One Way or Another

As Sweet As Sugar, Not..

Mikey’s POV

I walked in with Gerard. I had assumed that something bad was happening, but you know what they say about the word assume.. It makes an ass outta you and me.

Jess was still in the awkward position that made me leave in the first place. She looked up at me and smiled. Then she coughed. A little bit of stuff came out along with the cough. She got up and ran to the bathroom.

“Is she okay?” I asked hesitantly.

Gerard nodded. “We both saw something that we didn’t need to see…”


“Michael dear..” My mom started to say. “Jessica is now free to go, and Bob and I are together.”

“I had figured the you and Bob part..”

We heard Jess puking, I had guessed I was the only one that would have guessed that she could have been pregnant. Jess came out of the bathroom.

“Hehe whoops sorry bout leaving so rudely.” Jess apologized.

I smiled. You could tell that she was different. “Jess may I speak to you in private?”

She nodded and to me to her room. She opened the door. I went in, after I was in she came behind me and closed the door. I took a few steps forward. “So Mikey…”

I cleared my throat. “Yes, umm why where you throwing up?”

“I wouldn’t know..” She admitted.

“Sure you don’t.” I said sarcastically.

Her eyes widened. “You think I’m pregnant!”

“Well not exactly, but it is plauseable..”

“Well fuck you, a) I have no clue what that means.. and b) I know I’m not pregnant!”

“How would you know?”

She gritted her teeth. “I just know”

“How so?”

“Cause I’m awesome like that!”

“Well you’re not ready to be a mother yet, if you are pregnant!”

“I’d do anything for Ray. And he is already getting old as it is! ―And if I am pregnant I didn’t mean to get into this state!” She shouted at me. “― Jeez Louise always thinking about the worst case scenario aren’t ya?”

I shook my head. “Spaz down Jess…”

“Gwrr leave me alone! ―If you’re so concerned talk to Ray about it! ― NO I take that back!! ―Go ask ‘Mom’ a pregnancy test!”

I rolled my eyes. “Forget I said anything then..”

She started to pace along her room. “No. ―I’m not letting you get away that easy Michael. ―All thanks to you this will be on my mind till I find out whether I’m pregnant or not!!”

My heart sank. “Sorry Jess.”

She looked up from pacing the floor. “Awh I’m sorry too Mikey.” She came over and hugged me. “Oh and while I have you here, I was wondering what the Frank thing was about?”

Should I? ―Yes I should. I thought about the wording of it. When I had my thoughts gathered I spilt the ‘beans’. “Well Jess… ―Frank just found out he was bi.”

“OMG how long ago!” She intercepted.

“Lemme finish!”

She looked down. “Continue.”

“So as I said Frank just found out he was bi, he found this out when you and Ray had sex. ―And he realized that he had a fangirl crush on him.. Frank didn’t like that. ―Frank also didn’t like it when you destroyed the negotiation.” I stopped.

“I am such a horrible person!―” Jess pouted. “― Hang on does this mean something happened between Ray and Frank!?” She screamed at me.



I smiled.

“Oh fuck you.” She raced past me, and opened the door then slammed it behind her.

“Well this will be interesting..” I said to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
There ya go... Chapter 18 is in the works!!!
