where raised. “So um.. What did you guys do?”

“Um..” Ray looked at me. “You said Mikey treats you different..”

I smiled at Mikey.

“I guess every thing went good?”

“Tell no one.” Ray said sternly, putting my smile to an early grave.

“What he said.” I pointed at him.

Mikey nodded.

A creaking sound came out of nowhere. I looked past Mikey, the door was slowly opening. It was Gerard, he had a dead look on his face.

“Gerard what’s wrong!” I screamed at him.

His eyes flitted to me, he got paler. “M-M-M-Mikey.”

Mikey turned around to face his brother. “What..?”

“Come.” Mikey followed Gerard back in.

I skipped over to the lawn. “Come is Toro.”

He looked at me, smiled and sat down.

Jeez wonder what's going on in there..

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Hope you enjoyed.. My chapter.. It's kinda like a Fray.. WHICH I am so agianst.. :O Well okay not any more its hot!